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i ; • Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, June 25. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Colts, Horses and Geldings. Selling. 14807— l:ili£ Index Course Hist Tim.-TekOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FLYING YANKEE, b. g. 5 112 By Yankee— Marv Black F. Gering. 110.2 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 29 us 9 S 4 6 P .1 Rooaey 9 KuKtace. Louise Paul Farioag I alonia 3 I 17 20 111 3 2 2 3= i" R Waklronll Gabrio. Beau Chilton Ramal 10 1 Douglas 3 4 1:14-:.slow 22 10 10S 3 1 1 l*F FKeogh *, Font. M.rri. k. The Bu-vhody 14*81 Douglas I 1 1:U fast 16 MS 3 3 3 4 4*1 C K.ogh 7 Al Bl... h. Mimorkmo, Coy 14463 Dougiaa S-4 61-10 148 4 2 1 3* :.* .1 Howard 11 Qraaster. M.B.Rbanks, R.Dat* 14330 Douglaa 3 4 1:12 fast 24 Ml 7 4 5 # 4»1 J Howard 12 Campeon. First Degree. J Louise 14274 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 17-10 110 8 4 5 6 8"l.G Byrne II S.Actress, Oakland OrtermasteT 141 sr, ihurch1 5?. f 1:06 fast 67-10 112 8 3 3 V 3» F Keogh it Vetigl Claxonette Furious 11117 chur.hl 3-4 l:13%faat 13 109 4 111* » FKeogh 7 Kfhage. C.onDvery J D Wfleld 13874 Charlen S-4 t:16%aood IS 5 113 4 1 1 2« 8* F Keogh 7 C. Ashmeade, Amoret, Klghteasy L B. ROBINSON, b. g. 7 105 By Free Knight— Belle Decker J. Desman. 11919 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 33-5 107 2 2 2 B 2* A Neylon 11 Channelise. Serenata Snivel 14S3i l.atonia lm7oy 1 : 1 8S 111 2 12 2 21. 4*| J Henry ! Geo. SI. .11. Ovation Rifle Brigade 14623 Dougiaa 3 4 l:1l..slov 29-10 113 7 8 7 6?. 6"?. W W Tlor s ..ilhi Slave. OHagan, So "i.ill 1 1. ;n7 Douglas 1 1 -16 1 9 110 3 4 3 3 3 T 2= AMott 8 Wander. Hortense, Transport a ta 14448 Douglas 3 4 l: !::• . fast IS ms 8 7 5 4= B»J J Howard 8 Lace, Bermudlan Jessie Louise 1327 Dougiaa 3-4 1:12 fast 101 KB 4 2 5 3 4-» W W Tlor ! Lace. Uncle Ha rl LndrPanchlta 4298 Churchl 3 1 S5 112 4 2 2 H 9 W W Tlor 8 Oakland. Ceo. Stall, clleiiim 14274 Churchl 3 4 1:13 fast 12 110 4 3 3 t f-J W W Tlnrll S. Actress. Oakland, jrtermaster SUREGET, ch. g, 7 105 By Woolsthorpe— Luzelle J. F. Gaffney. 4949 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast B Ml 1 l l 2"r.i; n/aldronll Carmeuae, J.B.Rnson Serenata 1 47-S Latonla 3ll:l:: last rid US 4 2 3 t* ji«jr Waldronll Inch Hart R Bri-nl.. r i rpp 14494 Dougiaa 3 11:12 slow fld I. 0 2 1 1 1 SJ R W:.l.