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i LATONIA JOCKEY CLUBS MEETING TO OPEN TOMORROW UNDER PROMISING CONDITIONS tli J. Cincinnati, O., October 17. The Latonia Jockey Clubs meeting of eighteen days, will begin Monday. Mauager John Hachmeister has made his arrangements with a great meeting in view this fall. He has secured reduced rates on the railroads coining into Cincinnati from all points iu Kentucky on the day the Latonia Cup is scheduled to be run. as well as for the opening day and other special days. On these special occasions the attendance will Include many people high in society, as weil as iu racing circles, this fact being attested by the applications for box reservations, which are unusually large this fall. No track iir the country has anything on Latonia in the way of attractiveness. The club house i" comfortable and its broad verandas look ottV upon a landscape which pleases the eye. In tne foreground are magnificent Hower beds and one of the most beautiful of artificial lakes tilled with clear water, while in the distance looms up the sightly hills of Kenton county; now radiant in their autumn dress. The chief racing event for Monday, the opening day. is the Latonia Autumn Inaugural Handicap. ,000 added, one mile and a sixteenth, for which a great Held has been named to go to the xwst. On Saturday. October 24, the lirst renewal of the Fort Thomas Stakes, whjch has been won in previous years by such crack youngsters as Edda. Azyiadc, Hawthorn and Ralph, will take place. This event, which is to be run over the six-furlong course, carries ,000 in added money, and the weights for it will be announced next Thursday. Its running probably will be marked by a meeting of the three stars, Emersou Cochran, Ed Crump and Chalmers, besides other high class two-year-olds. It Is a stake that has always had more or less bearing on the winter selections for the big Derby races of the following year. On Saturday. October 31. the feature race will be the Autumn Stakes, ,500 added, for three-year-olds, one mile. On the llual day of the meeting, Saturday. November 7, the Latonia Cup, the greatest of the seasons long distance races, will be decided. It is over the regular cup course of two miles and a quarter, and carries an added money valuation of ,500. while the owner of the winner will receive iu addition to the stakes an expensive and beautiful solid silver loving cup, donated by the Latonia Jockey Club. The weights for this event will be annouueed Wednesday, November l. and among the eligiblcs still in training arc such noted horses as Great Britain, Dr. Samuel, Sleeth. Donerail, Bonne Chance. San Vega, Hobinetta. Jenny Geddes, Vcrena, Ivan Gardner and Sir Catcs-by. the last named having won this stake last 1 season. Many of. the Latonia stables are already tilled with great racers and big shipments will come from , Louisville tomorrow and Monday. There are a few strings which have been delayed at Louisville on account of late applications for cars, but all will reach the course early next week. Cincinnati patrons of racing can look forward to a glorious season of sport at Latonia this fall and it only needs good weather and fast track conditions to assure some of the greatest races ever run at this course.