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id; Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, November 28. m W WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. IS: 17f o Ind. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.IIan. 17i Tho figures under -the heading "Roc." in the 1S4S0 High Street 10J 1:38 S 1030720 17 cntrios hVlow Show the hest timo of each horse 18477 Judge Sale 105 1:42 5 103X715 17 at the T distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter 1S477 Fort Sumter OS 1:3S 4 100X715 1 where it finished. In cases where record was. made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- Fourth Rac! 5 1-2 Furlongs. viations show track conditions. q 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 16 Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00. Track record: 13587 1 :03 G 150. S well in mud. Superior mud runner. XRuns allowance. l- PRAETORIAN PRAETORIAN . ... o 5 10SX.-. 10SX75 16 M M maidens. Apprentice First Race 5-8 Mile 18470 Andrew ODay ...100 1:0S 3 102X715 15 2-ycar-olds Maidens. Allowances. 18473 Dr. Neufer 115 1:07 5 112X715 15 , Colts. n5eld-aff 18473 Wavering 107 1:10 4 107.. 710 If o ms record: 9ol00 oand 0 10S. Track iS22G Ruvoco 112 1:07 4 10SX710 16 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 14 18242 Osmonde 7ac"7- Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. 1SVIS Dav Dav ltK..blw 1S159 Rinaldo 10S..GS5 2:ycar-olds. Fillies. Selling. 18473 Breezer . . ... !2 l:llh 105.. 075 Track record: 95100 5S 0 10S. 3 Kli linh 18320 Inez 102 1:01 103. .725 w bj General Rob- 18;!4- CarrJe 0rmc 109 1:01 105X720 p nUrv 105 10480 Category ..104 1:01 100.. 715 is Clleiry 1S219 Make Good 104 1:01 103.. 710 is Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Helen RaybouldM109 1:01 102.. 705 is 3-vcar-olds and upward. Selling. 1S347 Finalee 10S 1:02 100 X 705 14 Track record: 13CS7 1:03 C 150. 14 1847C Amolhalko 104 1:00 5 112X700 Sixth Race D 1-2 Furlongs. 14 1SGS Golf Ball 115 1:0S 10 1100695 , , , , S lSr04 Calcium ......... .102 l:0i 4 111X090 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. g 1S4S8 Louis des Cognets.100 1:0S O 112. .090 Track record: 13087 1:03 J 150. S 13001 Nobby 10S 1:0!. 4 10SX;S5 1834C- Ijiul Lonlon 4 108x725 8 1S473 Chilton Trance . -.110 l:07y3 5 ll-IXOSw iS4SS Jake Argent 1111:09 5 110X 720 Third Race 1 Mile. 18201 Safranor 114 1:07 4 107X720 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. 1S472 Frazzle 103 1:00 5 10SX720 jj Track record: 13724 1:3U 3 102. 184S7 Parcel Post 105 1:0S 3 102X715 ls 1S3501 Bculah S 100 1:41 4 105X725 1S252 Adena 10S 1:07 9 112X710 1S IS IS IS FIRST RACE 5-S Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. 95190 5S 9 17 108. - Index Course Dist TiineTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish " nSMrmTVF h ir 2 105 By Oddfellow Baby Lamb J. B. Cloher. 1S Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 2 109 7 0 5 5 4 W W TlorlS Long Reach. Jester, Fee Albert 1S09S Latonia 55 f 1:08 fast 105 109 4 3 3 3 31 J McCabe 12 Bamboo. Dundreary. Jester jj DAY DAY h c 2 108 By Peep oDay Wedding Day W. G. Yanke V, isnns Ttonia 5fl-0S fast 1G 112 8 7 S S1 9 F Murphy 12 BamlKK. Dundreary. Osmonde 11 17965-ChurcnM 3-1 1 16mud 5 112 3 3 4 7 65 R Small 12 McAdoo. Foxy Griff. Nobleman 1 17562 DouSaa 51 liofast 56 107 a 10 10 0 SiF Murphy 12 Bill Dudley. Dortcb. Foxy Griff U nrwATTm h e 2 108 By Sempronius Variora J. A. Mead. 1 1S150 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast fid 112 12 9 10 1111 C VanDunl2 Royal II.. Hcos lioo, Syrian 1 lili Latonia" 51 landt 175 10S 8 S 8 75 7" J Henry 9 E.Cochran. Rancher. MargaretD. A KREEZER br c 2 105 By St. Savin Belle Swift F. D. Weir. 1! 1K471 Tinrpi- 5-S l-OShvy 20 92 13 9 S Si S145B Marco 13 Wavering, Dr.Neufer, AnnaRced 1! 1S02S Churchl 55 f l:0Slivy 3S 100 5 6 0 6 61E Martin G Llt.String, Nobleman. B.Brother 1 JACK RJTTLER, ch. g, 105 By Gen. Roberts Rose Cherry G. M. Van Gordon. First start. 1 1 SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13GS7 1:03 0 150. V AMOHAT.KO ch m 5 112 By Abe Frank Tex Anna W. X. Stanfield. . 18476 JuTrez 5-S l:08hvy 50 116 10 1 3 3.6 D Stirling 10 And. ODay. OrimarLad. Rosiris , is-51 "couvcr t-S 1:03 hvy 27-10 112 2 1 1 2 6"iW Mondon 8 Little Bit. RaraVez, M.Kennedy . 1S197 Vcouver Bit 1 15 hvy 10 114 3 11 IS 2 W Mondon li Little Bit. Joe Frank. Camla 1S1S9 Vcouver 5i f 1 :15mud 15 114 4 11 U 4 W Mondon 0 Triste. Jake Argent. LottaCwed isi4 vvn-nr 51 f l:15mud 9 113 4 3 3 3 6i F Battiste 7 Faustina. C. Curn. FredaJohnson J, 11 4 VVoni-er 0-1 1:08 slSw 91 107 6 6 6 6 63 II Clark 0 Wiltrudo S., Mercurium, Elma 1799 Vcouver frl l:08hvy 6310 112 1 14 3 3 W Mondon J Mercurium, In Dutch, F.Johnson t 17801 Vcouver 4 t 1:15 mud 3-2 107 4 2 1 li 5 J A Green 6 S. Shapiro, Judge Sale. M.Krug ?777 vvnnpr f l:14?mud 2.5 107 3 1 1 1 2 A Green i O.Gotch. WifredD., M.Kennedy 1 mil Vcouver Dl f l:124mud Bi 103 3 1 1 IS 1" II Clark 7 Mr. Mack, Faustina, Lillian Ray i ITCS Vcouver 5-8 mud 8 109 3 1 2 2S 4 B Haynes 0 Laura Clay, Lil.Ray. EckDavis 1 T75in VVnJIvpr t-S l:03mud 31-5 109 6 5 6 6- 5 H Clark 7 And.ODay, EckDavis, B.DeKalb l 1757 Vcouver d liisifmud 5 111 1 1 1 2 3 It Feeney 7 Geo. Karme Lil Ray, Vaiadolid i r Vcouver 5S 1 -04 hvy 12 107 5 4 3 4 4 II Stuart 7 J.Crawfd. ElsieGrn, VelieForty l 171M vvnnwr 3-4 l:18 mud 50 112 4 1 1 1 3 W Mondon S ChiltonTrance, Oblivion, N.Lass i 17118 Vcouver s 1:02 slow 15 114 2 3 5 51" 4T L Gentry 7 J. Gheens. AunticCarl. J.Gaitens i -181 : V-coVvcr sft 1:08 fast 9-5 113 5 11 l1 l1 AV Mondon S M. Boy, M. Chavis. Ostentatfous l rrirv hatt li li 10 110 By Plaudit Gutta Percha J. N. Mounce. J is"es Daliat 3-4 1-13 fast - 114 3 4 4 4i R Pauley 13 Flor. Kripp. Arrowshaft. Janiel 1 W Da b 5tfl:08fast 110 4 10 10 11 SS R Pauley 12 Gt Friar. FoKane, ScnoritaDana 1 " I Sna 7-8 l:7 fast 107 3 2 3 4 5 6"3,K Pauley ! Swarfs Hill, Say, Bogart 1 17496 He ena M 1:4I fast - 113 4 2 2 2 3 3 3R Pauley 9 Rake, NoQuartcr, LadyAdelaide J iTn i odce 7-S1-32 KO0d 3 117 4 2 2 4 4 5" R Pauley 0 McAIan. Tim Judge. H.Hawkins 17--65 D LodSe 5-8 1:03 slow 3-5 115 3 3 5 5 6S R Pauley S Joe Busher. Ii. Worth. H.Scarum livl DLodce lrnOyl 45fast 4-5 117 1 1 1 1 2i 2 R Pauley 0 Flying. Mamac, Rake J UkonTm Sp 5 f l:09 fast 6 117 6 5 5 51 5"S R Pauley 7 Rosiris. Sen. James, SwartsIIill, 1 16937 DLodKC 3-4 1:17 fast 4 113 1 1 1 l4 l4 R Pauley 7 Kid Nelson. Super!. L. Adelaide 16S77 DLoS4 34 l:16fast 6 117 1 11 Vi 2 K Pauley 8 FredaJohnson. R.Sweet. R.Worth 1 1G724 Anacda ts 1 01fast 50 112 5 6 6 Si 7JR Pauley 11 MarthaMcKee. OnParole. Sainest 1655S Anacda s 1 32 mud 8 111 3 3 3 5 5 5 G Willis 5 Ada Anno. Bogart. Swarfs Hill 165?S Anacda 5-S l:03fast 8 117 1 2 7 9 Si G Willis 10 Zool. K. Shelly. Midsumr PATrTTTM h e 4 111 By Joe Carey or Nealon Ellen Atkins T. OBrien. . 1 Yxvu4 ij-inis 3-4 1-17S slow 112 12 11 ll1 12" J Robuins 13 C. W. Kenuoii, GtFriar, A.Mald I 1 17570 lit ena 5J 1:08 fast - 116 2 3 6 7S 811 A Hullcoat 9 Frances G., M. McKee. Angelus 1 17345 D Aod-e 3-1 1-17 fast 3 110 2 3 4 4 51 D Weber 5 Star Berta. Miss Daniels. S.Blne ! 1 I7"fi7 DLiOdee 3-4 l:18slow 4 115 AVheeled. D Roland S Kid Nelson, McAIan. SainConnor : 17146 DLodKe 3-4 l:10fast 2S 112 3 3 3 2 41 D Boland i Kid Nelsou. C:int Tucker. Sierra i 1 16600 Anacda i4 l:16fast 13 116 2 4 4 4 5 J Montour 9 A.Int.-rest, O.Clnghara, O.Smile t : 1653- Anacda H l:13fast 12 116 1 2 2 2S 4 II Cavagh S Art Rick, Kid Nelson, Angelus 1650S Anacda OS f l:llslow 5 117 1 2 2 2 2nt D Boland 11 Letitia, Clint Tucker. Susan F. 18415 Anacdi 7-8 1 2jlfast 10 115 3 4 2 5 5 6" V Andson 7 Darkey. McAIan. Boly Hill 16170 Butte 3-4 1:15 fast 20 118 10iJF AndersnlO M.Tlimau. Safranor, WiltrudeS. : 16016 Butte 51 f 1:07 fast 20 118 63 F Anderson 8 Angelus, Dr.Neufer, Orba Smile : 15973 Butte 3-4 l:14fast 2 111 Cl L Hartwell 0 Fancy, J. Ilnrie. Or.Cunnineham ; 15S2S Butte 1 1:41 fast 8 113 2 F Andersn 8, T.Clnder, N.MKney . 15628 Butte 1 l:43Jfast 2 110 l4 II Andson 8 Reene W., Susan F., Patriotic LOUIS DES C0GNETS, h. g. 6 112 By Ben Brush Coppclia I. Striker. 1S4SS Juarez 5-8 l:07hvy 10 112 2 3 4 3 48J J Henry 0 F. Hall, J. Argent, L. Innocence 1S476 Juarez 5-8 1-OSyrhvy 40 116 3 9 9 9 9llJJ Henry 10 AndrewODay, Orim.Lad, Rosiris 11914 Hthorne 3-4 l:17good 5 104 4 .1 ; Mulhnre 7 Mod. Boy, JimeW,.. Little Jake 17S66 Hthorne 5-8 l:01fast 5 116 48 C White 9 Mod. Boy. TipDawdell. Lit.Jako 17636 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:00 fast 4 117 2 2 2 1? C Grand 8 Brightstonc, Cloak, Golden Ruby 17613 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:00fast 10 117 5 5 5J 5J 1- Benton 9 Ft. Monroe. Vnca. Big Luinax 1744T Wdhine 3-4 lUS.cood 42 10:5 7 8 9 9 S9 F Murphy 9 Birka. Gen.B.Ledi, Brandywine 1733 Wdbine 3-4 l"13fast 242 116 7 10 9 9 S11 D Hoffmanll Supreme. Droll. J. II. Houghton 1 17"72 DulTerin Ab5-8 l:0lfast 2 110 1 2 21 Ink II Watts 7 Daylight, Kelly. Johnny Wise 17039 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:01fast 10 112 6 9 9 9" A Walsh 9 Miss Primity. Little Jake. Birkr. 1G700 Hillcrest Ab5-8 1:01 fast 4 117 5 4 4 44 A Walsh 7 Birka, Parcel Post, Frigid 16677 Hillcrest Ab5-8 1:01 fast 5 117 1 4 4 45 A Walsh 7 General, Miss Primity, Barette 16489 KingEd. Ab5-8 58fast 6 111 1 1 1 1 A Walsh 10 Birka, LordWells. HarvestQueen 0 "NOBBY ch. r. 4 108 By Marta Santa Praise W. F. Knebelkamp. vuL Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 40 lot 2 14 14 14 14" J Domink 14 Daylight, B. de Kalb, L. Rillic c 134"-! Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast CO 101 7 7 7 7 S14 J Domink S Ed. Adams. AnneMcGee. Ori.Lad il 133"0 Tuarez 3-4 l:13fast 25 100 5 5 5 6 6IS J Domink G J.ofAsIa. AnneMcGee. NoQuarter 13"40 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast SO 104 14 14 14 13 12IJSJ Dominkl4 Moralight. Stare, Senator James a 12S33 Juarez 5S f l:12hvy 50 103 3 2 2 7 7lnlW W Tlor 7 AnuI Interest. Ben Stone, Cool il 1777 Juarez 7-S 1 :30mud SO 103 3 7 5 6 7 7" W W Tlor 8 Bob Lynch. King Radford. Buss 12754 Juarez 55 f l:03fast 20 107 7 6 6 75 9" W W Tlorll Herpes. Gimli, Bob Lynch CHILTON TRANCE, br. m, 5 113 By Chilton Metempsychosis H. ODay. . 18473 Juarez 5-8 l:0Shvy 12 119 4 2 4 4S 5lF Jackson 13 Wavering, Dr.Neufer, Anna Reed j 1798 Vcouver 5-S l:06hvy C 112 1 4 5 5 lz W Mondon 5 Sweetbait. Eel, Snlli ODay 177S4 Vcouver 5-S l:06mud 37-5 112 5 5 6 6 45 R Feeney 0 John Marrs. Joe Gaitens, Eel 17763 Vcouver 5-S 1:07 mud 7-10 112 1 3 4 4 4 It Feeney 7 John Marrs, Joe Gaitens, Eel 17747 Vcouver 5-8 1:03 mud 12 112 2 2 2 2l 345 R Feeney 5 G.Karrae, JudgeSale, J.Gaitens 17641 Vrnnver 5-S 1:06 hvy 37-5 112 3 5 5 51 5i C Knight G. Karme, J.Crawford, MinnieF. i76S Vcouver 3-4 l:19mud 4V 112 2 4 4 45 4SC Knight i LtKnight, Oblivn, SallieODay 17319 Vcouver o f 1:11 mud 16-5 112 2 2 2 1 1 C Knight 7 L. Estrella, B.DeKalb. F.Cathay v 17T3 Vcouver 3-4 1:17 hvy S 109 1 2 3 55 0 C Knight O Felina. Light Knight. Old Gotch 171SS Vcouver 3-4 l:17hvv 16-5 110 5 3 3 2 l1 C Knight 0 Far Catliay, Minnie F., Azurea 17181 Vcouver 3-4 1:18 mud 85 112 2 2 3 2and 15 C Knight S Oblivion, Amohalko, Nelir.Lass lfilDS Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 55 109 3 6 5 5i 6" R Carter 7 Bredwell. Sweetbait, EckDavis 1645 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 33 111 1 6 9 10 1015 W ManderslO Sterlln. Far Cathay, Lotta Creed d 164w Vcouver 5i f l:0Sfast 16-5 110 3 3 2 H 15 W Mandrs 8 Helen Scott. InDutch. C.Lindsley y Veouver 5 f l:09fast 23-5 108 9 7 3 51 785 W MandrslO Repose, Ladv Etna, Purse Rose 1?S2 Vcouver 5-8 1:04 hvy 33-10 112 7 5 4 2 3S W Mnders 8 Cus.House. Dr.S.P.Tate. Stevesta :a 1C13 Vcouver 5-S l:01fast 8 112 2 4 5 55 57i W Mnders 7 Adena. Jen. Crawford, Ya-Hy-Yin in 15977 Vcouver 5-S 1:01 fast 19 110 3 6 7 55 45i W Mandrs 9 Wastella. Cus. House. Faustina 1 15948 Vcouver 3-4 l:16hvy 36-5 107 2 2 2 25 3 w Mandrs G Virco. Zinkand, Lu-Mac THIRD RACi: 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13724 1:36 3 102. BEUXAH S.. b. f. 4 105 By Filigrane Maid of the Order D. W. Scott. 18330 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 27 107 1 1 1 1 25 3 A Neyion 11 Bonanza, Stoutrrcart. Weyanoke 1S331 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 115 107 11 SJ3 J Collins 14 Weyanoke, W.W.Clk. OSulan 18175 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 33-10 112 2 1 1 3 1- 7" W W TlorlO Joe Stein. Weyanoke. Bon.E!oiso so 18133 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 16-5 107 4 1 1 3 10 11 C DlshmonU! Joe Doibold. Louise Paul, S.Maid l,i 18102 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-5 106 111 1 l1 I1 C Dishinon 0 M.AnnK.. Coppertown. Lovo Dav IV 17631 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47iast 41-5 104 4 2 1 1 3 44? J McCabe 14 Injury, Little Bean. Bula Wesb ib 17470 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46rast 5 10S 2 4 4 3 5 S W Andress 9 Grosvenor. Ymir. Mary Ann K. I 17"S3 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 2 10SJ 4 4 4 5h 69 C Dishmon II Suroget. Bank Bill. Scrnpjier 170C3 L.exgton lm70yl:43fast 28-3 109 111 1 15 21 C Dishinon 10 La Mode. Bula Welsh. Loveland id WIRII STREET, br. sr. 8 103 By Highlander Pearl Street T. Hatfield. 1S4S9 Juarez 1 l:51hvy 8-5 107 1 3 3 4 4" 4" A Green 5 Sleepland, Lescar. Melts IS-oS Vcouver 0Jfl:26 hvy 9-10 107 2 1 1 1 l4 1 A Green fi Oblivion, FaneuilHall. MollieCad ,,i IS- Vcouver i f 1:26 hvy 13-10 107 4 1 1 1 1 1 A Green 5 Ambri. L.VanZamlt, Far Cathay iy v 1S199 Vcouver fij f 1:28 hvy 26-5 107 3 1 1 2 31 38S A Orcen 4 Durin. Oblivion. Ambri 1S1S6 Vcouver 5 f l:14mud 5 107 2 2 1 15 2 A Green 5 G. Karme. M.Kenuedy, D.Benson 1S1KO Vcouver 5 f 1:14 mud 19-5 17 3 2 3 3 4!J A Green r The Feller, Geo.Karine. InDutch h i 18107 Vcouver 55 f l:14mud 8 109 3 1 2 21 2 A Green 5 Bird Mnn. G.Karme. JohnMarrs 1K091 Vcouver 7-S 1:33 hvy 22-5 113 2 1 1 4 4 48 W Mondon 4 FarCathay, JL.VanZandt.. Ambri ! 1S041 Vcouver 7-8 1:35 mud 45 112 2 1 2 3 2 In W Mondon G J.Sale. L. Van Znndr. Sweetbait lit Ift isoos VVouver 7-S l:33mud 7 112 6 4 4 4 75 7;5 W Mondon S Forge. Cordova. Cisko W 179S Vcouver 7-S l:29sIow 16-5 115 2 1 1 1 1 1 W Mondon 0 B.Wilson. Pr.Conrad. , 179n9 Vcouver 55 f 1:10 slow 4 112 5 4 4 55 Csl W Mondon 0 Adena. IIcstr.Andrew ODay 17800 A"eouver 3-1 l:21mud 9 107 4 3 5 5 58 A Green 5 7oroaster, Felina. AlWnnwood od 17751 Vcouver 3-4 l:21mud li 103 3 3 4 3l 3l. A Green G VginiaS. Al.Wmwd. S.ODay 17744 Vcouver S-4 l:21mud 36-5 104 3 4 4 4l 5i A Green 5 Felina. Far Cathay. The Feller 17711 Vcouver 3-1 l:19mud 6 103 5 4 4 55 4 A Green , 0 Med. Boy. BntCandle, Lor.Creed 1 17683 Vcouver 3-4 ine.ilivy 23-5 107 3 4 6 5 3 A Green fi VireininS., Sweetbait. Ambri 1766! Vcouver 3-4 l:19hvy 9-5 107 5 2 2 21 4 A Green G Sweetbait, Willis. Downland 17643 Vcouver 3-1 l:21hvy 4J 107 2 2 5 fi" 6VA Green 7 B Candle. And.ODay. Sweetbait Jt 17132 Vcouver 5-S 1:04 mud 8 111 2 3 C 7 610 C Knight 7 Dotty, Forge, Auntie Curl id; IS: 17f 17i 17 17 1 16 S 16 M 15 15 If 16 14 p is is is 14 14 14 S g S 8 jj ls 1S IS IS IS 17 " jj V, 11 1 U 1 1 A 1! 1! 1 1 1 V . , . J, 11 t 1 i 1 l i l i i l J 1 1 1 J J 1 . 1 I 1 1 ! 1 : i 1 t : : : ; . 0 c il a il j v d y :a in 1 so l,i IV ib id ,,i iy v h i ! lit , od 1 Jt JUDGE SALE, blk. g, 5 103 By Bannookburn Augusta Victoria R. B-iploy. 1S477 Juarez 7-S l:37hvy 3 107 4 3 1 1 l3 15 J OBrien G Any Port, Kelsetta, Fort Sumter 1S1S1 Vcouver 7-S l:36mud 4-5 112 4 2 1 1 ll 1 J OBrien 4 Oblivion. Pce Conrad. G. Gale 1S05S Vcouver 3-4 l:20mud 3-2 109 3 3 2 ll 15 J OBrien 5 Mercurium. D.Mtgomcry. Gerdd 1S0U Vcouver 7-S 1:35 mud 37-20 107 5 5 4 2 15 2 H Clark C H.Strect. L.VanZandt, Sweetbait 1S006 Vcouver 11:47 mud 9 109 4 5 5 5 4l 25 R Feeney 7 Jacob Bunu, Gerds, Dick Benson 17919 Vcouver 5-8 1-06 hvy 71 112 G 6 6 6 4 G McMtiu 0 Jen.Crawfd, Wilt.S.. QunUuth 17931 Vcouver 7-S l:34hvy 9-5 107 3 3 2 1 15 1 H Clark 1 Fan.Hall, J.Gaitens, Ben Wilson 17S01 Vcouver 55 f 1:15 mud 51-20 107 5 5 6 andh 25 II Clark G S.Shapiro, Miss Krug. Q.Ruth 17787 Vcouver 7-S l:35mud 23-10 109 3 2 1 3 35 53i A Pickens 0 Far Cathay, GcrdS; Oblivion 17747 Vcouver 5-8 1:06 mud 26-5 U2 4 5 4 3and 2 P Lounsb y 0 G.Karme, Chill.Tnce, J.Gtens 1770S Vcouver 3-4 1:20 mud 7-5 109 1 5 4 1and l2 P Lounsby 9 BenWilson, TallowDip. HazelC. 