untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-10-18


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AND LAST SNEXT ALE Of YEARLINGS w bbh Era mm wwwwan mmmmmmmammiuimaaaBasBasmBt AT 1 Latonia Race Tract I October 26 and 27 CONSIGNMENTS FROM I AUGUST BELMONT CHINN and TORSYTHE C. W. MOORE W. SHOAVALTER I F. E. BOOTH A. J. GOREY C. C. PATRICK STONE and RUCKER 1 E. R. BRADLEY GORHAM BROS. THOMAS PIATT . G. D. WILSON I JOIfN D. CARR J. L. HOLLAND EDGAR RENSHAAV MILTON YOUNG 1 O. H. CHENAULT S. C. LY1IE J. B. RESPE5S 1 YEARLINGS THE GET OF I Ben Trovato Disguise Jack Atkin Orsini Imp. Star Shoci 9 Bos Dorante Imp. Marathon Imp. Out of Reach The Ticknt B Charles Edward Duke of Ormonde Imp. Marta Santa Peter Pan Transvaal I Imp. Cyclades Hippodrome Imp. Martinet Peter Quince Trap Rock I Cunard Hilarious Imp. McGee Imp. Sain . I Dick Welles Hastings Nasturtium Stalwart 1 Catalogs Ready. Mailed Only on Application to I The Kentucky Sales Co. I I INCORPORATED 1 . LEXINGTON " KENTUCKY J lWIB MM WHWMWHOI Will Ill and FREE.... 5 STRAIGHT WINNERS, ....FREE t loser and a second is the record of our daily free form specials, which appear daily under code in thirf layer. All you need to code these out is a copy of the little yellow hook, on sale wherever RACING FORM s," 3 cents is all it costs and Its good for a week. Besides the free daily specials you get a complek iiio on the horses ready to win. Get a copy today. Its worth one hundred times the price asked, our lients tell us. FREE in this weeks . - dress where telegram will reach you and ssuc PARRS GUARANTEED PROOF X" "V wln do tllL Test- Remember, we lead SYSTEM. Saturdays X Special Won. tI"-nl ilU wllcn lt TM to real ,nfonna- If von wont one wire a week and only . VA tion, and we advertise pur losers as well m Saturdays, trv this; is the price, jy-tfX "s our winners; our ad. appears in this ind it comes on Saturdays only. If yon fjYtfTT-. tt I,aIcr every day and lias for over 10 ivant one every day. get our Daily One- Js!eSlZ7?f years does this mean anything; think Horse service; for 0 starters. Our ifejiSftJlfeQKl it over? MONDAYS FREE FORM Direct Track Pay After You Win Wire - MSfMJm SPECIAL: No. 252 in Book No. 515, Saturday Won This makes .3 straight 1 jfSl all now on sale at live news-stands, or StnnhIsS strid ""if SmnSst V JW J llirwt from offlcc ,n 1,1:,lu sci,k" cVAnSvcasW JJT y ,,Telopet 25 cents, stamps or coin. Get a 2 straight wager. Better get in on one. Ten 10 complete systems mailed this now. Just send your name and ad- . to you for .2o, stamps or coiu. THE TURF REPORTER 509, 22 WEST QUINCY STREET. ESTABLISHED 1904. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, FIFTH RACE, is where our next X siieclal goes. From now on the price of our Saturday specials will be . so get yours in now, so as not to miss the one going in the fifth ace, Saturday, October 24. Yesterdays special ran second, making 7 WINNERS, 4 seconds and a third on this service. BE YOUR OWN HANDICAPPER. jet a copy of the white book. It does it for you cacli day. good for a week and only costs 25 cents. On ale at all news-stands in the United States and Canada. If you never have tried the white hook, send for SAMPLE COPY. ITS YOURS FOR THE ASKING, mailed lirst-class mail. Mondays selections: S28 Q69 P71 PG5 X23 G33 J68 D20 L41 T74 130 149 R40 P6 DC3 X25 N6S 163. AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Established 1907, Baltimore Building, Chicago, III. Saturday Noon For the five days ending Friday, at Churchill Downs, the Biggs System produced nine winners, including RAINCOAT, which paid 7.50 for , and others paying as high as 20 to 1. At Laurel, during the same five days, the system produced seven winners, including SONG OF "VALLEY, which paid 22.90 for , and TRIAL BY JURY, which paid 3.60 for 2. RESULTS TALK and, for this reason, it is unnecessary to dwell on the goodness of the Biggs System, for every week I have published its accomplishments, and with all the upsets that surround us, it is a pleasure to note the consistency of the Uiggs System. Same is sold to you complete and ready for action immediately, and the only thing I ask after the first pavment is that you act squarely with me and agree to pay the balance due out of the earnings or ,the systtau as you,;go along and make money through it. It took years of study and thousands of dollars to perfect this system, and