Third Race [3rd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-16

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THIRD RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 10412 121 5 110 CHARMEUSE b f 4 106 1061S949 By Mazagan Bewitcher J W Goldblatt 1S949 Juarez 7S 127 fast 95 102 10218CC7 24 2 A Mott T Fathom BofBMawr Mmont 18CC7 Juarez 5i f l05Jfast 2 103 41 44 J Metcalf S Balgee Osaple Mater 18632 Juarez 7S Ii5fast 3 111 11118G14 1 J McPphd 7 Orb Wavering Gordon Russell 18G14 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 10 112 11 I1 J Mfepbrid C Orbj Mater Salon 18371 Latbnia 1 11G l4Gfast 26 10 7 763 E Marlin 10 Ihdolehce Florin Robert Kay 18314 Latonia Im70y l44fast 2110 105 3l 4JJ J Metcalf 12 Indolence Robert K Ban Jim 18291 Latonia 34 l13Vfcfast 165 105 1 X 1J J Metcalf 13 MKrnter JesLouise Bermudian 18158 Latonia 34 112 fast 12 106 41 3 E Pool 12 Miss Declare Droll JessieLonise 18117 Latonia 34 114 fast 3 104 104GENERAL 12 I2 J Metcalf 0 Birka Tritler Bayberry Candle GENERAL MARCHMONT b e 9 111 Br Marchmont II Nina F J Lowe 18951 Juarez 1 l40fast 35 110 110ISUiG 3 1 J Kederis i Weyanoke Florin Voladay Jr ISUiG Juarez 34 l13fast 2 111 1111SG73 4l 12 J Kederis Pay Streak Halgee Lack rose 1SG73 Juarez 7S l24fast 4 105 1051SG37 2nt I3 J Kederis 0 Flitaway Sir Dyke Ask Ma 1031SG24 1SG37 Juarez 1 l3Sfast 2 103 22 121 J Collins r Florin Weyanoke Gor Russell 1SG24 Juarez 34 llGmud G 105 4 ° 3l A Mott Lackrose Balgcc Pay Streak 17819 Msoula 1 116 l fast 112 11217G21 1 M Mthews 5 Say Decency Maniac 17G21 Helena Im70y 145 fast 105 35J 33 M Mthews 0 Barsac Electric Fort Snmter 17461 Helena 34 116 slow 112 8 S Itoland S HardBall Fitzgrld SwartsHill 16897 DLodge Im20yl44fast 2 108 2s 24 M Mthews 4 Kelsetta Klectric Ft Snmter 16737 Anacda 1 l41fast 115 103 103FLITAWAY 31 l i L Hartwell 9 Fzgerald DofShelby Weyapoke WeyapokeBy FLITAWAY b f 4 100 1001S9G1 By Fair PJay Flittermouse F S Hackett 1S9G1 Juarez 7S l27fast 21 102 1021SG73 4 4J 1 Callahan S Paw Hard Ball Rash 1SG73 Juarez 7S l24fast 3 lot lot1S631 3 2 J Callahan G G Marchmont Sir Dyke AskMa 1S631 Juarez 34 lllV4fast 9 100 4 43 J Callahan 4 Pan Xareta Hocnir Sir Dyke 18583 Juarez G f lOGfast 20 100 54 5 J J Callahan 7 Othello Groverllughes SirDyUo 18342 Pindico 1 11G 14S fast 115 100 1 I2 J Callahan I Good Day Lochiel Goldy IS211 Laurel 1 11G l46fast 6 107 G 58i J Rritwell 8 Mud Sill Be IJurakan 17900 Laurel 1 l39fast 5 1041 I1 1 C Turner Un Mini LitNearer KlIaBrvson 17774 Laurel 1 140 fast 2910 J07 4X 43 J Biltwell 1 Klla Bryson Orotund Penalty 17657 Laurel 1 18 l53fast 2 105 jnt 2l C Turner 7 KingBox Oakhurst CHolloway CHollowayBy PAW b g 4 101 1017S By Withers Golden Harvest J E Dwyer 1SOG1 Juarez 7S 1 27fast 20 102 21 I2 J Kederis S Hard Ball Rash Flitaway 18923 Juarez 51 f 108 fast 20 110 I1 13 J Groth 15 Orba Smile Palma Ancestors lf818 Vcouver 5S l01fast 2 11 I1 J Groth 0 Cus House Felina Osage Chief 15101 Denver 34 l13fast 1310 107 3k 3 J Groth S DnskyDave STone AKenneday 1C022 Denver 5i f 103 fast 35 109 Sit 5 J Groth 7 Rose Ring D Dave MarMcKee 4859 Denver 5i f l07fast 35 107 3 = 1 2n J Groth S Hard Ball Felina Miiy Buena 13749 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 4 105 621 54J W AV Tlor 7 Lemon Joe Dalston Panhachapi 13711 Juarez 34 112 fast S5 107 4 44S G Molesth 4 Theodorita Anar Sir Harry KING WORTH br g 4 By Kenilxvorth Mitten R 0 Egan 1S9G1 Juarez 7S l27fast 4 10G 31 J14 L Gentry S Paw Hard Hall Rash Rash2i 1SW7 Juarez 5S l00good 4 113 2i 32J L Gentry Furlong OrimarLad Theodorita 1SG14 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 4S 111 4 GojR Carter C Charmense Orb Mater 17588 Helena F C l09t fast 117 3 3 A Mott r Manganese WildBr FrancesG 17573 Helena 34 114 fast 118 i 22i