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FAIR MEETINGS MUST BE APPROVED New York January 15 The Jockey Club at tt annual meeting yesterday amended its standing reso ¬ lution as to fair associations to read that no such association would be permitted to race without the approval of the slewimls uf the Jockey Club for more than five days in any one year yearF F K Hitchcock H K Knapp and Andrew Miller were reelected stewards for the ensuing two years and tht annual reports of the officers were accepted H K Kuapp resigned as chairman of the Committee of the Breeding Bureau and was succeeded by F K Sturgis Spaldlng Lowe Jenkins of Baltimore was elected to membership membershipThe The application of William Bowell for reinstate ¬ ment was denied The applications of Thomas Mc Taggart Edward Taplln and Frank Adams for jockey licenses were referred to the license commit ¬ tee The temporary licenses granted various jockeys and trainers iu 1014 were continued