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MONTREAL HORSES IN TRAINING. Montreal, Que., March 21. Alan lSulcroft, the most successful o the local trainers during the last lacing season, is already preparing u shifty string of horses for this seasons campaign. Bulcroft has under his care liorses owned by Sjr II. Moutague All A. I Ogilvie, Norman Macfarlane and II. A. Ekers. The string numbers fourteen in all. The liorses have all wintered well and. have not shown anv signs of sickness since going into winter quarters. Among the liorses in training are a number of eligible for the Provincial Nursery, for two year-olds, aud the Kings Plato for three-year-olds and over. Sir H. Montague Allan will hold a strong band agniti this season in both the Nursery and Plate races. For tbo Plate race he will have Irish Heart, which won the Nursery during the fall of 1012 and finished second to Planover last autumn, when the Plate Was run in record time. Irish King, which started in the Nursery last autumn, is the only Plater, while Heartless III. is the eligible for the Nursery. Irish King has developed wonderfully well and Is a promising-looking three-year-old. Heartless III. is of the larger type of two-year-olds am before going into winter quarters last fall showed a good burst of speed. Heartless III. is a half-sister to Irish Heart, being by Dublin Sans Coeur. The liorses owned by the Invereck Stable, under P.ulcrofts care, include Herrmana. a three-year-old purchased from the stable of Hugli Paton after her race in the Nursery last fall and a two year-old that is eligible for this years Nursery. Herrmana lius grown Into a good-looking three-year-old with plenty of bono and substance. She has speed and gives promise of carrying her name to victory in pome of the events for proviuce-breil8 this season. M The two-yesr-uld is by noral King Mamie Land.. He is a good-looking youngster with a fair turn of peed. The Ogilvie horses are all three-year-jlds and eligibles for tlte Plate. They are all the get of Dublin, while Lingar is a half-sister to Sandy, the winner of the Nursery last season, being out of Gargle. Irish Pride ran second in that event and Dublin Girl the other was third. These horses have tilled out and will bp held for the Plate, although under the conditions of that event, tliey are allowed to start in other events for province-breds. In the Macfarlane string there are Cliff Stream, a five-year-old. The Spirit, a three-year-old and Lady Spendthrift. The latter is a province-bred two:year-oldand will be held for the Nursery. Cliff Stream looks -well and Is even now doing work on ! ! i I 1 - I r the roads. The Spirit won on the American -tracks last season as a two-year-old and should do even better this season. Lady Spendthrift is by Master-man Lady Irish. Wickson, owned by H. A. Ekers, which was Hie sensation of the steeplechasers during the autumn of 1012 and had a successful season last year along with Jiu Jitsu. are the others in the stable. Wickson will be liberally entered in the stakes to be run through the field next summer as a year ago. Alan Bnlcroft will likely give up active training this summer, as he has leased the farm of Charles S. Campbell on the Liesso road, where he will winter horses and pasture them during the summer months. Bulcroft has already made arrangements to take care of a number of loenlly.-owned broodmares and their foals. He now has Sans Coeur in his care. This mare is duo to foal this mohth to the well-known horse Athol. Owing to ill health. James Love, who for years has not only raced a stable of horses, but has trained liorses tor other owners, will retire from an active tiart In racing. His liorses will be sold In April. The horses now owned in the Love . stable number five in all. two of them. Song Bird and Sacai, being eligible for 1 he Kings Plate race next autumn. The horses have been given steady work on the roads all winter and are fit. and ready for the spring short! training, which will commence within a time. The other horses in the string are Oakley, Frigid and Cheer Up.