17674 Vcouver 5-S l:04hvy 9 112 2 5 5 5 2n P Lounsry G E.Davis, Emeraldlsle, Ethbgll. 17644 Vcouver 7-8 l:37Ahvy 44-5 109 3 4 2 3 35 21! P Lounsby G Charles Fox, Tallow Dip, S.Rank 17429 Vcouver 55 f 1:12 mud 6 114 5 4 6 61 5J P Lounsby S L.Innocce, M.Kennedy, E.Green 1735S Vcouver 3-4 l:18mud 31 112 5 4 4 7 SU p Lounsby 9 Lot.Crced, MuyBucnn, Wat-Lad 17201 Vcouver 5-8 1:05 hvy 19-10 106 2 2 2 1 1 II Clark 9 ProsperoLad. NorfdRse. J.Frank 171S6 Vcouver 55 f 1:11 hvy 16-5 107 5 3 3 35 4 H Clark 9 Holsington. Aud.ODay. Camla 16997 Vcouver 55 f l:07fast 14 107 5 5 5 61 51 P Lounsby 9 IslandQueen, Chas.Fox, Dunn 16914 Vcouver 55 f 1:08 fast 28 103 4 5 4 51 5JP Lounsby 7 Engraver, Delmas. Siscus FORT SUMTER, blk. g. 4 100 By Star Shoot Maribel J. N. Mounce. 1S477 Juarez 7-S l:37hvy 7 104 6 6 6 6 6 4"JM Garner G Judge Sale, Any Port. Keisetfa 1S223 Dallas 1 1-16 1:491 fast 116 2 5 5 3 34 2 R Pauley 5 John Graham. Kelsetta. Farraud 17621 Helena lm70y 1:45 fast 106 6 8 7 3 4 45 R Pauley 9 Barsac, Electric, Gen. Mehniont 17581 Helena 1 1-S 1:525 fast 9 106 4 6 6 5 4h 1 R Pauley 7 Electric, Tony Koch, Barsac 17464 Helena lm70y l:43slow 99 4 2 2 1 1" 25 M Garner 4 Electric. Kelsta, Ht.Marchnint 17399 D.Lodge 7-S 1:29 fast 4 102 5 6 7 7 65 5 W Ormes 7 Lew Hill, Electric, Wild Bear 17148 D.Lddge lm20yl:45fast 5 103 3 6 6 6 5H 2 W Ormes G Kelsetta, Electric. Lew Hill 16S97 D.Lodge lm20yl :44fast 5 110 4 4 4 4 4 495 R Pauley 4 Kelsetta, G.Mchmont, Electric 16779 Anacda 1 1:40 fast 10 93 2 4 4 4 45 485 M Garner 5 Barsac, Christophinc, Kelsetta 16672 Anacda lm70y 1:45 fast 6 104 2 5 5 5 34 l1 M Garner 7 O.McGce, G.Mhmonr. L.Mmont 16601 Anacda 1 l:42fast 25 107 5 5 5 C 53 35 L, Hartwell 6 Electric, Kelsetta. Sam Connor 164S6 Anacda 1 l:42fast 13-5 105 5 6 6 4 25 2 L Hartwell G Clark M., Pay Streak, Electric 16421 Anacda 1 l:41fast 4 111 5 4 4 5 3 31! R Booker G L.Mchmont, Scrapper, O.McGco 16377 Anacda 51 f l:07fast 100 93 5 5 5 5 5ai M Garner 5 NewHaven, Imperator, Kootenay 15842 Butte lm20y l:42fast 8 104 1" 1 Hartwell S Transparent, Kelsetta, Clark M. 15602 Butte lm20y l:45fast 6-5 111 55 P Lounsby 9 Mon. Don. GtFriar, AliceTercsa 15197 Butte 3-4 l:14fast 8 111 C P Lsberry 9 Swarf s Hill, EckDavis, ClarkM. 1G44S Butte 1 1:42 fast 4 10S 1" P Lsberry 8 Ora McGee, Fancy, Rose Sweet 15312 Butte 3-4 l:14fast 30 110 6J W Lberry 10 Berraudian, Kelsetta, S.s Hill 14849 Dorval lm70y l:47fast 12 111 3 7 S 5 45 3l R Pickett S Olga Star, P. Thorpe. Leamence FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 130S7 1:03 G 150. PRAETORIAN h. g, 5 108 By Star Shoot Maribel S. C. Nuckois. Jr. 18263 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 17 115 7 6 8 8 S5 W W Tlorirj Thcsieres, Oakland, T. M. Grccu 1S099 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 2S-5 109 3 5 7 51 4i F Murphy 11 Thesieres. Zali, Chad Buford 1S043 Latonia lm70y l:44good S 104 5 5 7 S S S4 W W Tlor 8 Bonanza, Geo. Stoll. Fellowman 14093 Lexgton 3-4 1:17 mud 10 108 0 4 4 ln U G Turner 10 T. Nightmare, B. Bill, Transport 14061 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:46fast 21-5 110 4 1 2 4 5 5i W Andressll BculahS.. GuldePost. Samllirsch 14023 Lexgton lm70yl:44good 41 109 6 7 6 7 61 5 A Mott 12 H. Howdy. W. Wool. Weyanoke S666 Douglas lm7Cy l:43fast 25 111 4 5 2 2 21 21 Buxton 9 StarJasmiue. Cap.Bravo.J.Rearn 8573 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast 3-2 109 2 1 1 1 l1! 1!1 Buxton 7 Supvisor. Capt.Bravo.WInifredD. S432 Churchl 11-16 1:48 slow 8-5 1 06 3 1 1 1 l1 lU Hanover 8 Supple, Crack.Box. Wintergreeii 83S4 Churchill 3-4 l:15hvy 31-5 111 5 3 4 3 345 B Steele 8 Dunuesne, The Grader, Vorena 8254 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 29 107 7 5 4 6 61 B Steele 7 C. Jones, Presumption, Benanot 8072 Lexington 1 l:39fast 12 1071 7 4 4 3 4 2 B Steele 8 Bell Horse. Clubs. Marshon MERCURIUM, b. g. 4 112 By Joo Carey or Nealon Gottliehcn N, K. Moody. 18487 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 1 112 3 2 2 2s 15 A Mott G Parcellost, Pr.Conrad, Oblivion 18187 Vcouver 61 f l:29mud 2-5 112 2 11 1 1 1 C Riddle 3 Lehigh. Water Lad 18125 Vcouver 3-4 l:20mud 7-5 112 1 1115 1? C Riddle G Prince Conrad. Willis, Ancestors 1S058 Vcouver 3-4 l:20mud 29-10 109 5 4 4 3 25 A Mott 5 JudgeSale, D.Mntgomery, gerds 1S037 Vcouver 5-S l:05mud 15 112 1 12 3 21 A Mott S Jen. Crawford. Zenotck; Dotty 1797S Vcouver 5-8 1:03 slow 9-5 112 3 4 3 2l 25 A Mott G Wiltrude S., Elma, Sallie ODay 17929 Vcouver 5-8 l:06hw 8-5 112 3 3 2 15 l3 A Mott O InDutch, Amohko, FredaJohnson 17797 Vcouver 5-8 l:07mud 13-10 112 1 2 2 24 ll G Warren 5 O.Cross, M.sPride. A.Slupgtov 17782 Vcouver 5-8 1:06 mud 1-2 109 1 2 1 1 l5 C Riddle 0 EelburglL, C.Lindsley. Burrard 17750 Vcouver 55 f l:13mud 2 112 1 3 1 l1 2 C Riddle 0 VioletMay, HazelC, LilllunRay 17318 Vcouver 7-8 1:34 slop 3-2 114 4 1 1 6 6,4iF Jackson G ProKcalis, VioletMav. Hsiugton 17228 VCouver 7-8 1:30 hvy 3-4 109 6 4 2 4 5l 55 A Mott S Fairly, Lehigh, Far Cathay: 17190 Vcouver 55 f l:10hvy 18-5 111 7 6 5 5 21 A Mott 7 LaEstrclla, BaronDcKaUn Swtbt 17115 Vcouver 7-8 l:29slow 13-10 104 Lost rider. A Mott 7 Lehigh, L.VanZandt. Fan. Jlall 17O04 Vcouver 7-8 l:27fast 8-5 111 1 3 1 1 25 3J A Mott S QunRuth. Stevesta, ProsperoSon 16923 Vcouver 7-8 l:27fast 2X 109 4 4 5 4 2J 2" A Mott 7 Burl. M.IIawkstone,. A.Sliipskey 16S66 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 63-10 111 8 8 7 5 35 A Mott 8 Lotta Creed, EckDavis, -Vanllorn 16636 Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast 11-5 111 7 5 8 8 8"5A Mott 8 Far Cathay. Lotta Creed,, Felina 16572 Vcouver - 3-4 l:14fast 31 107 2 1 1 l1 2s A Mott 9 Compton. Sterlln, Willis ANDREW ODAY, ch. g, 3 102 By Andrew Mack Light of Day Hogan and Holman. 