|r..n 1 1 B.Hiei, e %, rr i. k Marl -r " " • Douglas 3-4 1:12 last 71. ,.i_ 1 4 7 S5 9-".I Montour . Lace Inele ll-irt I nlvlinehiti 1 ■ T4 3-4 1:13 fast fld 110 9 7 9 9 W- F 1 1 nt on 1 1 S c ress Oakland Orter ,.s er :. ol l.atonia 3-4 l:13%f.ast 7-10 113 2 1 4 8 S"E Martin H lilan Autumn Georee nard ■1 l.atonia 3 1 1 :l3-/ 3-1 ins 3 111= 2" McCal.e 11 ilMvta W t •:459 Latonia S-4 i :18ft hry 4-J 115 1 1 1 1H 3= I.oftus 10 Servcence All led SmBirer ,:Ml.a,.n,a 3-4 1 :K fast 11-10 1,9 2 1 1 l*l»I.oftus 10 M, WiVfe ". , ,„„ ."u.-i. Mil";, R 35andiand*»*!gi 1 , 1Bcjiii*,:c:r;,Ar,r „ lgts «i:.,3*SS S iilS ■■ JtMHS Qc*on.lRan;i!B«. 14443 Doulas ! - as 19 mi • I P I . , n."r !l """li -r.v. Tdorita. 1.1 on,|o„ 53 « 123 ! J ■ ? i ¥™::";: " icaas andEffirsu£s ". ! ."* nio ..; 1 l.Oi-.tnv 17 113 5 3 4 4 4: C Turner II li i-.-illi in K Hiir.r Ih. -rri s;.... I 2* Plm CO 3 I M 134 8 7 7 1*1 Vv Z,- Vm f.-r s T a i C he | | , , ,,i-ii -• :« 75 us i iic,. ctSSS locisioUiV L.i :,h; !"::r OWnfaneh* l" laf Uv P?» "Day-Smirr ,J. J. McCafferty. I n.n. . l« I • ,,- t . ■ . . , Mougla." 1 I II. 1.11 13 10 , 1 J 2 . h.n S Win. lei- llnrimu i n n l ,,. ... ,:!.i|;";;:!sl;:i-fi u m s i a : ■ x.vh.n Ms-1;.:.,li:li;:;..;;vKVv:,,- ,.• "" as : : .. f,sl, -V1 " " " " " v onnellyia Camneon. Prmt Degree. J. I,»ulse ■ -I- ."v-K "" r , ij «""|SV. °« J r ! V 6« B Wal.lronIO Olg.-iSlar.|.o„i.e. o:U|.,„| !] •," " , ■, ,:,sl, K1 "M: 7 ,7 ,7. 7 7" D Connolly 7 Iroi,Mask. Y.Notlona. CaseyJ i h l,Ml " I ".vgo.1,1 m II II •■ 11 II Hat A Ni.klausll Cangh Hill. Sherwood Chittler hlSDWha », ss a t •n.. eroail*elr,,n1 ."."Im "iIU M ? HS ! , s s "•" WObert 12 Camneon. First Degree, j" Ionise II . h " * 1 51:47 fast 6 io7 J I 1 2 :,» B»| W WT lor 7 Spin-He. Dilatory. Leopold :..; V:"n ;, , r1"1 !2 !5 1 s ! 144c Turner 11 Campeon. Groarenor. Edith W. ..::! t.n .! :h...hvv 17 I4S 4 3 4 3- mi Motl 8 Back Bay. C. on Dellrery, Klva Latona 1 1-18 1 :44%fas1 B 99 1 1 1 1 2k 3*1 Neylon 10 Rash, Verena. Sain llirs.-i, ,I:., ,"u ;;,/:,v. iS ".,:; 4 I I "- 4" !ll Tnmer 8 K H.Adair. H.Prlrate, MiltonB. ; IS8 hur ■ hi 1-tll ■ i";.niud 3 l lo 4 4 E E 8* B«JJ Henry 7 Counterpart, s ,i, u mtta i imr. hill ii yi:43Hfasl 16 in-t 6 o s 7 2 rij Hanover 9 Grosrenor. Weyanoke 11 Rltte 11979 Churchill I i:3o fast 29 MSI 6 5 5 5" 41 .1 llauuvtrll Prin. H.rmis. Qroareaor. Lnthaf 11.69 Dougiaa lni70y 1:44-Vast 12 10811 2 3 3 S* 44i Borel 8 J.Oeddea, S liirsch. T.ftf.Oraaa BARNARD, b. c. 4 106 By Out of Reach— Naoma A. Baker. ] i.atc.nia 3-4 1:13 fast Vo 111 8 7 7-1 1*1 R WaMronl© TranxpHioM. U Haul. BioBrasoa 14«48 Douglas lli« mi; tut is ms i 3 1 4 4" :."