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SECOND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. 88—1— 1:05 ts— 3— XI. T.ANOHORNE. br. e. 2 107 Bv Oddfellow— Nuns Cloth J. N. Camden. I50U5 Latonia 5-8 l:©l%fast 27 112 5 3 3 H I W V Tl-rll Caestertoa, rjnry Griff. M. Maker li:li ■ liuieh-1 41 f 53 fast 27 103 0 6 «J 69 W W Tlor 7 M.Waite. D.Carmeu. Spcrbuuiau BUSINESS AGENT ch. g, 2 109 By Cunard— Philistia E. R. Bradley. 14948 I atonta V f IM T last 8J M 3 1 1 I* V A Neylon 12 Bbodes, St. Cbarkote, Syrian li.:* |...uKlas 6Sf l:«i%fast 27-10 98 1 2 3 4» D«]A N.ylon 5 Jeff Roberts Misty Morn. Yeeaay 14540 Douglas 5-S 1:01 andfast 83-10 lor, 5 3 1 21 2* A Neylon 11 Sandstone. Rhodes. JeB Booerts 4411 Douglas 4?. £ 53%fast 6 101 3 4 4 5"JA Neylon 12 D. Flower, Les nvali.les. BiiiiiIkio 14313 Douelas 5-8 lttMafast 99-19 IN 9 4 7 V 5"M Turner B M.Hora, Dark flower, J-Bofcerts I1-T5 Churchl 5-S l-OO-Vfast 47-20 KM1114 13 14 14 14** O Byrne 14 Martha Lee, Manioc. JeffRoborts 1417* Church I 4* £ 53V,fast 22-5 105 4 3 41 4» J McDoad 8 Martinos, E. Cochran. J. Roberts 14919 Lexcton 1-2 4S?j,Kood 27 N8 4 3 2» 2« J McDontlll Lenthal. Nheibow. S.McMeeklti UBM ],. xKton 1-2 48 fast 273 100 1 2 31 4» J McDondll Luke. SLinMcMeekin. Lindenthal GANO ch c 2 112 By Dick Welles — Mary Lavena T. P. Hayes. 14973 Latonia 5 f 1 :07%fast 12 M 1 4 5 5 i*l V W TTor 8 Manioc, 8*taeart8ae, A.Lwrenee 147.5 Latonia 5 f 1 :os-good 12 104 Tell. C Dlshmon 7 Deimro. Martinos. V. A. Vei«le i; , i : t.mia " v i:n.i«v,rast 4 lor, 3 3 fi 51 5U W W Ttor 7 B. First. Liberator. Martinos lit,.. Douglas 5-8 1:00 fast 17 m7 4 3 3 ::■ 8MB Waldroa 7 Star Shooter/ Dr.Oanaea, DeUao 14382 Douglas 5 8 1*1 fast 21 112 1 4 4 2» l4 A Neylon 11 Col. Lady. Waterproof. Joe I. lMM iAKton 4* f 5« mud Wj 112 fi 7 6J V W Ol.ert 8 Kd ClllSSM. Cloth of Gold. Tetaa ISM Lexctoa 1 ■- HlJill a 81 112 4 4 5- 6« W Ol.ert 11 M. Waite. Chalmers. Dr.Carmen WATKRPROOF. eh. g. 2 99 By Cunard— Tinker C. E. Hamilton. 14948 Latonia 54 f 1*9 fast 47-10 mi 12 12 1 Il «»! 1 Mott 12 BaaAnat, Bbodes. St.Charicote II 82 Douglas 6-8 1:01 fast 40 100 5 fi 5 3i 33 M Criner 11 Can... Columbia Lady. Joe D. IT MMiui. Ill 5-8 l:09%fast 55 111 7 I M WD Nicol lOAaatJosie. Linda Payne. Joe D. 14195 Churchl 41 £ 53%fast 49 109 11 10 11 ll» S Davis 14 Delano. Bill Dudley. Rhodes STONTWOOD b c 2 104 Bv Wadsworth — Trisauce E. D. Woods. 15005 Latonia 5-8 l:0iy5fast fid 112 7 in I T*l 8*i J Baaaey 11 Chestertoa, roayflrlJI. I lackmn TONDT ch c 2 107 By Boanerges— Statiaa 0. A. Bianchi. 1502S Latonia 51 f 1 :077t,fast OfiJ i « 9 10 10 lo lo-" ; v Car*Bl i Oatlouk. R.-si-n. Kataarlae O. ntTNDR.EABT h c 2 107 Bv Sompronius — Amceras G. J. Long. 15*26 Latonia ;.. f I 171 lo:: 8 fi E 4u .." li on in nut k. Besiga. Katbarine G. 14975 I il. .ma u-S l;iHi--,fast Mi In:: 4 fi le 5" A Neylon : J. Roberts. L. Mexican. M. Mora 14411 Douelas 41 f 63%faat S5 H»7 11 12 12 l.-8 W Obert 12 D.Plower. Leslnvali.les, Bainlioo M AD00. br. g, 2 104 By Electioneer— Natasha W. L. Lewis. First Htiut.