1S176 Juarez 5-S l:0Shvy 10 110 1 7 7 51 1 L HartwelllO Orimar Lad, Rosiris. Nifty 1S040 Vcouver 7-S 1:34 mud 8 105 4 4 2 2 2 21! H Clark 5 S. Gold, Conflagration. F.Cathay 17959 Vcouver 55 f 1:10 slow 19 105 4 5 5 4 31 H Clark G Adena, Hester, The Feller 17833 Vcouver 3-4 1:21 mud 13-5 103 5 5 4 31 25 H Clark 5 Mr.. Mack, J. Argent, Violet May 177S3 Vcouver 5 f l:13mud 11-5 104 3 3 3 IS 1 H Clark 5 Neb.Lass, Vio.May. L.Innocencc 17743 Vcouver 3-4 1:21 mud 16-5 104 4 3 3 4 2a H Clark G Fan.Hall, L.Incence. MollieCad 17712 Vcouver 55 f l:12mud 3-2 103 1 6 6 45 47 H Clark 7 J.Argent, LaEsf 11a. L.Innocence 17643 Vcouver 3-4 l:21hvy 12-5 107 4 5 3 35 25 A Pickens 7 BtCandle, Sweetbait, MaryEmily 17403 Vcouver 5-S l:05mud 33-10 10S 5 6 5 4 l1! E Haynes 7 E. Davis, B.DeKalb, Velie Forty 17361 Vcouver 51 f l:llmud 5 109 3 6 1 1 l4 E Haynes 0 EIsieGreen, Maj.Belt. Mr1, Mack 17316 Vcouver 7-8 1:31 slop 6 108 7 3 2 1 lh 21 E Haynes 8 L.VanZandt. N.Lass. WiscMason 171S6 Vcouver 55 f 1:11 hvy 13 99. 1 2 2 21 2 E Haynes 9 Hbishigton. Gamia. JudgeSale 17153 Vcouver 55 f l:10slop 17-5 99 3. 3 4 45 35S E Haynes G KoundUp. Camia. Hbisington 16970 Vcouver 55 f l:0Sfast lfi-5 98 1 4 4 6 65 E Haynes 9 Siscus, Hoisington.NorfordRoso 16791 Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast 18 100 3 5 4 55 31 E Haynes G Felina, Swtbait. Stevesta 16541 Vcouver 55 f l:0Sfast 19 100 2 4 2 2 21 E Haynes 7 Maj. Belt. Siscus, Hoisington DR. NEUFEE, b. g. 5 112 By Edinborough La Horaa C. W. Mondorff. IS173 Juarez 6-8 l:0Shvy 4 112 1 1 1 13 2 J Groth 15 Wavering. Anna Reed, B.Barnes 17618 Helena 5-S l:01fast 111 3 5 4 55 635 It Pauley 11 Belle Bird, Ed Luce, LaCazadora 17467 Helena 55 f 1:10 slow 109 5 4 9 9 0li R Pauley 9 Wild Bear, Darkey, Decency 1739S D.Lodge 55 f l:08fast 4 107 4 4 4 45 37 M Mthews 5 Rosiris. Robt. Mantell, Decency 17266 D.Lodge 5-8 l:03slow 25 115 5 3 1 25 2n C Kirschm G BelleBird. Wildl.ear. Sen.Jamcs 17128 D.Lodge 51 f l:09fast 6 112 4 3 2 2 21 R Pauley S Swarfs Hill. BelleBird. ClaraW. 16968 D.Lodge 5-S 1:03 fast 8 114 7 7 7 7 655 R Pauley 7 OnParole, M.Clark, FredaJohnsn 16933 D.Lodge 41 f 56 fast 3 114 2 5 5 45 4s G Corey 5 Rosiris, On Parole. Safranor 16725 Anacda 5-8 l:01fast 7 114 4 3 4 9s. 9" G Corey 10 Bad Prospect. Rosiris. Letitia 16375 Anacda 5-8 T:03 fast 3" 116 1 1 1 15 15 G Corey G Sainest. BeEe Bird. Envy 16016 Butte 55 f 1:07 fast 15" 115 25 G Corey S Angelus. Orba Smile. Tight Boy 15740 Butte 5-8 l:01fast 6-5 111 15 G Corey 10 Belle Bird. Eastman. LyteKnlght 15600 Butte 5-8 l:01fast 60 112 4s G Corey 8 Useppa, Dominica. La Cazadora 12120 Victoria Ab5-8 l:00ysslop 13-5 119 1" OBrien 8 Azurea, Arany, Fire 12017 Victoria Ab5-8 59fast 9 112 5 4 1 ll5 ln OBrien 7 Montauk Don, Mazurka, H.Gray 11973 Victoria 3-4 l:16fast 44 112 2 2 4 6 68J Ormes 7 Sallie ODay. Lil. Rav, Safranor 11591 Vancouver 55 f 1:08 good 15 112 710 Anderson 7 E. Adams. M. Sly.. M. Kennedy 11482 Vancouver 55 f l:10hvy 3-2 109 2 1 1 15 15 Groth 11 Hope So, Kelsetta, Pretty Soon 11384 Vancouver 54 f l:llmud 5 112 5 111 31 Groth G Moralight. J.Henson. Oswald B. WAVERING, b. f, 4 107 By Marta Santa Undecided H. B. Gorin. 1S173 Juarez 5-S l:0Shvy 8 107 2 3 2 25 1 J Acton 13 Dr.Neufer. AnnaReed. B.Barnes 18117 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 23 114 7 5 7 7l 76 F Murphy 9 Charmeuse, Birka, Trifier 17844 Hillcrest 65 f 1:24 fast 10 115 3 3 4 4l 2 M Grlner 7 Brandywine, Mar. Lou, P.Dumas 17795 Hillcrest 65 f 1:24 fast 25 113 1 2 4 4 4i M Grlner 10 Curious. Pierre Duinas. Barette 17727 Hillcrest 65 f 1:24 fast 5 115 2 2 2 2 25 M Griner 9 Marty Lou. Autumn. Van Bu 17616 Hillcrest 65 f 1:24 fast 3 114 4 1 1 1and 25 M Grlnes 9 M.Pscilla. P.Dmas. L.oKcldy 17315 Dufferin 65 f 1:25 fast 5 114 3 6 5 5s 45 M Griner 8 Marty Lou. Athabascan. Blue Jay 17242 Dufferin 65 f 1:25 fast 3-2 111 5 3 3 3 3 M Grlner 8 Curious, Marty Lou, Sh.Northcut 17092 Dufferin 65 f l:25fast 5 117 2 4 4 35 45 M Griner 7 Al Court, Miss Menard. Blue Jat 16718 Hillcrest 65 f l:24fast 3-2 115 5 2 2 2 2l M Griner 5 Barette. DIcie Jackson. Niia 16677 Hillcrest Abo-8 1:01 fast 7 115 6 5 5 541 M Griner 7 General, Miss Primity. Barette RUVOCO, b. g, 4 108 By Dick Welles Wedding Blossom J. Randolph. 