Aqueduct Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-25


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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. M AQUEDUCT, N. Y., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24, 1914.— Second day. Queens County Jockey Club. Summer M Meeting of U days. Weather clear. H Ire-idin- Judge, C. 11. lcttiugill. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Fred Rehberger. | Racing starts at 2::_i p. m. Chicago time l:::t» p. 111. 1. *Indieates aiiprentice allowance. ,H 1PT//* pT FIRST RACi; 5-8 Mile. 42iHRi— 1 :00%— 2— 122. * 100 added. 2-year-olds. Selling. M tJJJ tJ Net value to winner $.ai i; second. .5711: third. y::o. |H Index Horses A Wt 1lSt U _■ % Sir Fill Jockeys Owners I II C I S H 14S»13*MIS.S FlELDElt wn 101 2 5 G 4» 3 1»1 B Marco V 1 Weir S-5 2 M i-o 1 4 ■! HSIOJALHUNA w lnf ti 1 1.. || Ink -n u NeanderMontpelierStable .i tk 21 1-5 1-3 M 14til 0 AL REEVES wk 107 13 5l 3- I1 33 M Buxton Brookside Stable 3i 1«-61 2-5 ■■ 14517 1HAVEUSACK w ■ 3 4 4.1. 2l 1 45 J 1 Rvan S Ross 6 8 7 2 1 M 14950 I1AK1Z wi! 107 4 2 2 5a andl 51 A NicklausW it Coe 12 2D 20 I :i H 147«7* UMBEL w IM 5 « Sl « • H Sumter F Johnson 20 20 2U 6 2 H Time. 1:00%. Track fast. M WI— III Ch. f, by Irince of Melbourne— Dainty trained by F. 1. Weir. H Went to iMi-t at 2:34. At post 1 niiniile. Start Mod and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. M MISS F1KLDBB began slowly and ran wide at the cibow, but responded anaurij to punishuieiit. wore the M leaders down In the final sixteenth and was going away at the end. AL1IF.NA sprinted away from his H opposition iu the early limning, then swerved continually through the homestretch and tired, but held AL H KKEVE8 safe lor second place. The latter was otr slow Iv and saved ground 011 the turn, but lired win 11 H 1 .111 to a drive. I MBLL ran out afler going a quarter. 1IAVFKSACK showed speed, but gait in the stretch. H 1FZ£ifi SECOND It ACE— 1 Mile. r.o::70— 1 ::W— 3— HM . 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. H fj J J J Selling. Net value to winner j530j second. . 7I : third. 0. H lneex Horses AWtlTSt j »;. - Sir Fin Jocki.vs tw tiers O II C 1 S H 1484:i:lSTONEHENJF; WB 3 Ml 4 1 l2 1- ll 1 1 P M Buxton S Boss 10 15 15 t! 3 | 14091 -A MALE! wb « 104 7 4 9 71 5- 4-" 23 H Wolfe MontpelierStablo 1 «-5 11-102 and ut --■ I1002-MH. SIECS w 6 113 1 3 2" 33 21 21 »» C Fbther A C Illume 20 20 15 5 a M 14700 MATMB w 3 90 5 6 51 4= 4- B 4a J 1 Hyan K 1arr 10 12 12 1 7-5 H I43." : NILD w 3 S3 « 5 31 2 B | 6" 5" I BtewardP Lorillard 40 40 15 5 2 ■ff| 1-19:14 ODELIA wis 5 102 8 9 ti H t;:l P li1 J Kederis R C Benson 15 20 15 « 3 H 14959 lOAKHURST w 8 113 9 7 7 » 8J 7l 7- 7 J Butwell P M Walker 2 3 2J 7-10out H 14087* MASTER JOE wit 3 97 3 2 41 «- S- S- 8" J MeCaheyQuincy Stable 10 15 15 «; 3 PgH 14781*IA ST FORTUNE w 3 92 2 8 8= 9 9 9 9 B Marco R F Carman 12 30 20 8 4 . M Time. 243/5. 50, l:14Vi, 1:41. Track fast. M Winner— B. g. by Hastings — Linda Stone trained by M. Small 1. H Went lo oosl at 3:02. At post 1 minute. Start goad and fast. Won driving: second jt ml third Hie H same. 8TONEHENUE set the pace from the start and opened a coed bad wnih- lounding the far turn, then H saved ground when entering the homestretch, but was tiling in the final sixteenth and just lasted long H enough to win. AMALFI was shuffled back on the ram into the baefcstretch, then closed up ground steadily fH and wa- forced wide when entering the homestretch, but finished resolutely ami was wearing the leader M down in the final drive. MR. SPECS ran well and moved up at the eighth post, but tired when it came to a H hard drive. MATES was repeatedly cut off and. finishing gamely, would have been third in another stride. 1 OAKUUB8T lacked speed and ran below his true firm. MI. II ran a good three-quarters. H Scratched — 14959 Captaiu Swauson, 102; 11954:1Tea Enough, 90; 14992 iSonnv Boy, 99; 11959 Song of M Valley. 95. iH overweights— Wild, 2 pounds. hH IK ff* rj THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. S9351— 1:12— 5—120. 1 00 added. 3-year-ods and upward. M Jv/Q I Handicap. Net value to winner 7i; second. 0: third. $:; . H "liiV Hor.— s AWilISI 1 :■ % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 S H 11988-YANK. NOTIONS WI 4 Mi 4 3 1- 1- 1- 1» K Karrick Oneek Stable 2 3 3 4-5 out H 14033 SI liiiMI.OLI wllW 3 4 4 4 2" 2* J Butwell A Belmont 2i 2J 2J 7-10out H l4788:,VANIii:i:t;uiFT vs 3 104 2 2 3- 3". 3- 3 J MeCabe J W Schorr 5 5 4 C 5 out fH 140ofiGROVR HUOHESw 6 113 1 1 24 21 4 4 B Marco F D Weir 6-5 9-5 17-103-5out M Time. l:lt%. Track fast. H Winner— Ch. c. by Yankee — Fairie Queen trained by W. II. K.irriek. H Wmt to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start j.i od and slow. Won driving: second and third the H sane. YANKEE NOTIONS, showing great speed in the earlv running, opened a long lead while rounding M the far turn, but tired in the final eighth and had to be haril ridden to outstay STROMBOLI. The latter H -werved when the barrier w:is released and was not hurried until after entering the homestretch, then M moved up steadily under punishment and passed the leader, but his rider appeared overconfident and put M down his whip too soon. VANDERGBIFT closed up menacingly at the eighth i ost. then quit as if short. H UKOVEB HITGHB8 showed speed, but ran wide throughout and needs a stronger rider than lie had up today. H Scratched -14088 Leoeharrs. 117: 15045 Water Welles. 104; 13046 Helen Barbee, 104; 1504i -Flittergo;d. H HO; 15tl49-Crossbini. HI2: I I I.tssi Roanier. 114; 14S2I I ndamitiMl. 90. H FOIRTB RACK— 7-8 Mile. 54020— 1 :2 — 3— 101. Fifth Running Union Selling Stakes. | ITlXrjQ » J I J O O Value .51.0OQ. ::-yeai-iilds. Set value to winner .7~: second. N; third. H. H i"de Horses AWtlISl % U. % Str -in Jockeys Owners 0 H C g S H 110S5 HOCNIR wit 107 7 1 L".t 2l l» ll 1- M Buxton B.-verw yckStable 10 10 4 7-5 7-10 H 148iO-IOMETTE BLEU WB 102 1 I Sh 4- ffl ., 2" H Wolfe MontpelierStablo 7-5 2J 11-51 5 2 E H 14820*CND.rNTED xvn 9fi 2 I 1« B 2l 2l 33 H Sumter A Miller 4 4 3 11-2 H I 10»7-*CrARL wis 102 6 I fil i* 5- 43 4 B Marco ElkwoodPkSble 13-SSj B fi-f 3-5 H I 1959 SONG OF VALLEY w 101 C 5- II 7 5 5s J Mc«*aheyH Wattirson 20 20 20 S 4 iH 148:»4*YOIEl ING WB 93 4 4 4- 31 4- 0- i- J I* Ryan H J Morris 10 20 15 I I H 14913 WALTERS WB Ml 3 7 7 7 611. 7 7 A NieklausL Martine 40 50 40 15 5 H Time. 24, 48... 1:13$, 1:27. Track fast. H Winner— B. c, by Voorbeea — Luiir trained l.y .. Ziigier. M Weal I" |Hist at ;.:5.s. At |mst 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wmi easily; second ami third drlv- pB lug. HOCNIR followed the early leader closely from the start and. wearing her down when entering the M homestretch, drew away after a mild drive. POMETTE BLEU was in close quarters OH the turn and. w In n M .car. re-pond.d gamely to punishment and outstayed UNDAUNTED in the final drive. The latter showed ■ ■ much s]iced in | 1 contusing, but tired in the closing strides. HARL was knocked out of contention in the Wi lirst eighth, then show d good speed la closing a gap. hat tired at the eighth ] ost and, swerving to the in- M sine, was eased up. The others were beaten off at the tinish. M Scratched 11954 Northerner, 83; 14910 Joe BoaeuarM, 103: 14741 Wooden Shoes. Mat; 11955 Hypati.i. H 1IFIII RACK 1 Mile. 50370— 1 :3S— 3— 100. 