Charleston Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-03-05

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CHARLESTON FORM CHART CHARLESTON, S. C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914. Palmetto Park. Seventv-iitnth day. Charleston lair and Racing Association.. Winter Meeting of 100 days. 10 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. C. H. Pettingill. Presiding Judge. .Martin Nathanson. Starter. James Milton. Rae- .iig secretary. .Martin Xalhansoii. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1 QftQ7 1THST KACE 1-2 Mile. 1741 17:.i 2 101!. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. .Maidens. -L gJV-lgJ i Allowances. Not value to winner 25; second. 0: third. hB5. ndcx Horses AWtPPSt ?.j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13591 MAY SHAW w 112 3 3 1. 1 l"t p Teahan X 15 Davis 20 20 15 G 3 13495J.IIM SAVAGE wit 115 S 7 31 Is 2 W Obert II G Bedwell 5 5 4.1 9-5 4-5 ias9i-.MOSCOWA w 115 i 4 43 S"k 3 .1 Ilanovcrli Colston 3 3 21 1 2-5 13591 SPLITTT w 100 11 O 41 C Turner T J Brown 3 4.1 1J 2 1 iii 1 MAV !, 7 s ri " E Martin I M Hedrick GO CO CO 25 12 lo547 -SURGEON- w 107 4 2 i 0 Ci II Wolfe S Ross 10 15 12 5 21 1K- WARRICK w 103 10 9 7U S- 7- AV Doyle J S Tyree 10 CO CO 25 12 13013 NEVA II. GOKIX w 00 1 10 91 91 S1 J Callalianll B Gorin 10 12 10 4 2 1349b COAIMONADA w 105 5 1 51 71 0- M Buxton It J Austin 4 5 4 S-5 4-5 135-17 DOM MORAX w 00 2 5 10s 10- 10 F Moore J -H Mead 50 100 100 40 20 SANTA MAKIA w 99 0 11 11 11 11 C Irvin P L Short 30 CO CO 25 12 Time. 12, 24, 51. Track slow. Winner--Cli. f, by Golden Maxim Lacona trained by S. IIess. Went to post at :!:01. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving; second and third the " - MAY SHAW, lucky all the way, was sent itno the lead soon after the start and, escaping interference, held sway throughout. JIM SAVAGE was forced to go wide on the stretch turn and came with a nisn through the last eighth. MOSCOWA was almost thrown in the lirst quarter when sharply cut oft and was iorecd wide into the stretch, then tired near the end. SPLITIT showed early speed, but tired. COM-MOXADA was knocked out of contention early. SURGEON ran fairlv well. Scratched 13591 Santo. 102. Overweights -Splitit. 1 pounds; Surgeon, 5; Dr. Larrick. 1; Cominonada, 3. SECOXD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. IS-., 1 :00 1 109. i Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds. , 10t0 O V J Q O Allowances. Xet value to winner 25; second. $."0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt hk V ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 13506 1 XCLE ED w 105 12 2 in. 1?. 1 h . CallahanAV Walker 30 100 100 40 15 13493"SINGLF. w 105 7 t 3! 31 2 2.1 W Doyle E G AVillard 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 idJonLAKV INXOCEXCE w 100 1 5 5l" 5 :v 33 J McTagrt P F Gloss 2. 3 2 1 1-2 13470 GREENBRAE w Km; 3 3 2?. 2 I1 4"k C Turner J AV Mosservy 5 10 9 4 2 13.r29 IM NDLE OF KAGS w 100 1 11 i 9 51 01 F Murphy F J Grefer 10 12 12 5 2 13559 V EI LCI 1 EX wi: 1031 9 7 0! 71 0 0 YV Obert T F Ryan 12 15 15 C 3 12432 MIX DA w KKfll 6 71 S"k SJ 7J J AVillianis.T U Strode 3 5 3 7-5 7-10 13493 ELSIE GREEN wi: 100 2 4 4 4U 7i S J Smyth G S Martin 20 10 40 12 6 13493 HOLY HILL wit 105 10 S S 01 9s 9. R WaldronMis M Abadie 10 15 15 0 3 S7D3 KAIXTlCK w 10SJ S 9 10 10 10- 10" J HanoverJ Forsythe 15 20 20 8 1 13350 LAG ISA XGE w 101!" 5 12 12 12 11 11 11 XeanderJ Todd 50 100 100 10 15 13505 DOMP.UA w 100 0 10 11-" 11T.12 12 E Martin J P McGovern 50 100 100 30 15 Time. 23. 