Gossip and Comment from Kentucky., Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-25


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GOSSIP AND COMMENT FROM KENTUCKY. Cincinnati. »., .Tune 24. — Trainer J. O. Keene is Well satisfied with Lukes present condition, and be believes that Senator .1. N. Camdens Cincinnati Trophy candidate will be ready to run bis besl race to dale ill thai rich event at Latonla next Saliirdav afternoon. The one eyed eoM will have up tha skill ill rider. W. W. Taylor, and as Chalmers will have t meet him at store eqaal weights than in the Harold Stakes, the Camden trainer thinks Luke will win Lie rich stake of more than ,000 gross. Indications point to a good sized laid, as there an several promising racers among the ninety eligible* that have big pulls in the weights, compared to what I. nl.e. Chalmers and Brigs Sister will have to carry. Manager llaclmieister already lias manv extra DOXCS engaged lor next Saturday, and lie- anl icipa lean enormous croud to Bee this, one Of the creates two-year-old races of the year, with its rich prise in money and ils beautiful silver trophy. r J. Pona probably will scud his unbeaten Jndgi Wright to the im.s! at Latonla within the next lew days. The son of Superman is now traiaing soundly anil in a late work-out. showed no I only setisat ioni 1 speed, but went a mile in 1:42. handily. He went the first live furlongs iii 1:00. lodge Wright has not raced sine, he .vas a I u o -year-. Id. la 1912, but it now looks as if he will stand any reasonable ■mount of racing. He will be raced considerably this summer, and then be entered in all the fall sial.es for older horses on I lie Kentucky tracks. ! ;-. Talbot thinks that Hello-. ..lines MaeManus Clark Handicap and Inaugural Handicap winner. could be trained again this fall, If his owner desired lo make the attempt. The injured leg of the son Of OddMlow has improved a great deal, and it seems now that it only requires time for his ailment lo become thoroughly cured. Mr. MaeManus sav s thai he probably will take no chance oe Belloc this lall. but hold 111 Tit over m: t i 1 next spring and give bin I chance to gel Completely over his fee nt mishap. Mr. MaeManus thinks a gnat deal of Bel loe. because while he has had many winners in leeeiil years. Eelloe is the fin! stake horse that has carried his colors since Bocky OBriens day. William Oersts stable has taken on new life since his string of eleven horses now at Latonla track was turned over to his old trainer. Will Mi-Daniel. The latter trained once before lor Mr. Qersl and was with him for six rears. He was bucci »ful uiiii the Tennessee turfmans horses, training such ixooil winners for him as fore and Aft. which WOO the Cumberland Park Derby; Lady Savoy, which won for him the Memphis and laitnaia oak-, the Clipsetta Stakes ami Latonla Decoration Handicap: Fortunate, winner of flie Gersl Selling Stakes ai Nashville; Zal. which won the Bashford Manor Stakes at I-ouisvillo: that good horse Vo.vric and I Brancas, which in ICcDaniels care won hi- aval start as a two-year-old anil his last start as a Kb rear-old. MeDaniel does not as yet know whether • he will take several of the horses to Canada, or remain with the stable at Douglas Park until the fall campaign begins an the Kentucky tracks. He rather thinks the latter will be the program which will lie decided on when Mr. Gersl comes here next week. In addition to the older horses, MeDaniel ex peits ,, take up next mouth several yearlings bred ! by Mr. Gerst, which are the lust of the get of Hanliridge to be trained to any extent. Mcli.inie! did not train the latter great horse for Gerst, but he did buy him as ■ yearling for that turfman, and I paid only 00 tor him. G. II. Whitney, in whose colors Captain Burns won the tilth race at Latonla Monday, has several Mailings of his own breeding, which he will nave trained and raced next season as t wo year olds. He has arranged to shortly lake them up at Lexington. They are all the gel of orison, a son of Hamburg, and out of voung mares. Mr. Width, v docs not reallj own Captain Burns, though be holds ■ bill of sale on that performer Which stands eood until iii iiio.v be advanced b the owner of the three-year-old is paid. He could easily have gotten out on his investment in the horse had he let him go at .1. i . Calms bid id ,300 last M .inlay, but trainer O. W. line- was anxious t,i retain the colt. He is pa r in tlesii at the present time, though looking much better tl in when be was turned over to limes at Lexington la-i spring. M was two years ago thai lines fid up Sleet h at Lexington when that perform it was "weed fv Paha. The latter turfman appar cutiv has :, good memory, and was qaiek to boost Captain Burns as a result.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914062501/drf1914062501_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1914062501_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800