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H I LLCREST PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. Ont., Monday, October 6, 1913. Sixth day. Toronto Driving Club. Second Meeting of 7 davs. 14 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Ed Cole. Starter. William Mur-rav. Racitur Secretary. AV. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15. 11893 First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. Net value to wluner 10; second, 1913.sh0; third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 11755 Ratigau 114 1 Fnklin 6 S 3 3-2 llR133Toin Hancock 110 2s AFson 21 2 4-5 out 11534 Dead Ixiss 10S 33 CJksn 3 4 2 1 11831 Private Cheer 101 4 DMcCy 5 G 2 1 i813 Caraquet 101 5 FMoore 1 3-2 1-2 out 11813 Panama 110 G Cdwell 15 20 7 3 11813 Mary Piekfd 110 FelLAms 5 3 11-2 Time. 1:18. Track fast. Winner Sunnyside Stables b. g, by Elkhoru Miss Kinney trained by J. Charles. AVenl to lost at 2:24. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won pulled up; second and third driving. Overweights Dead Loss, 4 pounds. 11894 Second Race Alwut 5-S Mile. Purse 00. ;t-vear-obls and upward. Selling. Net value to W winner 10; second. 1913.sh0: third, 0. linl. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 11832 Mrs. Lally 103 ll FMoore 15 15 5 2 118G4 Mav Bride 107 23 CJksn 5 3 1 1-2 11231Siuasli 103 3i ECartr 3 3 11-2 11832 Dora M. Lutz 101 4 AFson 8 12 4 2 11832 Outclassed -114 53 Fnklin 12 12 4 2 11833 Sthern Shore 107 ii- HWsn 3 3 11-2 11811 Laura A. 110 71 AHanr 15 20 7 3 11811 Ponv Girl 107 Si DMcCy 5 G 2 1 11832 Ossabar 111 9 Cdwell S 10 4 2 11864 Sea Swell 110 10 Bedell G G 2 1 Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner J. H. Latins b. f. .!, by Miller Magna Stella trained by J. H. Lavin. Went to post at 2:50. At post 5 minutes. Start gond Won easilv; second and third driving. Overweights Smash. 5 jiouuds; Dora M. Lutz, 1; Outclassed, 3; Laura A., :i; Ossabar. 4. 11895 Third Race Alout 5-S Mile. Purse 00. !!-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, : third, 530. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 118G4:Sunguide 110 l1 FMoore 3-2 3-2 1-2 out 11864 Alooha 111 2l. Cdwell 4 5 2 1 118643Danville II. Ill 3- HAVsn 3 4 2 1 11866 Christ. Daisy 111 4l CJksn 3 2 3-5 out 11833Casanova 107 5 DMcCy G G 2 3-3 11864 Sheriff Nolte 111 6 Bedell 10 12 4 2 Time, 1:01. Track fast. Winner F. Beresfords br. c, 3, by Ildritn Sundial trained by C. Reynolds. Went to post at 3:15. At iost .! minutes. Start good Won handilv: second and third driving. Scratched 11 75G Hildas Sister. 107: 11S04 Rustl-cana. 111; HS04Constituent, 110; HSU Tiny Tim. 107. 11S96 Fourth Race About 5-S Mile. Purse .00. ."vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 1913.sh0: third, 0. Ind Horse. Wt.Ftii.Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 118G7 Jennie Wells 109 1 AFson 8 G 2 1 11834 Sati 100 23 AHanr 6 10 4 2 11835 Golden Ruby 111 31 Bedell 3 4 2 1 11778 Lucetta 10! 4" FMoore G S 3 3-2 11818 Mother 113 5h Fnklin G S 3 3-2 11818 Toison dOr 111 G3 Cdwell 21 3 1 1-2 11777 Paul Davis 10! 