if you wisli to recover losses sustained through foolish investments, here is an opportunity through the Biggs System. .Same is sold to you with the distinct understanding that unless you prove to yourself, after you have the system, the winners I claim for it, your money will be returned on deniUnd. If mv claims were not in accordance with the facts, this advertisement could not appear in this paper, as every winner is verified before It can be inserted. Anyone who can read and write can operate the Biggs System. Now, while the racing season is at its height, and the Biggs System, with the wagering schedule attached, is working to great advantage, get a copy. Beware of fraudulent copies, as the Biggs System Is fully copyrighted, and cannot be sold or reprot duced without infringing on copyright laws. WHAT PEOPLE SAY: "Have been watching your system for some time, and -also have some friends who have your system and tay it is good." Another writes: "I find it, upon looking over the past form charts,- to be th,e wonderful thing in existence." Another writes, under date of October 14: "I received your system all right. I have been looking through the past form charts, and am very -confident that it will prove a winner, and will surely scud tou the ?J."i out of the winnings as soon as I. start." Another writes under date of October 13: "Your system duly received, and its merits and advantages acknowledged." The above arc from purchasers, taken at random from the weeks correspondence, and the original letters aw filed with Daily Racing Form. . A wrong play is impossible. Beniit as first-;payHient;i-by telegraph, money order or special delivery, and agree to pay the balance of .5 due me, out of the earnings of tl system as you go along and make money throusrh it. I want honest people only. All checks must be certified. The Biggs System is the greatest discovery ever made in Racing Systems. 1 - ADDRESS H. H. RIGGS 12 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. I LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES: New York, Stuyvesant 4358, 4359, - l - 160-100 WON JOE DSEB0LD... 455-100 WON Above were the last two that we gave out on our New Service. All subscribers to tins service must send in their remittance at once, as IRICHVVOOD we will not send anv more till we receive same. Yesterdays Free Parlay gave PRINCE KERMIS, 1S5-100, WON, and a loser. Daily Won. X Special ran third. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 702 in "Bool: No. 388. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago. 111. PAY AFTER YOU WIN always has been my motto. You must win in ordet for me to get mine. I want every race player who reads this paper to get ready for the most exceptional racing proposition, you have ever had the 1 chance to be declared in on. At LATONIA, this I week, I will have two or three long shot sleepers I that will go over and will hand them out to reliable bettors for the winnings of a .00 straight bet. Honest people send name and address where tele grams will reach you in time. J. C. ROGERS. 2025 Lane Court, :: :: :: Chicago, 111, CONSENSUS Of OPINION I The selections of the TEN LEADING NEWS J PAPER HANDICAPPERS of the United States an obtained daily and averaged mathematically bv ai export. The CONSENSUS OF THEM ALL ii wired daily at 11 a. m. Terms, Weekly. Handbooks Take Notice. C. W. BELL, World Building, :: :: :: New York NiATlONAL HACtNG REVIEW ! MONDAYS SPECIAL: No. 204.. I Yesterdays Wire ran second, i Special scratched. Room 44C, 321 South La Salle Street, Chicago, HI To Layers Only. Morning prices. Results. Scratches Anything and Everything a layer needs to do huskies anywhere, Service "guarantveil.j.felegraiits In cipher Write for illustrated circirtrfrBjrnd code free. Suial expense. com. paid to player for new customer Natl News Bureau, R. 436 Gault Hotel, Chicago SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM I PRINCE HERMIS, .70 for , Won NOBLEMAN lC42-100 2ND DR. KENDALL 329-100 2ND SIR CATESBY 563-100 2ND PRINCE HERMIS was my .00 Extra Special Saturday. The other three were my Daily Wires. Sly telegrams to all clients read: "Louisville Extra Special, Fifth, Prince Hermis, Goose rides. Daily Wire Second, Notleman; Third, Dr. Kendall; Fourth, Sir Cateshy, all straight." Better get In, boys, on this proposition. Send me 0 by return mail and I will put you on my winning list for