1S226 Dallas 7-S 1:26 fast 113 1 2 1 1 15 2and L Gentry G Stelcllff, Acumen. C. W. Kennon 18220 Dallas 3-4 1:15 good 119 6 6 4 C5 5s L Gentry 0 Hard Ball, Fitzgerald, Stclcliff 16609 Vcouver 7-8 l:26fast 4-5 110 3 2 2 1 in 1 L Gentry G Bertodano, Francis, Cantem lfiolS Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 31-20 110 7 7 6 55 25 L Gentry 8 Mrs. Mc. Bertodano. Pajaroita 16281 Vcouver 65 f 1:22 hvy IS 104 2 3 3 3 3" 355 L Gentry 5 L.Pchlta. T.Busybody, Lackrose 1613S Vcouver 1 l:3Sfast 9 106 4 4 3 3 3 34 L Gentry 7 Tho Busybody. Truly. Dalston 16092 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 7-10 104 1 1 1 1 1 L Gentry G Fireside, Ancestors, AutoMaid 15943 Vcouver 3-4 1:16 hvy 13-5 107 2 4 3 3 21 L Gentry 5 T.Busybody, J. of Asia, H.Street 15SS0 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 3-2 109 4 3 3 35 2 L Gentry 7 High Street. Lone Star, But.Bali 15S22 Vcouver 1 1:41 fast 3-2 103 1 1 3 3 3- 3J L Gentry 4 Cantem, BurntCandlc, Sug.Lump 15641 Vcouver 1 l:40fast 18-3 111 1 1 1 2 25 3s L Gentry 7 Burnt Candle. Truly. Dalston 15413 Denver 3-4 l:12fast 14 110 2 3 3 4 2 L Gentry 8 Lady Panchita. Blarney. Seneca 15222 Denver 65 f l:19Vifast 11-5 104 5 5 4 4 41 Ink r, Gentry 8 Cleopat, Hardy. Transparent 15074 Denver 65 f l:19fast 41-5 107 3 3 2 2 2 25 L Gentry G Kate K., Goldfinn. Transparent 13021 Denver 1 l:42fast 13-10 109 7 1 1 1 15 15 L Gentry 9 John Louis, Melts. Aunt Alice 14928 Denver 3-4 1:19 mud 31-10 111 7 7 7 65 3T li Gentry 7 JgeGhecus. Dominica, Pajarta 13S43 Juarez 55 f l:03fast 9 112 10 10 8 7 65W W TlorlO Toy Boy, Waldo. Aunt Elsie 13791 Juarez 3-1 l:12fast 4 107 10 9 9 8otc 2 J Kederis 12 Pajaroita, Lone Star, Ethelda 13762 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 11-5 102 1 2 1 3 6 618 J Dreyer G Cisko, Ocean Queen, Hasson 13713 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 3 107 8 7 8 64 51 G W Car1110 RbiconlL, Panhachapi. S.Peters 13449 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 6 105 7 6 4 3 15 A Claver 12 QuidNunc. Sid.Peters. F.Johnson 13321 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 20 111 7 2 2 ll 1 R Troxler 14 LceHarrisonlL. Ft.Johnson. Niia FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Selling. 95100 5S 91 OS. INEZ, ch. f. 2 103 By Alvescot Eloisa S. Vciller. 1S326 Latonia 5 f l:07fast 24 101 5 4 3 3h 2l B Ott 11 An.Kruter, AuntJosie, L. Pavne 18244 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 20 104 2 2 2 8 l 55 B Ott 12 Cannonade. Nobleman, W.Crown 1S172 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 12 102 1 2 3 4 5l5B Ott 11 Christie, MarthaLee, CommCnsia 1S116 Latonia 55 f l:07fast 16 99 2 2 2 2l 25 B Ott 11 Chitra, MarthaLee, Flos.Crocket 17604 Douglas 55 f 1:07 fast 11 110 9 8 8 7l 6s A Pease 11 Pan Maid. Fidgets Conimaurettn 17533 Douglas 55 f l:08fast 36-5 110 4 2 1 15 15 A Pease 11 Gertrude B Planetary. B.Lewis 165S9 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 12 101 3 2 2 4l 4s E Martin 12 B. First, Chanteuse, Corsican 16362 Saratoga 55 f 1:08 good 6 105 4 3 4 4 45 W W Tlorl4 Busy Edith, Planetary. Onar 16203 Saratoga 55 f l:07mud 8 108 4 1 2 3l5 5" W W Tlorll Doublet. Change. Broomleaf 1R164 Saratoga 55 f l:07andfast 35 104 4 5 6 44 6 C Turner 13 Vladimir, Busy Edith. Cycle 159S3 Saratoga 55 f l:06ysfast 12 105 8 3 3 5l 10 C Turner 13 Dismiss. M.Montgomerv. Outlook 15241 Latonia 5-8 l:01good41-20 102 4 3 3 25 25 W W Tlorll M.Dhess. L.Inides. B.B.andTker CARRTE ORME, ch. f. 2 105 B-" Monsieur de LOrme Mum E. J. OConnell. 1S347 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 29 103 9 4 2 2and 4 C VariDun 13 Sunset, Christie, For Fair 18264 Latonia 51 f l:07fast fid 107 4 2 2 5h 41 C VanDunll Cardigan, Sunset, Billy Joe 17902 Bowie 55 f l:0Sfast 10 109 4 2 2 35 3 J Howard 9 Encore. Cardigan. Hafiz 17S38 Bowie G-8 1:02 fast 4 110 2 1 2 35 3 J Howard 7 J.B.narrell. MamicK.. Celebrity 17734 Bowie 55 f l:0Sfast 4 109 3 1 1 15 1 J Howard 9 Sunno. Harlequin, Nellie C. 1?5G5 Bowie 55 f 1:08 fast 45 107 Left at the post. G W Carll 7 Encore. Mamie K.. Nellie C. 17445 Wdbine 5-8 l:01good 21-5 109 1 1 1 1 1 C VanDunll L.Cprlcious. B.Brother, NelllcC. 17251 Dorval 5-8 l:02fast 3 105 4 2 1 2" 35 G W Carll 5 Ed Weiss. Jack Marlow. Asliokan 17100 Dorval 5-8 l:03y5fast 4 102 3 1 1 1 15 C VanDun S Alston, Don Cortez, Ed Weiss 1690O BlucBon. 55 f l:09hvy 7 111 5 2 2 6 7 C VanDun 8 Finalee. Borax, Don Cortez 1G577 Conght 5-S 1:03 fast 9-10 108 1 2 1 Is 15 C VanDun 9 Annn Rose, Argent, Meelicka 1649S Windsor 5-8 l:03hvy 5 103 3 1 1 11 31 C VanDun 8 Ed Weiss, Gerthelma. Cannonade 16469 Windsor 5-S l:05hvy 8 109 4 2 2 2 Si C VanDun 7 Utelus, Starcress, McAdoo CATEGORY, ch. f, 8 100 By Cesarion Lydia II. Mrs. J. F. Hammer. 164S0 Anacda 3-8 l:04fast 2 113 3 2 1 1 31 D Boland 5 Lad. Avocado. Master Franklin 16316 Anacda 45 f 56 fast 1-2 110 2 2 1 1 1 L Hartwell 7 Skinny B.. Petit Bleu, Lad 16167 Butte 5-S l:00isfast 15 99 35L Hartwell G .T.B.Harroll, ilaznlk. Heidelberg 15836 Butte 5-S 1:01 fast 4 101 25 L Hartwell G Jlaznlk. L. St. Patrick. Avocado 15501 Butte 5-8 1:01 fast 15 107 45P Lsberry G A.N.Akin. M.Cpbeli. M.Franklin JfJ?!- S,orvS MS J:S?Jasi ?r i I ?. ZVM Co,Uns M- CpMI. Burwood. R.R.Miller 14654 BlueBon. 5-S l:01fast 15 10,1 8 2 2 45 7 A Claver 11 Ethan Allen. Casaba. Aunt Joaic 14393 Wdbine 5-8 1:02 mud 17 108 2 2 1 2" 75J H Pauley 8 Casaba. Tarzan. Burfrobd H-leg,ce J-2 48 fast 4 110 2 1 Ink i r Pickett 0 Folderol, Ptagenet. L.Cnpricloua JiSS HSeS cc H 1$ 19 f 2 f, 2,i H Pauley 9 Casaba. Folderol. Gen. Villa 13969 H.deGco 1-2 48 fast 25 1085 6 5 4 4" .T Frach 10 Folderol. Casabn. Gen. Villa 13950 H.doGco 1-2 48fast 20 109 3 1 1 l1 J Frach 9 Gen. Villa. Folderol. Finalee MAKE GOOD, b. f, 2 103 By Luck and Charity Succeed I. E. Clark. 