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THE CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB 18 EAST FORTY -FIRST STREET NEW YORK TO CLOSE SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1915 THE FUTURITY with ,500 added FOR THE AUTUMN MEETING OF 1917 By SUBSCRIPTION of 0 each. OR ONLY 0 IF THE MONEY BE SENT WITH ENTRY, for mares covered in 1914, and a further subscription of 0 eaeli for the produce of such mares unless struck out by NOVEMBER 1, 1910, or 5 uniess struck out by July 15. 1917. Each starter to pay ?20 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third horses, as further provided. The Coney Island Jockey Club to add TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ,500: the second to receive CO of the added money and two-thirds of the starting fees; the third 50 of the added money and one-third of the starting fees. Tile nominators of the winner, of this second horse and of the third horse, namely the nominator of the mare, to receive 00, 30 and 00 of the added money respectively, whether they are the owners Of th horse when the race tat place or not. Colts. 122 lbs.: lillies and geldings. 119 lbs. Winners of two races of ,500, or one of ,500. 1 lbs. exlra; of three or ,500. two of ,500. or one of ,000, S lbs. extra. If mare or stallion has not produced a winner-prior to January 1, 1915. the produce will be allowed lbs. for either jr 5 lbs. for both, said allowance to be claimed at time of entry. Maidens allowed 5 lbs., which allowance, shall not be cumulative. If a mare nominated for this event drops her foal ltefore the first of January. 1915. or if she has a dead or u:ore than one foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare is VOID, and the subscription, if paid, will Ire returned. By tillug on or before NOVEMBER 1. 1910. witli The Coney Island Jockey Club an accepted transfer of the produce with its engagement in this event, the origiual subscriber will b" released from any Ilabilily as to the engagement of the produce. SIX FURLONG 3. The Coney IsTaud Jockey. Club reserves the right to cancel this event, without notice, at any time prlur to the actual running thereof, without liability, except for the return of the entrance money. TOR ENTRY BLANKS ADDRESS V. E. SGHAUMBURG, Secretary, The Coney Island Jockey Club, 18 East Forty-first Street, New York I Tk T EW ORLEANS WINTER QUARTERS ! Jl Homey- Rooms With Board IN THE GARDEN DISTRICT OF NEW ORLEANS f 4 A niodorn home, screened throughout, heated, electric lights and baths, offers handsomely and I furnished outside rooms with good hoard, Prytania car passes this door and the house is convenient Y to two other lines. Convenient to the down-town theater and hotel district. T I Address MISS LULU BLACKMAR, 3321 Prytania Street. I X The editor of DAILY RACING FORM and his family lived with tlw Blackmara for nearly six X months and wero excellently cared for. Their house is warmly recommended. and i