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, . . • , , , , 1 I I 1 , 1 ■ • 1 • 1 1 1 A BIT OF GOSSIP FROM THE EAST. J. D. Haggin oceanled his aeeaatomed jilace at the ring side yesterday, when his yearBngs were disposed of. Despite his ninety-three year-, and a recent severe enough to have killed a far , younger man. he is slill able to take a lively Uteres! in the proei edings. Another "Id time racing man at the ring si,!,, was "White Hal" McCarthy, who ill his day owned some of the best horses in Ameica. The sight of these two old-timers silting under the same marquee brought lo mind a time when they were racing on the Old Day District track of San Francisco, McCarthy was running a smart horse, and he was a pronounced favorite in the betting. •I. P.. Haggin. too. was running a horse in this same race, and was strolling about the paddock when he came across McCarthy. "You seem to have a pretty good thing in this race" said Haggin. "At least the public seem to think so. They are betting a lot of money ou it. "Yes." said White Hat. "I think it is a sun-thing. Mr. Haggin." There is nothing sure about it." said Haggin. "I have a pretty good one myself in this race. If were you. McCarthy, would not net too much money on your horse. I might beat you." •If you think s,,. ||r. Haggin, Ill tell von what Ill do. Ill bet all Ive go! against all youve got." "NO, no." said Haggin. "You want too big odds. McCarthy. I wont bet you." Mati I.iynes. who in days gone by trained Salvn-toi and Inn am . in fact the many stake winners that ran in Hie colon of J. B. Haggin. had a luad of interesting Information to imparl concerning his trips to South Annrica. where he weiil to uiimofie ol a number of Bancho del Pans horses, at Hie time wlnn lacing in New York met with such a severe get back. "Among the stallions I took down were Modes noy. Mimic. Greenaa, Dleudonne and First Water. Me licsncv sold for «7. mm. Greenan for 1,000, Dleudonne for 1,000 and First Water for .SIO.OK*. MeChesney has not proved of orach account as a sin . though he igot | tew winners. Greenan and Dleudonne have both made good, ami have aired some of the best horses racing in BuenOs Ayrcs. ""the oldest of the First Water crop arc now yearlings, and are said to be promising. He is a grandly-bred horse, foaled in 1805, by Watercress— Sweet, and was raced in the colors of Newton Bennington. I look him down there two years ago. He is a light chestnut in color, witli four white bu- and feet, and the South Americans were prejudiced against his color, more espnclallT against his while legs. Put I am confident he will prove a suc- "After our first shipment many others thought to take advantage of the South American market and shipped a lot of worthless slock down there, and glutted Hie market to such an extent that a law was passed placing a duly of 00 per head on all imported stock, unless purely for breeding purposes, this virtually put a stop on Hie market, and stopped the Importation of not only American horses, but English as welL "There were only two English-speaking trainer* there I.ritt. an Englishman, and Praaer, an Ana trallan. Bnglander was the only American Joekej riding there. He is making plenty of money, as he an ride at a light weight and besides is a goad rider. I could let speak the lingo and. although I had plenty of good offers to train there, had t» decline. I couldnt understand a word of Spanish. ami none or the help could talk anything else. If 1 had told them to put a saddle on a horse, likely enough they would have brought him a bucket of water. 1 gave il up in disgust. "They have beautiful tracks there, and each Sunday, which is the principal racing dav. they give a stake worth 0,000. I could count their money. that is one of the things I caught onto quickly. A peso is worth from 43 to 4s cents of our money. It varies according to the exchange. There is another line racing point at Montevideo, Iraguav. a nights riiie b.v boat from Buenos Ayres. All Hie belling is done in the mutnels, and there is a world of money bet. The crowds at the races are far larger than they are hcie. "One thing I noticed about Hie horses here is thai tl v have terribly bad mouths and are badly broken The reason tot their bad mouths is that the jockeys all nee the big Spanish bits, which are severe am! would ruin any horses mouth. One of the seer, is of great success is. I Ihink. that he Invariably rides his horses with a snallle. l.ul the Spanish boys all believe in the heavy Spanish bit. fhe horses ate all exercised bareback. Hut when racing they use the same saddles as ourselves" — New York Telegraph.