73 CJksn 12 10 4 2 11776 Fundamental 100 8 Mpole 21 3-2 1-2 out Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner A. .T. Karrs b. m. 1. by Gerolstein Zer-line trained by R. Burkley. Went to post at 3:40. At post 3 minutes. Start Ioor. Won handily: second and third driving; Scratched HSOaMaurice Reed. 10!. Overweights Golden Ruby, 2 pounds: Mother, 4; Toison dOr, 2. 11897 Fifth Race About fl-S; Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1913.sh0: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 11777Brightstouc 107 l3 Shnon 3 4 2 1 11866;Ielicious 107 2nt AHanr 2 3-2 1-2 out 118372Red River 111 31 FMoore 21 3 G-5 1-2 118653Irishtown 111 4J Bedell G G 2 1 11866 Miss Duliu 111 5 CJksn 5 5 3-2 1-2 11865 Philopena 111 C3 Mpole 8 12 4 2 11864 Poukatassct 110 7 AFson 10 G 2 4-5 Time. 1:01. Track fast. AViuner H. 15. Gorins b. f. 3, by Dcutschland Bellona trained by E. Horton. Went to post at 4: OS. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Scratched 118Delfghtful, 111; 11S05 Shrcve. Ill; 11SU5 Donovan. 111. Overweights Philopena, 5 pounds; Ponkatasset, 3. 11898 Sixth Race 7-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second 1913.sh0; third. $.".0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 11763 Rose Oueil 112 li Mpole 8 8 3 3-2 11816I!lack Branch 112 2l CJksn 3-2 4-5 out 11781 Curious 112 31 AFson 4 4 2 1 11870Dalioniey Boy 112 43 Cdwell 5 5 2 1 11759 Ynca 112 51 FMoore 5 4 3-2 2-3 11783Letourno 115 G Fnklin 21 3 1 1-2 Time, 1:32. Track fast. Winner Striker and Shannons h. m, 5, by Captain Sicsbec Bink trained by I. Striker. Went to post at 4:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched 11S70CHIT Top, 112. 11899 Seventh Race 1 1-lG Miles. Purse 00. 3--vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1913.sh0: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 11868 Cassowary 111 l2 Cdwell 3 S 3 3-2 11859 Our Nugget 111 2 Bedell 8 G 2 1 11837, Str Ashland 107 33 CJksn G 6 2 1 118583Pierro Dumaslll 4 FMoore 2 2 1 1-2 11 870 "Tackle 111 51 AFson G 6 2 1 11817 L. larchnt 107 G Mpole 10 12 4 2 11703 Barn Dance 113 7 Fnklin 5 5 2 1 11815 Mirdli lllPu.up. AHcr 6 G 2 1 Time, 1:58. Track- fast. Winner C. Hausers br. g, by Giganteum Hot Bird trained by C. Ilauser. Went to post at 5:00. At post 1 minutes. Start bad. AVon easing up; second and third driving. Scratched 11S10 Portarlington, 102; 11S09 Dr. Holzberg, 111. Overweights Barn Dance, 2 pounds. 11900 Eighth Race C 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 1913.sh0; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 118343Nila 111 l4 Cdwell 3 3 1 1-2 11778 Donation 10S 2" CJksn 10 8 3 3-2 118363Dorothy Webb 108 3 FMoore 8 10 4 2 11763Gagnant 10S Fell. AFson S 10 4 2 11779 RaleighP.D. 115 Fell.Fnklin 1 1 1-2 out 11836:!Sweet Owen 111 Fell.Bedell 6 5 2 4-5 11868 McCreary 112 Fell. AHanr 4 6 2 1 Time. 1:26. Track fast. Winner J. H. Moodys b. in. i. by Fair Order Golden Harvest trained by J. H. Moody. Start good. Won pulled up; second and third dri-ing. Scratched 118C7 Aaukeelotus. 10S: 11S70 Cynosure, 10S: 11S70 Modern Priscilla, 10S. Overweights Nila, 3 iounds.