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n r SILVER, with your name and address, illi. w"1 ur,"K you. complete printed copy of my SYSTEM. I claim it wins more money I on less capital than any other system on earth. Few minutes daily determines system horses. Very I simple to operate. Try It -one month. If entirely satisfied send nie ; and if not. I will never ask you for another cent. I trust you to do the square thing. No mail answered unless 2."c. enclosed. Address P. O. Box 38. Anaconda, .Mont. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama. W. H. H.. HARDING, Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: S15 PER WEEK. The Finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT Sunset Mountain. Asheville, V. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn. walls five feet thick, of granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Rntisot Mountain ?! Asheville. North C!aroHn. WOODS CLASSIFICATIONS and TURF NEWS. Delaware Building, :: :: Chicago, Illinois. . SATURDAYS BEST BET NO. 434, use Book No. 4. These entered at Chaleston are: 5D-66G 145-82G 1 854-805-91 685-932-422 410-992-481 434-127-651. At Juarez: 964-148-982 147-E42-450 G72-465 329-346-100 376-287-440 199 975-SS4. j THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO Yesterdays Form Special lost. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April, Pear-33-59-48-32. Juarez Daily ran second. Charleston Daily lost. ATTENTION, OWNERS! Will act as Betting- Commissioner for any first class stable. Can get your money down away from the track. If interested and mean business, address, E. J. FITZGERALD, 1152 Ohio Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. TODAYS SPECIAL: Texas, Military, Mqccasin, Maroon, Canary. Yesterdays Wire finished second. Special lost. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago. Illinois. 25 CENTS A WEEK. :: SI A MONTH. Fridays Special and Track Pay Wire ran second. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL. No. 495 in New Book No. 523. 124 M58 H49 R31 122 H48 N34 P3 D19 K28 Z65 P50 Si9 C30 X33 C47 Z74 F33 R5D N2S 120 F17 Z21 V13 S4 Z34 V71 N52 U36 V33 M71 C21 X72 V38 S05. AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. Baltimore Building, :: :: Chicago, 111. MAGNOLIA CLUB AND COTTAGES 1 MAGNOLIA SPRINGS cm Baldwin County :: Alabama On the Magnolia River, one of the best fishing streams in the South, in the sea air and pines between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Good huntini In the vicinity. An ample supply of boats. OPEN FROM DECEMBER 1 TO APRIL 1 KATES 5 and 8 Weekly. NO EXTRAS. NO TRANSIENTS. There are four well furnished cottages with gas, hot and cold water, baths and open fireplaces. Only linen, table silver and fuel are not supplied. These are for small families, 0 the single month, 0 a month for three months or more. Two are already rented. Two brand new living houses with eleven newly furnished, steam heated bedrooms, two fine living rooms with large, open fireplaces and steam heat. Hot and cold water in all bedrooms and plenty of bath and toilet facilities. The living house rooms, porches and grounds are lighted by gas. The food will be of a superior standard, with expert northern cooking and service. Fish and oysters of the finest quality in abundance. Plenty of high grade Jersey milk. The Magnolia Springs water is highly eliminative and a certain remedy for kidney, throat and nervous diseases. The climate is distinctly bad for tuberculosis. For reservations and any-further information onquire of MAGNOLIA CLUB 441 Plymouth Court :: Chicago, Illinois 1