Successful -American Sires of the Past Seven Years, Daily Racing Form, 1914-02-27

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1 ? , 1 1 j . , , , c , J J J 1 I I I I I 1 ; J i : ; : : : ; 1 " I : 1 , 1 i 1 ; r ! , . I t i a I SUCCESSFUL AMERICAN SIRES OF THE PAST SEVEN YEARS J " Statistics of the last seven years show conclusively that those owners who were fortunate enough to is in possession of sous and daughters of Hastings had good reason to congratulate themselves. In that space of time his progeny rau up a total of money won in excess of a half million dollars. Hastings is f getting along in years and must soon pass, but he and his brother Plaudit have doue much for the replenishment and improvement of American blood stock and are today the best representatives of Australian in the stud. Next to Hastings is the younger sire, Star Shoot, with a remarkably good showing and giving romise through Uncle that his sons are to prove of great value in future stud service. Star Charter was rot gifted with Uncles great speed, but was a gallant stayer and in time should make good as Uncle has in his first season. The pride of Harney Schreihers heart, the richly -bred Sain, is third in this honor roll and may yet send another like Jack Atkin to the races. Only the three have more than 400,000 to their credit, but, considering that the period named covers the lean years of our racing, their showing is credita- hie to the highest degree. Nearly all the living stallions in the following big list are now fifteen years old and over. Some are dead and some, Rock Sand, Meddler and Adam, for instance, have been sent abroad. It follows naturally that in a few years a new list will he contending for the favor of breeders. Uncle is the youngest horse in ! the list, having been foaled in li0r. The others that were foaled in 1!KK and since are Fatherless, Broomstick. Golden .Maxim, Dick Welles, Ort Wells, Marchtnont II.. Martinet, Hryn Mawr and Mexican, all of which are making their mark. Students of breeding will find the following table of interest: Total Sires and Year Foaled. 1007. 190S. 1000. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1913. Winnings. Hastings 1893 17,710 54,001 $ 53,875 $ bM.SOl o0,l7 $ 40,585 $ :;ti,2S7 tf5ir,r.S.". Star Shoot 1S0S !tJ,r.21 .V.1,727 71.4:r. 54,500 5:!,S1I5 70,0":; i;S.407 481,557 . .sain dsoi i:;.-i,2o; 101,170 cs.srr r.o.voi ::7,:;ot :ti,2ii 2:s,8;:: 457.11M Commando 180S; 270,472 Ol.COn 0,:!40 O.IHJO JI.OCO M05 ::.Sl,2:t2 ; Vsarion 1S02 80,2:U 45,4515 57.100 50,73i J5,7::2 42,108 Il.:!20 :;71,77:5 IJaudit 1805 tiO,."