18219 Dallas 5-S 1 :01J good 105 3 2 2 2s 24 L Gentry 8 Rex Beach. S.BeCKham. Batchler 1S200 Dallas 5-8 1:015 slow - 96 3 1 1 1 1" R Crawfd fi Minco Jimmie. Orb, Quid Nunc Vcouver 55 f l:07fast 16-5 109 1 111 25 J Oroth 5 Viander, Sam Beckham. Fels Ycouver ,5-sl-M fast 5 104 2 111 l4 L Gentry 7 Viander, Ida Cummind. B. Earl 16793 Vcouver 45 f 53fast 81-10 105 5 3 2 2 4? L Gentry G Whims, Wheat, Viander J SHI? ,couver .5-8 l:03y6hvy 23-10 102 1 1 1 1 1 R Ornwfu S Stolen Ante. S. Beckham. Airline jy..couver 4Ai 5-D, I 5 ? ?! V I Murphy 9 Viander. Wheat. Stolen Ante 19i5ii ycouver 45 f a4fast 7-10 109 2 1 1 V 2 J OBrien 7 Lukemae. RusticMaid. Pros.Maid 15"5 V couver 5-S 1:02 fast 33-10 104 1 3 3 4 45 R Crawfd 7 Slugletoe. Ladv Reach, Concha y,couver 1-2 48fast 81-10 107 1 1 li 2l J Murphy G Whims, Rustic r.iaid, I Mav 1;6S7 Vcouver 45 f 55good 3J 101 5 4 4 3 345 R Crawfrd 7 LCummincs, S.Ante. LadyRcnch RPnvqr ,H 1 Wa8M7 J25 2 7 55 ?J -5. 10 Viander.- M. Franklin. B. Johnson hOIS Denver 45 f Go fast fld 107 3 1 1 1 I1 R Crawfd 8 Sklnnv p... Pros. Babv. Flossie 14914 Denver 1-2 49sIow 21-20 112 1 1 1 2 J Groth 8 L.St.Patrick. Ida Spivey. Flosslo HELEN RAYBOULD. br. f. 2 102 By Cesarion Big Gooso W. J. Raybould. 1799S. Churchl 51 f l:0andhvy 421 97 G S 8 S,u 8,3AJ Sloan . 9 Grecian, Pan Maid. Dortch 17506 Douglas 51 f l:08fast 30 103 6 3 3 8l S-J W W TlorlO Mar. Lee, M. Pearl. L, Invalidcs 17211 Lexgton 51 f 1:0S fast 32 10S 7 S 6 5l 59J F Kcogh 12 One Step, Cliltra, Amazon 17095 Lexgton 5 f l:0Sfast 13 110 5 3 2 3" 5s R Goose 12 Grecian, Pan Maid. Alice Dudley 15282 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 92 100 a 8 8 SI0JG W Carll 0 Katharine G.. Grecian, D. Flower 150S2, Latonia 5-S l:01mud 22 109 10 9 10 10 10" W Obert 10 Solly. Foxy Grirf, Jack Carey 14S32 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 61 109 3 4 3 31- 31 A Mott 10 Clialiners, Chesterton. M.Duchess 14753 Latonia 5-S l:02good 33 110 5 11 7l 7J D Connelly 0 Ambrosial. M.Duchess. D.Perkins FINALEE, b. f, 2 100 Bv McGee The Governess A. H. Vivell. 1S347 Latonia 34 1:13 fast 240 101 3 9 12 11 11,4U Campbell 13 Sunset, Christie, For Fair 1S172: Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 26 105 3 4 6 101 10" J Campbellll Christie, MarthaLee. Cominensia 18129 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast fid 93 5 2 3 3 4i.T Smyth 12 Roval Tea. Luria. Salon 17B71 Laurel GV f 1:08 fast fid 104 5 9 9 7 Sl J Campbellll Eagle. Lydia A.. Ella Jennings 17807 Laurel 01 f 1:0S fast 91 113-3 2 2 5 7"j J Campbell 0 Corsican. Carlaverock. Dr. Cann 1C900 BlueBon. 5J-f l:09hvv 30 107 1 1111 lnt J Campbell 8 Borax, Don Cortez, Cardigan 16753 Conght 3-4 l:18hvy 20 97 7 6 6 7 0 J Campbell 8 KatharineG., S.of Love, D.Cortez 1670C Conght El f l:llhvy 20 91 1 1 1 2S1 31 P Louder 14 T. Spirit, S.Frctful. Brandywlne SIXTH7 RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. l.!S7 1:03 C 150. LADY LONDON, br. f, 4 108 By Hermis Lida B. Smith and Farrar. 18348 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 14 ICS: 7 4 3 lb 23 A Mott 14 The; Beach, Bio Brazos. Trlfler 18243 Latonia 3-4 l:I2fast 13 111 5 5 5 7" 78 A Mott 13 Miss Kruter, Birka, Coy 1S120 Latonia 3-1 l:13?ifast 26 109 1 2 2 2l 2i A Mott O Colle, Jessie Louise, Coy 17908 Churchl 3-4 l:13good fid 107 G 7 10 8l 6 B Pool 13 Daisy Piatt. Oakland. T.M.Green 171H0 Lexgton 3-4 l:3Sfast lis 99 11 S 8 9 9 F Robinsnl2 Little Father, Grosvenor, Sureget 15024 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast fid 103 4 4 3 8 SlW Obert 12 Louise Paul. Luria. Coy JAKE ARGENT, br. h, 5 110: By Jake Sanders Argentina T. Hatfield. 1S4SS Juarez 5-S l:07hvy 4 110 6 4 3 21 2 A Green 0 F.II.all, L.lnnocce, L.desCognets 38229 Vcouver 51 1:14 hvy. 13-5 110 3 1. 1 Is 1" A Green 5 Ft. Johnson, B.Wilson. M.Donlln 1S1S9 Vcouver 51 f l:15mud 33-5 110 2 2 , 2 21 21 A Green i Triste, Lotta Creed, Amohalko 3S3S4 Vcouver 51 f l:15mud 3S-5 130 5 2 2 IS 3" A Green .r Freda Johnson. Camia, Zlnkand 18122 "Vcouver 5-S 1:08 mud 7-5. 112 1 2 1 1 Is A Green C A.Slupskey, Wastella. Neb.Lass 18003 Vcotfver 5-S 1:05 mud 23-5 115 4 S. 4 6 675 W Mondon 7 F. Johnson, KndUp, Etbelbgll. 17978 Vcouver 5-S 1:03 slow 10 116 5 3 4 5s 543 W Mondon 0 Wiltrude S., Mercurium. Elma 179C0 Vcouver 55 f l:10slow 11-G 115 2 3 2 4 31 W Mondon 7 AliceTeresa. Cal Curn, RonndUp 17952 Vcouver 5-S 1:03 hvy 9-10 115 2 3 1 3l 31 V Mondon 5 Mol.Cad, Ethelbg IL.A.Slupsy 37S33 Vcouver 3-4 1:21 mud 51-10 107 2 2 3 2l 351 A Green f Mr.Mack, A.ODay, VloIetMpy 177SG Vcouver 5-S l:00mud 19-5 115 5 4 3 41 43 A Green 5 Zenotek. Virgiuia S., Frazzle 17712 Vcouver 51 f l:12mud 59-10 105 4 1 1 V Is A Green 7 LaEstrella, L.lnnocce, A.ODay 17642 Vcouver 5-S l:05hvy 6 105 1 2 2 21 33 A Green 7 Eel, Ya-Hy-Yip, Salvage SAFRANOR, br. f. 4 107 By Nealon Rebecca Ban E. T. Miller. 1S201 Dallas 51 f 1:11 slow 101 1 1 1 1 1 H Garner S Great Friar, One Leader. Quick 1761S Helena 5-S l:01fast 114 7 11 11 ll" .W- Boson 11 Belle Bird. Ed Luce. LaCazadora 17582 Helena 3-4 1:14 fast 112 7 7 T 73 581 W Bosen 12 Darkey, Fancy, Lew Hill 174C7 Helena 51 f 1:10 slow 111 4 7 S 7s 01 W Bosen 9 Wild Bear, Darkey, Deeeney 17127 DLodge 5-S 1:02 fast 21 110 1 4 5 53 5-3 R Pauley 0 J.II.Barr. R.Munte.l. L.Cazadora 17047 D.Lodge 3-4 1:16 fast 3 112 2 11 11 11 B Pauley 7 Bogart. Decency. Angelus 10923 D.Lodge 41 f 56 fast 21 114 5 4 3 3 3 8 -J J Bobbins .r Bosiris, On Parole, Dr. Neufer 10735 Anacda 1 l:42fast S 104 2 1 1 3 53 5T L Hartwell 7 Say. Decency. Darkey 36730 Anacda 1 l:41fost 41 105 4 1 1 1 5l C"JM Garner 7 The Cinder, Patriotic, Bogart 16CC7 Anacda 3-1 l:14iast 4 305 3 2 1 l3 1 it Garner 8 Flor. Kripp, BobFarley. Mon.Don 16539 Anacda 3-4 l:15fast 20 108 4 2 2 3l 45 11 Hayes 8 S. Knight. P. Janice. Marta Mac 1C510 Anacda F C l:14slow 41 100 1. 