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BREEDING BUREAU EXTENDING ITS SCOPE J Montreal Que April 21 That Canada is taking a great forward stride in tlie mater of solving the remount problem of the British Empire is shown by events of the past week On Thursday the Min ¬ ister of Militia and Defense met representatives of the National Live Slock Exchange and an arrange went was reached whereby that company gets 05 000 acres of ranch land in Alberta at a nominal rental for twentyone veais This ranch is fortynine miles north of Medicine Hat In the fork of the Red Deer and Saskatchewan rivers In return for the use of this land the exchange agrees to purchase halfbred yearlings by Canadian Breeding Bureau thorough ¬ bred sires hold and mature them until they are three years ol and then give the Canadian govern ¬ ment first call and fho English War Ollice second call The Alberta ranch will lx fenced at once and proper buildings erected Buyers are already out looking yearlingsThe over tlie halfbred yearlings The result of this movement can scarcely be over ¬ estimated and its good results will be felt In all parts of Canada It means first of all quick cahh returns to small farmers and breeders It means the right kind of cavalry light artillery and trallic horse for Canada and England iu numbers sufficient to solve a problem which has bothered the empire for thirty years and which was never so acute as at tlie present moment It fits in with the nationwide movement in favor of the conservation of the land by the encouragement of mixed farming and it saves the horse breeder from the crisis of the motor which is whirring at the heels of every other brcedexcei t ing the halfbred halfbredTlie Tlie National Live Stock Exchange has its work cut out and is prepared to tackle it with energy Its directors include Hon Clifford Sifton Mnj G W Stephens Sir Rodolplie Forget M J OBrien J F Ryan F W Rons D Raymond and Dr J Rutherford Some of these names will be fa ¬ miliar lo those thousands of Canadians who are in ¬ terested i Canadian breeding bureau work for al ¬ though the exchange is an entirely separate company from the noncommercial National bureau It lias on ifs board men who have helped tlie bureau through and its manager J F Ryan is tlie founder of the bureau bureauTho Tho authorized capital of tlie exchange Is 2000 000 In 1114 a second range will be opened in Britisli Columbia and the ultimate aim is to collect 5000 yearlings annually This seems a large num ¬ ber but is not impossible when the work of tho breeding bureau is taken into consideration The way the bureau crop has multiplied amazes even those enthusiasts who make up its board A com ¬ parison of tbe Canadian bureau with tlie world famous Trakelmeii Imperial Stud in East Prussia is Interesting Tlie German establishment is a hoary enterprise while the Canadian bureau is in its infancy One hundred and fifty years ago Frederick the Great was sent there by his stern father to study horse breeding and to forget Paris After the Napoleonic invasion the work lapsed but for over forty years since tho close of the Franco Prussian war no effort has been spared by the Ger ¬ man government to make Trakchncn a great success Tlie Canadian bureau is only five years old but its yearly produce right now is six times as great qs at Trakehuen and it is conducted on the same lines Trakelmeii pursues the only safe policy and uses only thoroughbred sires The Canadian bureau sires are conclusively thoroughbred Trakelmeii prides itself on having a grandson of St Simon the Cana ¬ dian bureau has six sires of that strain It also lias nine of the Bend Or stallion line which is con ¬ sidered a notch or two ahead of St Simon blood as a cross for coldblooded mares maresTrakehnen Trakehnen has German science and the German government behind it Tlie Canadian bureau is in close touch with scientists all over tho world On its consulting list aro men famous in bjology chem ¬ istry botany and eugenics Every man who breeds a bureau foal and registers it is a field worker Tlie German cinporor has a perfect system confined in a small siiaee Canada has the same system with Prince Edward Island as an eastern base and only the Pacific ocean stopping its western advance advanceThe The German government loyally supports its Trik ehnen and every other progressive government is doing something similar The Canadian government is just as loyal The Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Militia and Denfeuse are especially helping out No man can say what great good will result There are now nearly a million dollars worth of young remounts in Canada What will the value of tho crop be in thirty years the originators of the plan are wondering