!5i5 !I0,:!77 72,20:5 42,05:5 ::0,510 IS.S72 :52,t5GS 57,050 Ogden 1S91 1C.,5;5 KIO.OOO :!2,8tiS 20,0l!5 20,002 :!0,477 70,550 :!41,o25 Woolsthorpe 1888 ;i;,7H5 58,5;5 75,140 48,270 27,017 .58,010 22,027 :5:!5,S0ti j Voter 1S0I 81,040 02.581 40,100 ;!1,045 24,84 1 21,108 10,175 :517,7.V. Ornament ISM 00,800 50.0S5 52.410 41,125 22,020 21.52S :!0,850 20S.4H5 Yankee 1800 45,404 28.080 OIJ.OIO 45,757 :M,45ti :;S,777 40,512 207.S50 Hen Hrusli 189:5 .58,071 iTJ.OOS 75,47:5 52,217 15,:542 I2.4H5 .51,188 288.015 Hen Strome 18St! Ol.tKIO 41.15.5 .5::,1S5 28,897 2."i,t;o:! :!2,710 2.:,:579 270,055 Hamburg isor.j 77,::oo 58.ooi ::;,::i5 11,705 :!i,so5 ic.iso 40.;so 275,221; I.i-p oDav; ::i,ooo 27,522 25,n:;o 20,785 22.122 4s,9i2 co.icc. 255,:527 Disguise 1.S97I 20,5:50 119,2:4 20.1S5 550,220 7,:KI0 11,450 22,411 240.440 H. iniioekbiini ISO.-. ::o,255 2S.S14 ::i.7io ::7,iNr5 ::i,557 ::7,:527 :;o,402 2:50,750 Seiiiiiiouius 1801 20.200 ::i,575 .SCi.OSO 51.252 25,814 17.211 29.782 222,514 Mazagan 1890 :54,812 47,724 22.045 28,124 2S,2:50 :;i,570 28.800 221.:574 ICiiigston 1881 57,70:; 2i,72C. 28,2:50 S5.220 S.870 7,I9S 2,210 210,157 Fatherless 1890 48,754 :;7.910 2;5,9;0 IS.Oll 21550 28,724 30.040 20S,7!4 Knight of the Thistle 1S9:5. 54,105 :i9,72;5 25,755 20,917 27,104 19,590 12,55:5 205,747 Hrootnstick 1901 5.IS0 17,298 :53,918 00,..43 70,009 1S5.74S Plumules 1S97 2S,::04 47,:!95 29,:!45 17,!I09 20.79S 1S.2S0 17,010 lS5,71o Solitaire H. 1S9G 27,350 33,900 32,415 10,590 20,225 20,139 25.1S3 1S1.SSS Nasturtium 1S99 40,324 34,041 14,505 10,474 10,094 25,392 25,943 179,433 The Commoner 1892 41,017 9,201 1S.905 34,571 24.9S7 24,419 23,914 177,174 Iessara 1SSS 70,570 00.44S 18,100 14,075 S.197 2,37o 174,425 Kthelbert 1S915 9,393 18,950 54,517 34,990 17,397 20,725 14,853 170.S31 Sir Dixon 1SS5 GS.lSf - 1S.S.;0 20.0S5 I9.S1C 20.S94 lO.CtiO 9.C0C 107,501 Watercress 1S89 53,033 38,840 19,415 10.32S lfi.SOO 0.743 S.054 I59.S25 Meddler 1S90 48.971 35.S21 41,215 12,130 .8,299 5,109 4.015 155,020 tioMen Carter 1SSS 80,105 15.47S 17,375 12.81S 9,904 10.043 9,200 155.043 Canard 1899i 7,835 2S.350 21,870 23,594 24,527 41.3S0 147,555 Oddfellow 1887i 17.878 27,975 30,325 10.554 11.2S2 21,245 21.S23 141.0S2 ISoval F.ush III. 1S93 50,59! 32,040 22.110 !,28S 5,081 0.3SO 12,053 i:5.8,2Sl Clifford 1S!I0 20,310 1!.S71 18.240 17.215 10,540 19,14! 24,530 135.SC1 Coldcrest 1S93 25.105 20,050 22,100 3.1,742 15,190 9,455 9,301 133,07:5 Sorcerer 1SS9 31.00S 37,225 21.318 11.013 11,058 10.330 5,100 12S.292 ITandsel 1895 25,742 20,93:5 21.750 14.457 11.857 17.S05 14,457 127,001 Marta Santa 1890 1 18,399 8,910 5,205 9,305 33.915 43.740 120,504 Gcrolstein llS95i 47.3S5 32,700 S.4S0 10,137 7,070 8.252 2,801 1H!,S;51 Ornus 1891 li.799 10,720 2!.07 32,392 10,314 8.545 9,807 113,545 Sandringham 1895 23,555 .59,972 7,050 9,075 14,107 0,410 9,240 110,059 Husself 18SS 3S.S25 13,715 0,370 13,002 12.0S8 8,900 10.003 109,023 Toddington 1S9S 3:;,979 31,490 20.9h" i.155 5.438 0.142 5,217 109.3S0 Handspring 1893 4S,939 24,579 !.570 11,299 0,951 1,550 3,470 100.55S Albert 18S2 : . . 3!,143 2-1. SIM 11,875 15,790 4,555 2.S50 4.S20 103.S07 Alveseot 1897 13,000 13,940 11,255 10,029 14,040 1S.122 15.509 103.101 Hlues 189S 11.504 18.192 15,225 13,903 1S.02S 15,251 8,415 101,188 Oolden Maxim 1900 10.535 12,075 .30,015 25,905 10,279 S.973 98,190 Orlando IS!! 12.875 12,210 14,705 14.752 7,S23 14.S07 19,005 90,235 Masetlo 1.888 22.52S 24.717 13,210 5,194 14,057 13,458 2,350 95,544 Dick Welles 1!MK 9,255 10.935 5.094 10.722 19,133 42,310 93,479 Galore 1885 19,915 1S.2S8 15,595 15,790 15,145 4.000 3,987 92.4S0 C.iiiopus 1895 19,190 27.7S0 18.215 9.249 0,470 0.900 4,045 92.455 Sralwart 1901 5.790 1S.732 25,087 41,183 92.392 Galveston 1S97 7,080 11.1515 24,555 10.400 15,527 9,499 5.2S0 91.555 Octagon 18!t 12,520 1S.091 21.:555 17.7S.3 9,113 5.7S9 4,.!39 SS.990 I. issal; 1S!2 25.S54 14,451 10.105 5,252 7.00t 13,902 11.235 S7.933 Rubicon 1891 10,435 25,035 15.705 S.202 S.295 5.235 0,295 80,202 Previous 1895 1S.3S7 21,921 15,800 4.015 0.312 10.407 S.S50 S5.752 Ilisoldsbv 1892 1-1.752 15,900 12.020 17.3S4 15,435 4.735 4.410 85,253 Pirate oV Penzance 1882 .. 45.1550 19,755 7.S05 8,239 1,080 1.474 920 S5.013 Filigrane 18!Mi 9.405 3.230 7.700 11,50:5 13.795 15.250 22.117 S4.000 Lacklord 1895 9.045 S.1S0 10.235 25.190 15.191 5,20:5 10,729 S-!,773 Garry Herrmann 1898 12,5597 .5.075 7.750 15,21! 25.444 S.057 10.4S7 S3.429 Isidor 1894 0.400 5,315 11.505 17,040 19,010 9,702 12,444 82,112 : Allan-a-Dale 1S99 0.450 10,045 9,005 7.930 12,025 9,555 1S.77S S1.5S8 Star Rubv 1892 22,205 15.7S9 11.070 12.59:5 S.S10 0,002 3.7S3 80,313 Gold Heels 1S9S 5,015 S.G23 15,305 10.452 14.33S 10.253 S.450 SO.OKi Hassetlaw 1890 27,310 7.042 3.145 4,390 7,270 0.S25 21.505 77.4S7 P.elvidere ISSll 53,S14 13,095 7,100 l,73!l 115 830 70.S53 : Rock Sand 1900 24,285 15.511 17.155 19.4S5 75,440 Adam 1902 45.590 19,190 S.072 1,325 74.777 Leonid 1 S9it 1,500 10.005 13.S57 1S.917 13,222 13,355 71,520 ; Gigauteiim 1S91 20.518 13,043 9.310 15,225 0,430 3,200 2.450 7O.S70 Collar 1S95 59,121 10.070 295 75 70,101 Greenan 1S95 21,051 21.14S 12.300 8,535 55.001 1,421 250 0S.430 1 Rox 1S94 S.373 14.S09 15,015 8,949 7.9S5 0.870 5.S00 O7.S01 Poiltiac 1SS1 15,510 22.708 5.535 7.000 5.795 4.5S5 3,505 00,759 1 Handsome 1S92 2!t,4S2 15.500 0.245 3.S25 2,335 4.455 3.035 01.SS7 Ooldtitich 1889 2S.999 1S.277 H.550 2.320 875 1.135 2.505 54.S21 Ilernience 1883 21.12! 12.S05 13.390 5,250 5.005 3,070 3,300 M.009 1 Abe Frank 1S99 2.525 0.199 7.415 350 10.785 15.207 21,058 03,539 1 Jack Point 1S9I5 0.190 5,725 0.185 0,335 8.159 11,510 19,255 03.300 1 Orsini 1S90 9,975 15,255 12,3oO 7.510 5.440 5.471 0.330 53,281 The Friar 1S94 18,347 10.073 S.505 9.770 5,372 5.255 5.105 02.437 St. AvonietiR 1897 10.010 22,155 5.450 1,105 1,070 11.448 S.S47 02.375 1 Dieiidoiuie 1895 13.110 15,255 7.055 S.702 5.302 8.095 3.290 02,009 1 .Marclimont II. 1900 3,079 9.830 12.555 7.312 10,542 12,005 01,933 Juvenal 1SS9 13,328 15,558 5.950 7.423 3.455 7.537 7,575 01.820 Martinet 1900 7.120 10.035 9,350 34.023 00.52S Halgowau 1SSS 11,205 9.900 10.1S5 9.255 S.l.IO 5.910 5.405 00,127 Wadsworth 1SS9 !,077 5.S19 8,125 2,170 S.079 15.417 9.145 59,432 ! Ort Wells 1901 910. 