00 added. 3-year-olds and ipiw aid. H 1PZ.C*CJk *J /Q .J Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner $|sii; sec I. : third. $::o. H Index I! r-es AWllISt j j- -H Sir Fill Jockeys Owners O II C I S H 14313 JOB TtOSKNFLD W 3 107 5 6 4- 1= I3 1* 1" A Sehugrl Stevenson 2 I 13-61 1-2 H 14910 BEETHOVEN w 4 110 2 2 B 3* 3= 2U 23 J Butwell 8 L 1arsons 4 4 3* fi 5 3-5 ■•■ 14777 BL BIOD w 3 107 3 4 5?. H 3»1 V 3 W Doyle Mr Earle 10 10 fi V I i H 14203 HIS NILS vv 3 107 1 3 l1 U 4. H 4l J Glass F Johnson 2J ti 6 2J fi-5 fH 14332 »CAGLIOSTRO w 3 110 6 8 S I 8 S 5l J Longo PI P Whitney 20 20 15 6 I H 13008 CHUPADERO W 3 107 4 5 7- B !• 71 «3 A Nicklaus.I L Coyle M M :» M I H 15331* BALTIMORE WB 3 3M S 1 B 2- B B" f J MeCabe Miss Chaniblet 12 15 IS f. 3 llfl 147893EASTER STAR w 3 107 7 7 fi3 7- 71 11 S K KarrickF A Clark 1 I 3ft 1 1 - H Time. 242/,, 49. 1:15%. 1:42%. Track fast. PH Winner -Blk. c. by Iiaimdes — Fads and Fancies trained by J. McLaughlin, Jr.. H Weal to post at 4:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won ridden out: second and third M driving JOE BOSENFIELD began slowly and raced into a good lead while rounding the far turn, but was pH tiring In the stretch and had to be hard ridden to withstand BEETHOVENS challenge. The bitter saved ilfl ground on all the turns and closed up camclv alter entering the homestretch, but tired in the final strides. M EL BIOD dosed I nap and finished roing fastest of all. EA8TEB STAR ran i bad race. HIS NIBS set the H early pace, but lired. BALTIMQRI-: ran well for three-ipiarti rs. iim f SIXTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 13333 ■"!%— »— MB. 3331 added. 2 year olds. H 1£Zfrj tJ j / Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 70: second. 0: third. 9. H Index Horses AWllISt1, !■ % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C I S H 14373* COQUETTE w 112 5 1 l1 2* 1- l5 M P.uxton Brookside StableO-5 fi-5 9 102-5 out M f 14737 LADY BARBARY w 112 I 4 2J 4l 4= 21* J "MePaheyR F Iarman 5 5 M 51 1-2 ■■■ 14873 DISMISS v 10S 13 5 3» 2J 32 C Fbther J E Madden 2 3J 1fi-51 1-2 H 143SS FORECAST w 10S 2 2 3l lak fitft 4| K KarrickOneck Stable 6 S S B 1 |H 14873 CHANGE w 103 3 I 4 J 5 5 5 J Kederis A Belmont 10 15 15 5 I H Time. 23, 54Vi new track record 1. Track fast. H Winner -Ch. f. by Celt — Adrians trained by G. M. OdOSB. H Went to IKist at 4:51. At |Hist 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second iind third driv- H inu. COQUETTE began fast and raced into an easy lead, but came wide on th ■ elbow and was passed, then H came again and drew away decisively in the final Sixteenth. LADY" BARBARY gradually improved her H position and easily disposed of the other- for second place. DISMISS saved groaad all the way, but Hied *••■ ti ar the end FORECAST was high in fiesh and quit after racing into the lead. M Scratched 14744 Moarroaa, l»3; Militant. 103. H

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Local Identifier: drf1914062501_1_8
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