48, 1:03, 1:10. Track slow. inner --15. e. by Sorcerer Ida Kearney trained by W. Walker I. Went to post at ;:;!. At post 2 minutes. Start sood and slow. Won driving: second and third tile vanie. UNCLE ED was rushed into the lead soon after the start and. holding on fairly well in the closing drive, just lasted long enough to win. SINGLE was forced back soon after the start and lost ground when coming into the stretch, but finished fast and gamelv and almost got up. LADY INNOCENCE came witli a rush in the last quarter after closing a big gap. GUEEX15RAE showed speed, but tired badly. MIXDA bad no mishaps and ran as if short. ELSIE" GREEN ran fairly well. HlNDLE OF RAGS came fast at the end. Scratched 10593 Otranto, 10.1; 1044 Bolter. 105. Overweights Grccnbrae. 1 pounds; Veilchen. Kaintnek, 3j. 1 QftQQ THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 124S 1 :40, 1103. i Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. 1 O U Q Selling. Net value to winner :i2.5: s mil. .0: third. 5. index Horses AWtPPSt j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1S632-H01KIN wit 0 104 1 1 1 1 21 !?. 1 IMF Murphy A YV Foulk COS 2.1 1 13618 JIM CAFFREY we 5 109 7 s 7" 31 2-" 2 21 A XicklausBleighParkSble 15 15 15 C 3 13G18 ROD AND GUN wn 5 107 ! 7 ; 4- 3 3 J McCaheyF A llerold 1-5 1 1 2-5 out 13013SILICIC wi: 0 101 3 5 S" 9 71 5.. t1 It AValdronM Foster S 10 10 I 9-5 13G1S REACH SAND w 0 111! l 2 3 1 3 41" 5 .1 Fraeh C T Halsey 15 15 15 5 2 13G31 HANS CREEK w I 105 5 4 41 71 S S W R XeanderJ J Moran 15 25 20 S 3 13501 LA SA I NRELLA wn 4 1011 G U 2 C C1 7i 7" E Alley T Cheek 20 40 40 12 5 15450MOXKEY w 5 10."." S 3 51 li f.1 fit SI F Rand phJ Todd C S C 2 1 13G3G STAIRS w 5 112 4 9 9" S" 9 9 9" C Knight F Feitner 10 12 12 5 2 Time, 26, 52, 1:19. 1:46. Track slow. Winner CO. g. l,v F.nherless Watita trained by A. W. Foulk. Went, lo jxist at 3:51. At jiost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BODKIN, running in suddenly improved form, was rushed into the lead soon after the start and. after dis-poMiig .f REACH SAND in the first hall, outstayed JIM CAFFREY and won going away. The latter also siioued surprising improvement and raced well up for the entire way. ROD AND GUN was never danger-"iis. lint finished elose up. SILICIC had a rough race and eloseil a good gap in the last quarter. MONKEY t an 110 irl.x . REACH SAND ran well for three-quarters and tired. Overweights La Sainrella, ;khiiu1s; Monkey. 1. "I Q f , FOURTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 1950 1 :47-. 5111 . t Purse 00. 3-year-olds and A OU rfc J upward. Handicap. Net value to winner .00: second, 1914.sh5: third. $:;.Y Lidex Horses AWiPPStVt U " Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1 13550 REPUBLICAN wn 5 lit 3 4 45 2 I1, 1 1 C Turner J O Talbott C-5 7-5 1 1-3 out 13550 SLEUTH wit 5 100 2 2 lh l"t 2 2.1 2.1 J CallahanW II Baker 4 S S 2 1 13550 l.OCIIIEL w 0 100 4 5 5 5 4i 31 3U W Obert II G Bedwell 5 C 2 7-10 13G16-L. II. ADAIR w 4 95 1 3 35 4- 31 l; 4s E Martin Mrs W A KirwanlO 12 12 3 1 T3471CARI.TON G. w 7 107 5 1 21 3 5 5 0 J MeTagrtJ W Hedrick 3 1S-531 1 9-20 Time. 25, 4914, 1:16. l:42i. 1:50. Track slow. Winner I.. g, by Stalwart .Miss C.inale trained by W. S. House. Weni to post at 4:20. At jmst " minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third drlv- n;: RElIIRLICAX was rushed into the lead after going a half mile and won as his rider pleased. .SLEUTH set the early pace and, after being parsed, outstayed l.OCIIIEL for second place. The latter was lift and sore when going to the post, but finished well. L. 11. ADAIR quit after going three-quarters. All ETON ;. ran a bad race and quit after going a half mile. sciatehcd iLU.OSlIvan Gardner. 95. overweights -L. II. Adair. 5 pounds. I f "I FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. llS.!l 1 :4::V.-. 1-110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds Jl O y ilr JL and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0: third. 5. "index I lorses AAVtPPStt 2 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 135G3MISS VELMA w l 97 5 4 4M 11 l.l U l1 J Smyth A P Doyle 4 4 3J 3-2 7-10 13GI7 LORD WELLS w 0 115 s 5 Gi" 51 r.l" 25 2and" G Corey F J Riley C 10 10 4 2 12014 SPELLP.OUND w H 103 9 7 C Cl 7U 31 3l F Murphy Miss E A Tyson 5 S 7 3 7-5 135C4 PROSPECT wit 1 107.1 3 0 72 7 S" 1- 4U F Keogh A TVcber 10 20 20 S 1 13552Ri:.NDO w 5 10 1" 1 3 9 S1 Ck 51 R AValdronAV C YVeant 2 21 2 1 1-2 I3613iDR. DOUGHERTY wn 7 111 2 S 3h 21 41 01 C Turner F Harrington 10 10 10 4 2 13615 NIMBUS w ! 10S 4 2 1 21 3 1 DM 7.1 AV Obert II G Bedwell 12 30 30 12 G 13551 TOY wi: 4 107 7 9 S. 9" 9 9 Sh F Teahan II II Emmons S 15 15 0 3 13615 SEMI JUAVER wb 0 115 0 1 2" 41 41 S.I 9 R Pickett R V Haymaker 5 C 5 2 1 Time. 25, 50, 1:17, 1:45, 1:47. Track slow. Winner Ch. f. by Allan-a -Dale Acushla trained by AV. S. House. Went to post at 4:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MISS AELMA, close up from the start, raced into the lead on the backstretch and easily outstayed I ORD WELLS at the end. LORD AVELI.S regained his spied suddenly and ran a good race, but tired and ust lasted long enough to hold second place. SPELLBOUND closed a big gap and was going fast at the lid. PROSPECT also closed a big gap in the last quarter after being a sufferer from interference. BRANDO had no mishaps. DR. DOUGHERTY showed speed, but quit. NIMBUS ran a good three-quarters and tired. SEMI-QUAAER quit after going a good half mile. Scratched 1 1::530 AVillis. 107: VMW Incision, 103; 135S Irish Kid. 10S. Overweights Prospect, Si pounds; Brando. 1. I Ql SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. BUS 1 :40 1103.1 Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. JL QUttj Selling. Xet value to winner 25: second. 0: third. .5. "index Horses AAVtPPStVt k -;i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 135D4 BIG ROCK wit 113 4 3 21 1 ll 1 1 1- J Smyth C .1 Cassidy 2.1 3 2 9-102-0 13600 RITSSEAU wn i. Ill 2 2 4C 31 2 24 2t c Knight G II Geiger 10 12 12 4 S-5 13617-.MJLTOX B w 7 111 1 1 31 7s" 7 4s 3 J HanoverJ AV Johnson 3 4 3 C-5 3-5 13287.SF.PULVEDA wit 7 111 fi S 75 41 3 S- 4l J McTagrtAV R Mizell 0 G 5 2i 1 13552FORI .MAI wit 4 100 5 7 Gl C 4i a- 52 R XeanderF Musante 5 S S 21 1 13614Si:RVICENCE w S 107 7 5 5 5l G C C3 F Murphy AV AValker 15 25 25 S 3 13617 MASTER JIM wsit 5 111 S 4 1 2h 51 7s 7 D Lindsey H G Bedwell 15 25 20 S 4 13532-BILLIE RAKER w 4 10S 3 0 S S S S S R AAaldronJ U Strode S 10 9 3 C-5 Time, 26, 51. 1:18, 1:45. Track slow. Winner -Ch. h. bv Rock Sand Bivouac trained by J. Boden. . . Went to post at 5:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Bit; ROCK, after lKing well up for the lirst half, ran into the lead when called on and won as his rider J leased. RU1SSEAU ran well throughout, but tired and just lasted long enough to hold second place. MILTON B. was allowed to drop far back in the first half and came extremely wide into the stretch, then hnished with a rush. SEPULVEDA ran well :ul showed improved form. MASTER JIM quit badly after tetting the pace brielly. Scratched REKEDToin King. 113; 13551 Judge Mouck, 104: VMM Floral Crown, 114; 13533 Volthorpe. 1I3; i::Ml Brando. IPS: 13017 SnowlU:kes, 102.

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