the entire lS-days meeting at Latonla. This offer is only good until Tuesday, October 20. or send "me to guarantee telegraph charges and Ill send you my Daily Wire, you to remit for each winner after it wins. GRECIAN first start 2ND GRECIAN second start.... SD.80 for WON PRINCE HERMIS fiist start Lost PRCE HERMIS 2d start . ..70 for ?2 WON were my best bets in issue of Octolier 13. Woods Turf News costs ..25 per month 8 issues, isucd every Tueday and Friday. For sale wherever Racing Form is sold. My Daily wires since Friday, October S, have given the following results: October 9. PIFF JR .50 for WON LUTHER .70 for WON October 10. . PAH ZARETA S2.80 for WON VOGUE .00 for WON October 12. BURWOOD Lost STAR ACTRESS Lost October 13. FIDGET Scratched OTHELLO Scratched October 14. BOLALA j Scratched FLYING FEET ..30 for WON October 15. PL lIN .90 for WON IMPRESSION Lost J October 16. Not filed. Address all corrsspondence to T. C. WOOD HOTEL MEF, HAMMOND, IND. NOTICE 1 Those in a position to take advantage of an 1 unusual opportunity which will occur during this I ja week, should communicate with me at once so I K that the proper code may be sent to them. I H Bo not confuse this with the "RIggs System" j or "Every Day Turf Advertising," as it has jj nothing to do with either. S fit These announcements are made only when S every detail is known to me and I am per-V sonally interested. S Tlie last advice from me occurred Saturday, 1 October 10, and won easily at a good price. I The name of horse was filed with this paper, S of course, before the race. I I want to say that, on the day of starting. H conditions will suit entirely and everything will M bo favorable. The value of legitimate inside information I coining through tl:o proper channels will again I be demonstrated. Q I want to hear from those who can appreciate exceptional connections and those interested, 9 should write immediately for code and par-m ticulars. Iaddress H. H. RIGGS I 12 Fifth Avenue, New York City UHHKHHHHHBnHHIBGnMBMMB STRANG NOW AT LATONIA SENDING DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION. .00 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE. This service includes Daily Race Letter Handicap that won 7.70 on the recent Douglas Park meeting. This letter is mailed you early every evening so as to reach you in time next day. and our I DAILY TRACK WIRE SPECIALS. I BALGEE 13-1 WON i was one of our late long-priced Daily Specials at Louisville last Wednesday. I BIG OPENING DAY SPECIAL AT LATONIA i MONDAY. If this one does not win, two following days service Free. GEO. L. STRANG and CO., 1742 BAYMILLER ST.. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ;l A "Bona Fide" Offer I ALL I ASK IS A SQUARE DEAL. t WRITE OR WIRE ME FOR SPECIALS GOING x Wednesday and Friday Next. T j R- RHODES, 211 St. Paul Str.. Baiiimorc. Md Z " 9 fWff 7Pf f ftVf ff f tf fTf f f f THE MILLION DOLLAr"sYSTCm7,K3 If You Play the Races, You Should Have My System. This is no wild cat system. You can take back charts of Daily Racing Form and convince yourself before making any bets. Can be played in handbook or track on Hat or progressive basis. Send money orders to F. E. WALKER. 3622 Coto Brillianto Ave., St. Louis, Mo. MMflfSlfBNHBHHHMHVGBHHHiHilHilHHHHIflMiiliHH 1 J Tuesday, Oct. 20. Set? this date? Take a chance, remit $." and let me demonstrate what I can do. Those on my list will get it. Ileare note this, old friends. New subscribers to ono weeks service sec ad. elsewhere, same goes for them. This one alone, 1 . G. E. Mercer, Gait House, Mkt. and Mad., Chicago. r No man ever lwat the races playing them all. Would you like to have ono horse a day from each track, just one, carrying "track money? Big commissioner here my friend. Remit 0 for one weeks A , trial. All telegrams sent paid, anvwhere. George E, j Mercer, Gait House, Market and Madison, Chicago. s SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACINO FORM. TERMS: 1 5 Cents Per Copy. $ 1.50 Per Month. 50 Cents Per Week. 7.00 Per Annum, i, As plain enveloped letter, first-class mail. - Single comes bv mail six cents. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. ;, 441 Plymouth Court. :: :: Chicago, Illinois,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914101801/drf1914101801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1914101801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800