1 1 l3 1 J McBride ! AdaAnue, SwrtsIIlll. Llectrwn 16415 Anacda 7-8 l:29?sfast 7-5 110 5 5 3 2 4 45i J McBride 7 Darkey, McAlan, Boly Hill 36170 Butte 3-11:15 fast 5 10S 23 F Stevens 10 M.TJiman, WrudeS., A.Intcrest 16073 Butte F C l:llfast 31 111 7si D Roland 8 Sharp.Knight, JohnHurle. Briton 10020 Butte 7-S l:27fast 6 105 23 A Mott 7 Otilo-, Swarts Hill, Sam Connor 15975 Butte 1 1:42 fast 30 102 5lulA Mott 7 Electric, J. Graham. D. of Shelby 15842 Butte lm20y l:42fast 30 106 7 G Corey 8 F.Sumter, Transparent, Kelsetta 3GC63 Butte 5V f 1:09 mud 2i 111 2k G Cocey S Decency, Wild Bear, Useppa 15524 Butte 51 f l:0Sfast 4-5 112, l1! G Corey 8 L.Kripp, L.Cazadora, Blacksheep FRAZZLE, blk, m. 5 108 By Plaudit Pleasant Girl J. F. Ferguson. 3S472 Juarez 5 f 1:13 hvy 15 307 4 o G 5 4? L. Gentry 3 Bermudian, TliistleBelle. Othello 177S6 Vcouver 5-8 lGmud 23-5 112 2 3 4 21 31! H Stuart 5 Zenotek, VirginiaS.. JakeArgent 37380 Vcouver 3-4 l:17mud 4 109 3 2 1 2l 21 E Haynes C Bertodano, AuntieCurl. Willis 17319 Vcouver 3-4 1:19 slop 5-4. 112 7 7 6 4 2 C Knight 7 Willis MedfordBoy, TheFeller 37204 Vcouver 3-4 1:18 hvy 21-20 112 4 2 3 ll 2l E Domink G D. Benson, Willis, Sadie. Shapiro 36SSG Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 71 103 2 1 3 21 li D Stirling ! John Marrs. Adena, Forge 16S65 Vcouver 3-4 l:13iifast IS 308 4 1 2 4l 3s I Stirling 7 StolcJiff, E.IIanyood, M.Hkstone 1CC10 Vcouver 3-4 l-.13fast 51-10 103 6 7 7 72 543 D Stirling 0 Zenotek. Hardy. Light Knight 1G2S4 Vcouver 7-S l:30livy 37-10 10G 7 3 2 2 Is 2S L Gentry 7 Ctlagration, S.Shaniro. Bredwell 15990 Vcouver 3-4 l:13fast 22 109 7 4 3 2 321 W Mandrs 7 But. Ball, J. of Asia Mandadcro 15947 Vcouver 3-4 l:15hvy 8-5 109 3 2 2 l1 l1 W Mandrs 7 J.Marrs. Conflagration, Isl.Queen 35S7G Vcouver 51 f l:0Sifast 19-20 107 6 7 7 41 33J E Haynes 8 Gommell, Quick. Abe Slnpskey 3G776 Vcouver 51 f 1:0S fast 14 107 6 2 2 11 2i B Fceney 7 Un. J. Gray, Pajaroita. L.Pender 15710 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 39-5 309 5 5 3 41 4i B Fecney 7 J. of Asia. Auto Maid, Lone Star 35221 Denver 7-S l:273sfast 37-5 114 S S 8 9 0 21 E Haynes 9 Cool, George, C, K. Davis 34fW7 Denver 51 l:09good 22 107 8 7 fi 2- Is 13 Haynes S II.J.Gray. D Starnes PARCEL POST, ch. f. 3 102 By Dick Welles Moselle Milliner and Bruner. 3S4S7 Juarez 5-8 l:062shvy 13-5 302 1 1 1 11 2?1 U Bresch J Mereurinm, IT. Conrad. Oblivion 17842 Hillcrest Alw-S 1:00 fast 21 332 2 1 Is l3 J Bussell 7 Frigid, Free. Imprudent 17727 Hi Merest 61 f 1:24 fast 3 103 7 7 fi 71 713 It Acton ! Marty Lou, Wavering. Autumn 17311 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:00fast 3 112 5 4 4l 5J J Russell i General. Fort Monroe. Ynca 17198 Dufferin Ab5-S l:01fast 4-5 112 1 11 1H A Walsh 0 MissPrimity, Barette, LittleJake 1C744 Hillcrest AbG-S l:02Aslop 5 105 2 5 5 5 C "White 7 General. Tactless, Silas Grump 1C7C0 Hillcrest Ab5-8 3:01 fast 1-2 110 1 1 1 2 Russell 7 Birka, Frigid, Louis des Cognets 3G40S KlngEd. 3-4 l:23hyy 21 109 2 1 l3 1 Russell f Flask. J. No!an. Colfax 16334 KingEd. 3-4 l:16rast 1 104 3 1 3 4 H Watts 7 Coostcr. Toronto. Martv Lou 16244 Dufferin Ab5-S l:00fast 3 105 3 2 2s 2s C White 7 Curious. P. Antoinette. Ethelda 1617S Dufferin Ab5-S 1:01 fast 3-2 105 1 ll3 1? C White 7 C. Chief. McAndrews. CapNelson 3GCS2 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:03 slow 3-2 104 3 3 33 l1 C White 30 Tempest, J. Harris. B. Chilton 35665 KingEd. 3-4 l:15fast 3-2 30:1 0 2 2 2 J Howard 10 Y.Lotus, Cthumplan. L.Bntiful 15577 KingEtl. 3-4 l:16Vandfast 21 302 fi 2 2 2. J Howard 11 L. Jake. McAndrews. Cassowary 153S3 Delmier Abo-S 1:10 hvy- G 305 3 0 10 3 0 10." J Howard 30 D.M.Lutz. Ivoronl. L.desCognets 35203 Delmier Ab5-S l:03!,4hvy 21 310 2 2 3 3H C Knight 8 Miss Menard. JoIlyTar. Casanova ADENA, br. m, 9 112 By Sidney Lucas Balance II. J. Tigue. 1S252 Vcouver 5-S 1:04 hvy 7 H?. 3 4 4 4 4IB G Warren 4 Frances. Dottv. Jennie Crawford 1S005 Vcouver 5-8 l:04andmud 4 112 2 4 5 5 1G Warren 5 Dotty Bird Mau. The Feller 37959 Vcouver 51 f 1:30 slow 4-5 112 1 2 2 21 l1 G Warren 5 Hester, And. ODay. The Feller 17954 Vcouver 51 f l:10hvy 23-10 112 2 2 1 11 1 G Warren 0 Melts. Zenotek. Zoroaster 377S4 Vcouver 5-S l:06mud 43-30 132 C fi 5 5 5S1 G Warren i John Marrs. Joe Galtens. Eel 17765 Vcouver 5-S 1:07 mud 27 112 3 7 7 7 G O Warren 7 John Marrs, Joe Gaitens. Eel 17751 Vcouver 3-4 l:21mud 24 112 0 6 G 6 G,a J Warren O VsriniaS., Al.Wormwd, H.Strt 1711S Vcouver 5-S 1:02 slow 14-5 134- fi 6 6 6 6 G Warren 7 J. Gheens, AuntieCurl, J.Gaiteus 17000 Vcouver 5-S l:00fast 11-5 111 1 5 4 41 13 G Warren 7 .T.B.Maylow, E.IIarwd. AVastla 1G90O Vcouver 5-S l:00fast SI 112 2 1 1 1 l3 G Warren 0 J.B.Maylw, A teCurl. J.Marrs 16S85 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 9 309 5 2 1 l1 S G Warren 0 Frazzle, John Marrs, Forge 36792 Vcouver 51 f l:07andfast 10 108 3 1111 3J G Warren S Eliz.Harwood. G. Russell, Gasket 16764 Vcouver 3-4 1:14 fast 6 330 3 3 1 1 1 fl Warren S Vireo. Fort Johnson, High Street 30642. Vcouver 3-4 l:14fast. 11-5 110 3 11 11 41 G Warren ! J. M.-.rrs, M. Kt nnedv. Valadolhl 36546 Vcouver 51 f 1:07 fast S 130 7 4 4 21 2J G Warren 7 Zenotek. Auto Maid, Felina 16453 Vcouver 51 f l:07M;fast 16 10S 3 7 5 3and 7i G Warren 0 Stolcliff, Elsie Green, Aznrea