1.S30 9,2.30 20.211 20,772 58,953 ! Contestor 1897 CS35 4,909 9.950 5.301 3.0S2 5.855 21.005 5S.537 Pink Coat 1S95 13.015 25,791 3.795 4.315 050 2.515 7.915 5S.12G ! Macy 1894 17,020 7.520 4.435 9.SS5 11.340 4,525 2.0S0 57,417 ncno 1S99 S.S55 5,505 5.930 11.355 5,873 2,059 11.142 5!,S29 1 Kddie Jones 1S95 11.S70 7,855 13.840 7.350 7,195 .1.985 1.S75 55,970 1 Kisniet. by Melton 1SS3.. 14.525 8.0S0 9.515 5.770 4.4S5 7,520 5.400 55,955 ! Free Knight 1SS3 12,440 9,537 12.755 7.110 5,402 0,371 1,150 55,705 i Lord Esterling 18S7 10,001 12,231 9.S30 5.475 4.294 0,140 5.2S3 54.S54 Armeath II 7lS9S S70 7.S15 C.OGO 4.255 5,095 12,005 15,070 54,000 1 Hanastar 1S95 10,090 10,070 17.982 9.793 2,735 S05 1,075 53,750 I lamplighter 1SS9 2S.503 12,9S9 0,255 1.505 1,535 1,575 975 53,497 St Gatien 1SS1 12,058 12.S07 13.W0 0.00! 3.K 1.275 4.400 53.394 Prince of Mellwurne 1S97. 9,975 7,030 S.295 5.357 5,830 S.125 8,705 53.327 Griffon 1S97 ........... "90 o!035 S.075 S.700 0,090 4,:584 4.5S0 53.200 Cactus II 1S9S 9.092 7.254 4.295 5.S2S 12.191 5,317 2.830 53.19S Mir ful : Visas 22,010 10.772 7,130 1.555 3,095 930 0S5 52.777 Rapallo 1S94 30,347 11,002 3.490 1,005 75 52,579 Rockton 1S97 1.770 5.095 4.145 7.085 14.447 10.23S S.755 52.135 Hoanerges 1S94 M.S37 12,109 2,455 3,720 4,784 2.140 11.887 51.992 AUimax 1S94 14,010 11,255 5.325 0.S30 4.790 0.140 3.490 51.S10 Hawkswiek 1S90 0,970 14.SS0 7.205 7,055 7.042 4.9S5 3,000 51,737 RriiPewater 1S94 9.174 5.555 3.120 10.7SO 8.0SO 11.S10 2.035 51,500 Cliuctanunda 1S9S ."5.42.1 0.580 3,330 10.S90 7.033 8,921 10.010 50.7S9 Piirvcar D 1SS9 3,485 50 10.S42 13,070 15.708 0,994 50,749 Sombrero 1899 OOO 0,150 5,010 9,940 4,595 3.S90 10.180 49,705 Waterbor 1S99 .695 8,400 12,070 5.4S0 5,397 9.4SG 49.534 Atheline aSS3 24.553 10.S90 5.C75 5,920 040 15 ...... 47.093 K nfer Mack 1S9G 14,470 24,029 6,220 2.450 163 47.434 Hryn Mawr 1901 1.720 6,333 9.6S0 10,221 17.203 45.157 Montana 1SSS 16.220 21.095 3,210 2.2S0 1,035 25 5G5 44.430 Sract JlSOl SS 350 C390 .070 5.245 0.710 44.407 Uncle 1905 44.122 44,122 Chilton 1S99 .472 5.955 S.270 2.985 10,517 8.0S9 42.S8S o"sarv 1S9G 2,025 3.790 12,060 9,965 3,905 0,480 4,180 42,405 Compute 1S99 17.565 16.222 4.S05 1,320 1,320 SOS 50 42,177 Ma imas 1S96 S.195 4,725 7,505 190 4.990 7,775 8,165 42,045 lean Bereaiid 1S9C 8,726 6.3G5 5,230 7,800 3,396 3.310 7,050 41.S77 ilermU 1S99 1.439 6 204 13.6S6 20.4G2 41.791 Smile 1S9S UeO 3.610 7,065 S.383 5,110 4.915 6,615 41,458 Ahrol 1S94 9,535 7.010 6.875 9,5540 4.235 3.475 740 41.210 Mexican 1900 2.347 11.5.85 11,560 " 8.612 5,489 1.4S0 41,073 St Carlo 1S87 12.783 14,713 7.290 2.655 2.305 825 445 41.026 First Mate 1S93 fi.54S 10.S55 8.120 7,635 2.345 2,539 3.045 40.087 Bonnie Joe 1894 2,775 2,400 3.S70 2,410 0,794 7.060 14,685 40,000 1

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