• it WaMron 6 Parlon?. T*asportatloa, Dilatory 1«MM Douglas 3-4 1:11 fast 104 M r, I 7 » B»| J MeDead 7 La Mod . g Irnnastcr J. I-misu 1434 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast a» 1U 8 6 8 7 7 "JH Woods IS Dade Hart Crisco UiiltouKinir 1 : Latonia lmTnv ISlfchry 51-10 US 2 7 7 8 S l»« .1 Henry 8 Biiheltakor. Ow the Bands, toy 12233 Latoe— , 3-4 1:18 hvy 15 Ma] i 3 3 LJ 1J J McCabe 11 GallevSlave. loddlinjr. Q.OxaaM GENERAL b g 4 103 By Ort Wells — Anna Loretta Daly W. M. Reeves. 1 . IT .lam. sn 5i f ltfMfcfaet 4 M 4 12 t ] ■ ■■" I- Murphy 12 Sarpaaa, Ford Mai. Capt. Jinks i ••:• James n 3-4 l:lHfchvy 30 1"4 4 2 3 I | 4*| F Murphy B Fred Levy. Arran. Sylrestrii „ 1-355 Latonia 3-4 l:18%hvy fid 1 *» 3 1 1 1* l | V W T"lorl2 Toddling, Little Baker, J. btein 12260 Latonia 61 f l:10%mod 7« n«» 3 3 3 41 4» oMahey 8 Sac, Crlaeo, Oaklaad 9757 MinSpRS 5 8 1 :03 good 7-5 Mi 4 2 2 l1 2» Bobbins 8 MissNiehols. Lady Nute. Bocart :«.s- Min.Spcs 5-8 1:04*810- 4 MS 5 4 3 51 3=5 CuminES 12 R. Gentry. InikLady. J.ofHeartS 9C15 Mln.Spgs i, f l:iyi5fast 3 107 3 111* 4-j Bobbins S Darkey. Juno .. Jack W ltt KS2 Mm Spsa M 1:04 slow 6 95 2 2 2 2» 43 Eeaa 7 Cordova. Oasaaa, Daaaaa FRED DREW, br. g. 4 103 By Sain — El Salado J. C. Cahn. IIS65 Latonia 3-5l:lS%faat ZM 1M 5 4 7 ■* 7* L :.iup-i 8 lurl..,,K. Galley Stare. Piattence ii, mi i u.. nia :; 4 i i::--tast i«i hh; 7 7 lo lo in" I. SaaseJ 11 Gabria, ily.Yaakee, Reaiu hiiton Ilea Douglas 2-4 1 13fast :l W- 9 9 10 10 10 *lV_i DasealO Weyanoke. J. Kcllosrti. Barnard !..,.::. Windsor 3-4 1:14 Vast 31 Ml 1 1 1 * 3=J W W Tlor 10 L. Lucre. W.IIeat. B.ollir.Mawr BIILY BARNES, b. h, 6 108 By Kingston— Sorcery H. Lang. 14949 3-11:13 fast fid no 3 I 4 5» WU Cnanellyll tTaraaease, •»BB.U8«»"*U 1 K I Douelas 3-4 l:14%SloW 88 109 1 3 4 53 IHR Waklron 6 H.viiik Yaakee, lout, -Meul.U 14539 Douglas 3 4 1:12 fast 43 IN 7 7 J I 71 J Montour B c.onDelivery. Tdorit.i. U London 14125 [..Virion 3-4 l:11MiRood fid 113 1 113- 4«i .1 Montourll V. W. Clark, II. Street, BankBUl 12362 I at.niia 3 4 llSfcnvy fid 10S S 2 3 8" ll7* Dishmon 12 Toddling, Little Baker. General 12K5 Chun-hill 3 4 l:15Vfcmud 13 115 9 9 9 9 UiJ Henry 9 Brave. liicleDkk M.Hawkstone 11553 Lexington 3-4l:ifi mud 53 ill 8 6 fi fi 6" Dishmon 8 J.D. Wakefield Labold Spohn lt«S Lexinrton 3 -4 1— _good -5 112 3 3 3 2i 21 Loftus 9 Ethelda. Labold, A.Bndwater 11281 Lexington 3-4 1:15 good 33 lull 4 5 4 4 3» Dlshmon 11 M.B.Lubcks.Chaufer. BeulaU S