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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ. MEX., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4, 1914 Juarez Park. Ninety-sixth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 111 days. 10 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 11:15 p. m. Chicago time 3:15 p. :n.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1 Q FIRST RACE 1-2 Mile. 91451i Ki1.-. -1 15. t Purse 00. -year-ohls. Maidens. 1 fj Q4JbO Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. . 7r.. "horses" AWtPPSt i yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n C P S i:i58:rMA.IK w 102 4 2 1J Is 1 G AV Car" 11 R Ripley 4 6 6 11-511-10 l.tiJKH FAVTK ARTICLE wit 107 C 5 21 21 2-i A Murray Trainmen and Grav20 25 25 10 5 I :: I iO MEELBKA wit 112 9 G 313 3 J Murphy G L Blackford 4 4 31 3-2 4-5 ISIillFfOMMAlT.ETTA w 107 3 3 7n" C-i A- J DomlnkK Spence 4 C 0 2 7-10 i:!."S:.JFIS.SIE w 112 5 4 41 45J 51 H AAoods STeiller 5 7 7 21 G-5 i::i!KMllMVAK LASS wit 97 2 7 51 6"k b Marco J D Clayton 15 20 20 S 4 1 1M7S "-NELLIE C wr. 112 S 10 S 73 7 J McCabe F D "Weir 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 r.l-i RAY R MILLER w 115 1 I G1 S S AV W TlorE L Fitzgerald 5 S S 3 3-2 1358:; STOLEN ANTE wit 115 H S 10 9 9 L Gentry A G Dunlap 15 20 20 S 4 MISS COTTON WOOD w 107 10 9 9 10 10s H Phillips H Yost 50 50 -50 20 10 1:5583 PINKOLIX w 115 7 11 11 11 11 R Hoffman W H Fizer 30 40 40 15 S Time, 24, 48. Track fast. Winner B. g, bv Mazagaii -Nikita trained by R. Ripley. Went to post at :22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. MA.NIK raced into the lead quicklv and. easily winning all the way. linished easing up. FAVORITE ARTICLE ran in closest pursuit throughout, but could make no impression on the winner. M EE LICK A raced steadllv in third place ail the wav. COM M A U It ETTA closed a gap and linished fast. FLOSSIE showed speed, but tired. NELLIE C. began slowly on the outside and made up but little ground. Scratched t35S3Tod Cook. 115: 135S3 June Bride. 10; 13523 Lady Benzol. 102; 13042 Lady Sharp, 112. Overweights Favorite Article. 2 pounds. - Q A A SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 12990 1:09 115. Purse 00. n-year-ohjs and up-JLO Otfcfc ward. Colts. Hors"es and Geldings. Selling. Xet value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AAVtlPSt U u Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1SG0TIGHT BOY w 4 100 ll 2 4 3 3 1 J Collins AV J Dunn A 4i 4J S-5 4-5 lfiO ORE YT FRIAR 5 111 2 1 2 2t" 1 2" R Troxler C T Brownfiekl 2 11-511-51-5 2-S ifiioa PRINCE AAIXTER w 7 108 4 3 3 4s 4J 3i J OBrien J Burks 4 5 5 9-5 9-10 a3585 TRANSACT ws 3 108 5 8 9l 84 5 4 R Hoffman W H Fizer 4 41 S- 4-5 irn"? iilnm- w" 1 07 10 5 V 13 55 A Mott 11 Ksan 7 7 7 2. 0 5 Ho11 w 1 101 7 7 5h c;! 61 fiuk L Gentry W M McClintock30 40 40 10 5 2S"Ui w 10 100 Gil Si 7 7 7 F Stevens 11 X Shipley S 12 12 4 2 i-tiii ?miiAr,.. WB 3 90 1 4 10 10 9 S B Marco W J AVeber S 10 S 3 3-2 H"taand a vSvBKOWN wsuolOO S 9 6. 5kS 9" J MetOalf J J Coalter 30 40 40 12 G Tor?,. Vr.r.c. WSB 3 92 3 0 71 9 10 10i E Haynes T S Parker 30 40 40 12 6 1-C10 DR. MACIAS w 4 102 9 10 11 11 11 11 G.AV CarlIW St Vincent 25 40 40 12 6 ,,,, , Time, 23, 48, 1:13. Track fast. inner Ch. c, by Serpent Azuba trained bv J. Xuttress. in- rni!VJV,SA-at r.:45- A,1 Iost :i ml"tes. Start good and slow. Wou easily; second and third driv iivf..n.7n . 