A Plea for the Thoroughbred, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-19


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A PLEA FOR THE THOROUGHBRED An anient -pmi-iuan ami a irue lov.-r of the lh« Highbred lior-e. ami hi- |H-eserration in ihi- eountrv. lii -.nt io tm- Morninc Teiegraidi the foUowiug logical plea fot I return I hi- lavmili pa-lime: Hul i fe n week* ago the dailj pre** reported the return from Kun.p.- ..f a government iMiiiuinshm stent hr, III to -tuily iln ailvane. -- mail, in caralr* tac lies all, I eipiipiueill in the -i-ii-n.,- ill war. Alnm-i illill laneoii-ly III. pi,--- l. pulled on.- lnol.- of III..-.- • nal.le -hipiiienis of Aiii.iiiau thoroughhretl hoi-, - to IJiropoan piir.!ia-i i -. I ills,- two ii, -w - stories seem antithetical one to the ulnar. The givrernments purpose in sending it* • Iliniii — ion al,i.,.i.l wa- to ol,-.-ii- the latest in arm] mounts. ei|Hipuieiit. tallies, el,-., thai -u. h know i wlge niilii h.- applied to the betterment ,.t our -r i .- here. y. HeyiHid all other requirement* for an eaVienl ft "vairj are the l,.,is,.s. for the it|uipment of officers f ami men Horse* available for -ueli purp.-e are not nicked up n ,pi,az.-,,i iliroaglniul the eountrv. for it ,- lily l.v -p.-, -ml Itreetllug ami the inliisii f ■ hi.rouglilired liloml i til coarser *train* thai animal nl -unVieul stain imi and inlelligenei : n man, iM, I- ..in I..- ..I, la, ne, I "This la : naturall] h.-p.-ak- e-iahli-h. ,| place* ■I breeding and selected mares, t..,- the t borough bred i- not a gift ..I nature. I be product ..I -killed ■ • i.i ion ami rouaerval ion. Iloin time- t leinorial -el,ct.-,| -to, k in the e.piin. world has been -u. h .,- proved ley beautv of . -onion, , an.,, i. Heetuess of f,.,,: .urn general imelli -•io- that il mi- a snpe.ioi i p. ,,; annual, ami u, II, pittinu ..I ■ type i-,anisi motber in cuuipeti lion ul atTtrngth in, -p.-ed I he last Word in qualilv was determined. Thi* is horse racing. Ihe hrMncrat of snorts. "h-iginally much circumscribed, with the advance of man lli- Kporl I.e. am, re general, until In lliis eountry borne racing l,e,-ame a public in-t iiutimi. A- men am |inme In naxard a something of value mi the . orreetii, -s of their iudgnn-nt in mailer- i -uhje, -i to n difference of opinion, so early such ha/.iir.l became une feature of this pattietilar type of pasthue. Tin-, the Viin.e of betting. i- « liiliiiau and universal in h ami i- Ml pecnllat to the racing of il nghhreds. It- manifestation* are found In al! class** of -o.iil. al any :.,,. under sire— of excitement. Tt i- thi- weakness t»f hOaann nature — if weak n,s- it be- that ha.- brought condemns tor h-i-- laiimi u| Ihe racing of horaea. and retntltlng in the li si in, lion ; the Industry of horse breeding. I,. i|,-tr., a parasitic growth upon tin tree* the i -t i- relied. The Inevftame fruits of thi* legl* la live hysteria may Im- anted weekly in the depletion of the thorougtahreii ranis- h sales to Europe for the governments a, r,-s the aea are only loo glad t" prowl bj tin unwisdom of their greitewi rival. "Thi- h.s- of blooded -i.sk is one thai years ul labor alone can rectify, and solel in the |..-- .. ..-i.-iir. mount* for th.- army is ■ 1,,— that seems well-nigh ii K-parahl. "The hour snreij hi- arrived for reason again to assert Itself and for LegWalnres to lake cognizant-, ..f the ilesirueii.ii .,! such an Important industry as horse breeding and to am, -ml or repeal the unequal law- thai had no purpose in their enactment nave to accede to an hour of legislative emotional ism."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913021901/drf1913021901_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1913021901_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800