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FLUKE MARS STAKE RACE JAMLS MACMANUS SCORES LUCKY VICTORY WITH MENLO PARK AT LATONIA. Dark Flower Loses Valuation Stakes by a Nose as Result of Interference and Faulty H milling. Cincinnati, o.. .Inn,- Tl Baa jk riding on the •in «.i Jockeys Neyloa and 1am.r, respectively, ■stride B. First ami Malabar, coupled with toe Ktapfcl handling that iockcv .Martin gave Dark Flower. . .,-t |. c. McDowell ,135, the winners I . .1-1 ■• ii of tin Valuation Stakes, win In J. Mac Alans Mcnlo Park by a nose Inmi Dark Flower il Latonia today. Hark Flower ruled an overa helm mg and confidentl] supported favorite and was decidedly I.; st. With clear sailing she would have woa iii a common canter. At the outset Neyloa, wIhi had obtained some advantage when III.- start was affected, moved Inwards the Hin-r rail and kept Hi. McDowell lill.v in close unarters. Winn she was Mixta! tn net char. came over with Malabar. forcing B. First .main In bold Hark Flower mi the rail. Mai I in became confused and tinallv took liis liin.iiit sharply back t i last place. She then was taken wide and aruaud the others, losing a great dial et rroand mi the turns. Continuing gamely, the tillv drew levd with Mealo Park, which had sprinted Into lie had usj the tower nun when the other three were mixed ap, and a sixteenth out il tooked as ii Dark Flower would be the winner. I. at M.uiiu wi nt in nieces again and Mealo Park heat Mark Flower by the narrowest of mar-in. The incidents in the race tarnished the after-noons chief excitement and those who had backed Dark Flower were naturally a disgruntled lot. The ..-wards at once began a:i investigation Willi a view to determining who was mostly to idame for the rough ridii!L- and concluded that Neyloa and Taylor was equally al Fault and lined theiu each £ U. Th.- leniency shown by the stewards was in the main die- to the tact licit Taylor and Ney ton are much in demand and rale with the best of the riders here. Th. interesting card of seven races was in-tru mental in toingteg out a surprisingly large attend anee. eoiisiderin i he intense heal and the counter attraction of the Cincinnati "Beds" National League h.iseliall to mi playing on their home grounds. Speculation was airly brisk and as three of the SCVeU ell dees III. I na -oil |o seme, the public did not a# fare so poorly.- The outstanding disappointment * of the afternoon were Claxonette, Briekley, Park Flower and Knurling. The lirst named succumbed to a former winner here. Brick lev wax given a rather listless ride, which contributed I ward liis failure. Klngling had no mishaps and was beaten hy a superior horse in Transportation, while Dark Flower was unlucky to have lost. The MacManus establishment, in addition to taking Hie stake rate, made it a double by winning With oSullivan. Like . enlo Iark. OSuilivau was extermeiy lucky to win and his victory was in the main due to Jockey Carrolls action in permitting No Ill to slip through next to the inner rail. Martin made amends lor his lasro on Dark Flower by winning with Huntress in the Ifth race, and followed it up With a victory on Guide Post in the closing dash. H was fortunate that the latter was much tin- best, for she was forced hack sharply al the start and had to close a tremendous gap. Another win ie winning chances were destroyed was Martinos in the sec aid race. The stewards, a tier the race, had Byrne on the carpet for his ride and he wis given a curiam lecture after the succeeding race, in which he rode Briekley. The officials were ilecidedly dissatisfied with his work and be was given to understand that he would have t i take a brace if be desires to continue the plying of his vocation here. Horsemen were Impressed this morning hy the sterling work shown hy George M. Ilendries ill Kau. her. which is an Intended starter in the rich Cincinnati Trophy to he run next Saturday. The coll went three-quarters in 1:12 and finished fast. At present Brigs Sister is tin- favored one for the rail, as it is unlikely that senator Camdens Luke will In- among the starters. Pit Jr. is another that winked well for tin- race this morning. Secretary Magian today Issued tin program hook I..I- the closing eight days if lie- meeting. He also distributed to own is the iirogram hook for the Fort Brie mi i tinr. which will begin next week. Trainer .1. Howard Lewis arrived today from Ni w York in quest ol likely humping materia] that In- desires •■ obtain for his employer, .1. L. Wide tor. who is racing a string in 1 ranee and on New Veil, tracks. Trainer .lack Baker will at the close of racing here ship John i.uud .mil others in hi- can to Saratoga t.i he raiuiiaigued tin re in Angast. Linda Payne ami oSi.llivnn. winners ,f the two horse combination, yielded 7.80, while Huntress, Tnnis|..... t; ti. n and Uuide Post, in the three-horse, paid 335.05. Von na has been added to the paddock sale to be held next Saturday. This awnings work-outs over the Latouia track iio luded the following: Aimed. i Lawrence —Three eighths iu oh—,. I.iuiah s. Three-quarters iu 1:10. Bingo Five eighths in 1 :04. Chalmers Three-quarters in 1:11. Kmcraoa Cochran Three-quartera in 1:10. towel I Hall mile in 52. Hodge Three-eighths in 10. .1. 15. Robin-11 Ball mile la 53. Lvcoino, ion -Three-eighths in 38*4. Mabel Belle Three-quartera in la Manioc Three-eighths in 41. I town Three-quartera in 1:19. 1il Jr. Iiw- eighths in I : i3. !■■ II- Seen eighths in 1 :::i. Shipher.hss Tbree-quartera in 1:18. Solar Star Mile and an eighth in 1 :•"" !». Sweetheart Sue -Five-eighths iu 1:01K. W.itheii- 1 im i Ightha m l:ll.