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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. "Graduate in public health" will be tlys degree nvyarded by the Iniversity of California at the end of the six-year course in a new profession that, of keeping everybody well. The curriculum wLl consist of two years in physics, chemistry, zoology and modern languages: then four years of special training in which students will learn, for instance, how a town may get clean water, how t make a sewage farm safe and profitable; how Hies, lleas. mosqilitos and other pests may be suppressed; what people ought to eat. how schools, churches and public buildings ought to be heated and ventilated and tunny kindred subjects. General Carranza has made a delimit reply to President Wilsons ultimatum that force would be eiiijilurcd by tin- tnitcd States unless tiie activities 01 warring factions on the Sonora border, which Im-terH-ed lives on the American side, were halted, if iiid: "If the United States employs force to W lop the tiring by Mexicans across the international J boundary Hoe at Naeo it will be considered an unfriendly act." Special rights taken away from Americans in Turkey when treaties were abrogated by the Turkish government several mouths ngo in the fac of vigorous protest from the lilted States have been renewed for sixty days. Colonel Goethals has requested that destroyers be-Kent to the Panama Canal Zone immediately, but no specific explanation of the need for naval vessels there was Included in the message.