FrancesG22i 21 A Mott Manganese HardHall AdaAnne 16749 Anacda 41 f 54fast 31 12 121CG01 45 4 J McBride S ANAkln I Lavinla Heidelberg 1CG01 Anacda CS 102 fast 5 It It137GO 7 71S J McBride 7 Imperator Manganese ILavinia 137GO Juarez 51 f 105 fast 2 107 i 6 G7J R Hoffman O Blossom Cosgrove LPanchlta 13712 Juarez 34 lllfast 21 103 103I3G70 221 2 it J Kederis Hodge Mimorioso New Haven I3G70 Juarez 34 lllfast 95 110 11013G10 12 1J J Kederis 0 Capt Hnrns M Roblee Red path 13G10 Juarez 34 111 fast 135 102 22J 2 J McCabe S Orb Milton Roblee Hodge 135SO Juarez 34 l12fast 25 94 i 2 1 31 J Metcalf C G Marchmont Kootenay Soslua SosluaBv RASH br gr 7 109 1091S9G1 Bv Hastings Lady Rayon T H Ryan 1S9G1 Juarez 7S l279sfast 20 109 1091S3GS C1 3 C Gross S Paw Hard Ball Flitaway 1S3GS Latonia 2 14 354 fast 95 108 108IS 54 4 1C Gross S L Krrant Kxpeetatlon A Port IS t Latonia 1 12 232fast 7310 107 107IS215 4 32i C Gross 0 SGrass Kxpeetatlon Chrlstine IS215 Latonla 1 l3Sfast 20 105 4l 4 C Gross i Hodge Floral Park Lit Father 18177 1041175S8 Latonla InYTOy 143 fast 11J 1041 S1 2l C Gross 4 Dor Dean Star Aetress Cream 175S8 DoUglas Im70y l43fast 175 108 3h 4 ° 1 F Keogh n Orosvenor Pce Herniis Old Ben 17472 Douglas 1 139 fast 14 107 107172SS 4 3J J McCabe fi G Hughes DDean PceHermls 172SS Uexgton 1 1S l52fast 2720 113 23 2s W Andress 8 Star Actress Yiiiir Roblnetta 17099 Lexgton 1 18 l52fast 3 112 li I2 W Andress fi Impression Ymlr Flying Feet CLARK M br g 5 111 1111SPI9 By Kenihvorth Ada N f S McBride 1SPI9 Juarez 1 l44V good 3 111 1111SS39 5 S13 L Gentry 10 Florin Wavering Tovnbee 1SS39 Juarez 7S l32hvy 31 107 107IS779 1 ° I3 L Gentry r Acumen VoladayJr Judge Sale IS779 Juarez 34 l24hvy 15 109 109175S1 6 6 = 1L Gentry i Thistle Belle Ori Lad Acumen 175S1 Helena 1 1S 1521 fast 110 52 f 1 McBride 7 Fort Suinter Kloctrlc TonyKoch 17018 DLodge Im20yl44 fast 2 103 1031C932 5 5 D Boland 5 Lew Hill Klectric Kelsetta 1C932 DIodge 34 l16 fast 2 111 21 221 D Boland 4 Barsac Mart re Manganese 16782 Anacda 7S 128 fast 5 117 l Manganesel k li 1 Boland S The Cinder nofShelliy OMcGee 1CS Anacda 1 l42 fast 10 ill ill7S 121 I2 D Boland FtSuniter Pay Streak Klectric 16171 Buttc 7S l27fast 10 115 115F 3 J J Malbney S Scrapper GRnssell Transparent 1G017 Butte F C UlDfast 25 117 33 J Mnloney S Bermudian Clara W ThlsHelle ThlsHelleBy ANN TILLY blk m 5 By Isidor Aranta II W C Weant 1SU92 Juarez 5S l00fast 12 103 51 6123D Stirling 12 Seneca Imperator Bermndlan 1S907 Juarez 58 l00feood CO 103 311 51 G Molesth n Fnrloiiu Ori Lad King Worth ISG74 Juarez 51 f 1 06 fast 7 105 62 7 J Collins S Rose Ring Oakland Panhachapi ISG2S Juarez 51 f 106 fast 65 110 5s 3 = 1 J Groth S Panhachapi RRIng LdCogns ISG03 Juarez 51 f l06Vfcfast 7 10 GJ 62 J Groth 8 Roslris Theodorita Delaney IS273 Dallas 34 113 fast 107 1071GS01 2 5 J J Groth fi Barsac Wild Bear McoJhmiiie 1GS01 Vcouycr 12 47fast 31 132 2l 3 J Groth 7 Seneca Lackiwe FrancIs 16772 Vcouve 5S l00fast 1910 106 44 324 J Groth li Sempsilla ACnrl P of Lismore 16137 Vcouve 58100 fast 217 111 1111G2S3 31 5SJ J Groth i Deaney Brighouse PofLismoro 1G2S3 Vcouve fi8 103 hvy 365 100 100GREAT 31 22 K Haynes 4 Brighouse Orb Joe Blair BlairBy GREAT SURPRISE b c 4 106 1061SC24 By Disguise Ophirdale G B Martin 1SC24 Juarez 34 llGi tmid 100 10S 5 r ° J Acton fi Lilekrose Balgee G Marchmont 17227 Vcouve 12 50hvy 4910 111 7 6 ° C Knight 7 Mr Mack Mies Krug Kvergood 17002 Vcouve 34 l Slifast 105 104 1041G7CS 7 7 H Clirk 7 Francis Orb Tlmka 1G7CS Vcouve 58 100fast 21 107 1071COI2 7 65J G Molestli S JGheens AUVwood YaHv Yip 1COI2 Vcouve 51 f lOS4ifast 24 103 5s 4 3 C Kelly 7 YaHyYip JakeArgeiit Purrd

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Local Identifier: drf1915011601_5_1
Library of Congress Record: