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DAILY RACING rORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Oaily Racing Form Pubiishintf. Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Kilt tor anil Proprietor. P. IT. Brunell. Associate Editor, Cliuton C. Uilcy. Secretary, Mrs. P. II. Brunell. Entered as second-class matter, April 2. 1S0G, at the post-oOico at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1S79. HACK NUMBERS 5 CENTS EACH. If scut by mail first-class only six cents. TERMS: Per Week $ .50 Per Month 1.50 Half Year 0.00 One Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters lirst-class mail. Daily Racing Porni Publishing Co. prefers to sew! ."ingle copies as tirst-class mail in all cases. local subscriptions outside the down-town district will be declined at other than lirst-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. r - CHICAGO. ILLINOIS, FEBRFARY 27, 1014.