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LYMAN H DAVIS RESIGNS AS SECRETARY Louisville Ky January 15 At the annual meet ¬ ing of the New Louisville Jockey Club Lyman II Davis who for many years has served as racing secretary of the Churchill Downs course resigned the position Mr Davis has been in ill health for several years and while he has continued to occupy the position he found the duties to exacting Ho therefore requested the Jockey Club to accept hU resignation and asked that he be given some less trying position He was made clerk iu the ollice olliceIn In his letter to the club Mr Davis stated that ha believed he would be abb to regain his health iu the less arduous place His many friends hope that Mr Davis will be restored to his best health by the lessening of his cares caresCharles Charles F Grainger was reelected president of the club Matt J Winn vicepresident and manager and Hamilton Applegate incumbent treasurer was made secretarytreasurer The regular business of the annual meeting was formally transacted and the outlook for the coming season was discussed in glowing terms Indications point to an unusually successful spring meeting at the Downs DownsOld Old Kosebud Kentucky Derby winner of llll Is wintering well on i farm near Lexington accord ¬ ing to owner Applegate The welding will be given every opportunity to recover fnllv from the injury to his leg and it is not likely that he will be taken up for training before the middle of February It is believed that he will stand training as well as ever when he is again put under the saddle