01 aftor raKinS prominently behind the leaders to the stretch, outgamed them in the ilnal ra,x Ve" 1111,1 raccd 1,1,0 11111 leal ,n tUe strctcl1 ln,t "-co hi ho ohwliw S n?s h,XlyCE xlAl rVn,a "?01 raw au1- nlliliitr with a rush, almost got up for mco i Im ., A. jl i ," ., J-AACr was off poorly and closed a big gap iu the last quarter. NIFTY quit after set- j ting a good to t.he pace homestretch. The others were outpaced. o vflLP11. 1 Co,P,to". iOS; 13G29 Chas. Goetz. 105; 13001 King Stalwart, 102; 1352S Eddie Foy. 92. uer eights C.reat Friar, 3 pounds; Darkey. 2. 1 ZL- 1IIIUI RACE 1 Mile. 10154 1:37 5 DS.i Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. t-J J JZ U Selling. Xet value to winner 00; second 5; third. 5. Index Horses AAVtlPSt ,j .. Str ITn Jockeys Owners O H C P S nSSSSJlCHSI? wnS 9G 2 2 5 4h 1 P 1 A Mott S Veiller 7-107-103-5 1 3 out li-ii.iiTU? BELLEw 4 1- G 1 1" 5. 51 2 2 J Metcalf R L Rogers 2. 3 3 4 525 H-$ n" 4 102 3 ;! 4!J "h 3nk "!i J McCabe Drhoefer and WestC S S 2 4-5 TocnandkW;?, wn 5 10S ;; G 21 4nk AZ 43 J OBrien J Green 12 20 20 4 3-2 Vi !l ? ,92ALGH1 w 4 103 1 1 G G G 6 51 R HoffmanR G Mitrtin C 8 S 2 15 l.,012REY WSU 5 103 4 G Z ll 2h 51 C AV W TlorT S Parker G S S 21 1 , Time, 24, 48. 1:14, 1:38. Track fast. Winner I.r. f, by Plaudit Emma Traimmiller trained bv J. Lewis. :.. , oIIil.,.VA,?.t..!,.U.:lt5,. At .Post 1 minute. Stare good and slow. AVon cantering; second and third driv B; . S , .Ibl01. nl-M- :lftt;r being saved behind the leaders for the lirst half mile, rushed into a long lead ami held it to the end TROJAN BELLE was pocketed next to the rail and forced to fall back on the last ooVi WVi"10! laft,4iiro,,sl1 ti1! s"-0,1011- -HMMIE GILL ran a fairly good race. VOLADAY JR. showed speed, but tired. RIA was a forward contender to the stretch, then quit badly Overweights -Jimmie Gill, 1 pound; Voladay Jr., 1. 1 QAA. IOlRTII RACE 1 Mile. 13154 1:37 5-9S. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward"" -JL tJJ t VJ Handicap. Net value to winner 00: second, 5: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S lSGtMsORLIN KRIPP wn 4 102 3 7 41 4 3 3 1?. F Stevens A Landsberg 3 31 31 1 12 l..i8 JUST RED wn 5 95 5 G 7 7 7 5 22 II Phillips G B Moreland 15 20 20 G 3 lMA. .BEIiF GETTY w G 105 G 2 G G 4 4 33 J Metcalf It O Egan S-5 11-511-51-5 2 . I !L4 6 CURLICUE w 5 105 1 1 1 Ink 2 p p Hill LAV Hicks 5 G G 2 1 1 :?!! JOHN REARDOX wit 7 1 02 2 5 5- 51 G G 5nk i HoifnianR G Martin 5 7 7 2 1 1 300! ArESTED RIGHTS wit 1 103 4 3 2s 2s 1111 G3 M MthewsD Ford 4 4 "l 1 12 13008 SWISH w G S7 7 4 3 3 5i 7 7 B Marco F D AVeir 15 25 "25 G 3 Time. 23. 46. 1:13, 1:39. Track fast. Winner Br. e, by Silee Afamada trained by II. W. Iloagi. We!1.t 1 1 at :!:47- At OSt 2 minutes. Start fair and slow Won driving; second and third the same. OKLIX KRIPP began a tritle slowly, but moved up gradually and. standing the stretch drive gamelv, "ore the leaders down iu the final eighth and won drawing clear. JUST RED was a distant trailer early iVi!Uls slmt off wllcn tnturi" UC stretch, but came to the outside and finished fat and gamelv. BERT .LI1Y ran well and was next to the rail iu elose quarters through the final quarter. CURLICUE set an extremely last early pace and raced VESTED RIGHTS into subjection, then tired in the stretch and camu again right at the end. VESTED RIGHTS ran a good seven -eighths and tired. SWISH showed " speed Scratched 13G093Sosius, 02. Overweights -Vested Rights, 5 pounds. IQpJl 7 FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 12990- -1 :09 - -t- -1 1 5. Purse 00. .".-year olds and".!!. tJ t rtr 8 ward. Selling. Xet value to winner 25; sec; ml, 0; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt ,1 k j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 G S 13569MEWEL OF ASIA ws 4 103 1 3 1 1 11 11 J Kederis A A Gregg G $ 2W 13575PETER GRIMM w 4 9S S 7 7 nt 31 2J J Collins T S Parker 10 20 20 0 3 13G23 AXNL INTEREST wn S 110 G 5" 3 3t 213 J OBrien M Kenncdv 31 51 5.1 9-545 136C5GLIFINN wit 9 10S 10 1 21 2 41 4 AV AV TlorCanda and YeomanS-5 S-5 4-5 1 3 out 13545EYE WHITE w 7 100 3 4 9 9 G 5 F Stevens S Polk 10 20 20 G 3 1S458 BUTTER BALL w 0 105 7 9 S S S Gl G AV CarllQuinlan and Higel 4 S S 21 6 5 13623 MAZURKA wit 4 102 G G 5J 41 7 7 E Haynes W M Baird 15 20 12 l" 2 13587 LADY PENDER ws 4 101 2 2 4 G" -51 Si L Gentry ItrsIIArmstrong 10 20 20 G 3 13605 G EMM ELL wit 10 105 4 10 10 10 10 9 J McCabe AV C Clancv 5 G C 2 1 13527 MINNIE BRIGHT w S 103 9 S 7 9 10 II MthewsJ AV Flvnn" 40 100 100 30 10 Time, 23V5. 48, 1:13. Track fast. Winner B. Ben Brush Geisha trained by A. A. Gregg. AVent to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. JEAVEL OF ASIA, showing the most speed, took the lead at once and. winning all the wav. stayed g.unely in the filial drive. PETER GRIMM closed a gap and. in a fast finish, was gaining atthe end ANNUAL INTEREST ran forwardly from start to finish. GEMMELL was pinched out after the start ami sharply shut off near the half. GOLDITNN tired and ran disappointingly. EYE WHITE closed a gap in the last quarter. MAZURKA tired. Scratched 13575sSalesia, 103. Overweights Jewel of Asia, 3 pounds: Lady Pender, 4. 1 Q SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 129901 :09 5 115. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- JL O O Jb O ward. Selling. Xet value to winner 25; second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses AAVtlPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13244 SENECA w 7 115 5 11 9 Sll 3 1 J Kederis J Tigue S-5 2 9-5 9-109-20 13500 SIDNEY PETERS wit 0 112 13 1 1 1 2.1 J Rooney AV M Baird 4 6-121 13585CVS FAVORITE w 4 112 9 4 21 2 23 3 I, Gentry It S Plunkett S 12 12 I 2 13137 COOL wb f 111 S 5 51 4"k 51 4fJ R Troxler Lawry Bros 10 10 10 I 2 13541 PALATABLE w 4 111 4 1 3 3-14 ". J McCabe T A Davies lo 12 12 1 ? 13602 TOY BOY w 10 105 10 2 4" 5? 7 Cl AV A TlorJ AV Fuller I G 6 2 1 13587 FORT JOHNSON wit . 11!. 11 7 7" 7" S3 Tnfc G MolesthA E Morgan 5 5 5 9-5 9 1J 13587CALCIUM ws 4 110 G S 0 G 01 S A Mott CunhamandMoody 15 15 S 3 3 135S73ANGELUS w 0 115 3 10 10 10 9 9" AV MclnreO P Itomigh I 8 S 21 1 13335 O. CUNNINGHAM wn 7 110 7 G S. 9 10 103 R IIolTmaiiC Diotz 30 50 50 15 G 12018 SALUD w 5 10S 2 9 11 11 11 11 M MthewsD Dennison 50 100 100 30 10 Time. 22, 48, 1:13. Track fast. Winner- Br. g. by Disguise- -Swift foot trained by .1. Tigue!. Went lo post at 4:15. At jKist 2 miuiltes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving, SENECA dwelt right after the start, as usual, ami was far back in the early running, but came with a tcrrilic rush through the final quarter and won easing up. SIDNEA PETERS set the pace to the last eighlh and was hard ridden all the way. GRAYS FAVORITE ran in closest early pursuit, but tired ami tried i hard to bear out to the outer rail iu Hie stretch. COOL raced gamely. PALATABLE showed speed, but "A tired badly. I Scratched 13505 Napa Nick, IIS: 13020 J. Nolan, 102: 135S7 Ramsy. 110: 13113 Lone Star. 105. Overweights Sidney Peters. 4 pounds: Cool, 1.