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FIRST RACE 38 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights l500rt S4 2 Ho Index Course DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 li liFRANK Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy FRANK PATTERSON b B 2 113 1131MI31 By Dick Welles Helen Miller P T Chinn 1MI31 Juarez 3S 33fast 1 110 3 3FATHER 2 = J 3J J Moran 8 Jim Hunt Thats Me F Kelly KellyBy FATHER KELLY br c Z 112 112mil By Sain Highland Queen J J OMalley mil Juarez 3S 35fast S 113 4 41SS92 5 4i E Martin 8 Jim Hunt Thats Me FPafson 1SS92 Juarez 3S 3lgood 10 113 u uSCHULENBURG 7 = i 7 = JK Martin S Julia L Mena Little Itlggcr ItlggcrBy SCHULENBURG b g 2 109 1091S934 By Luke Ward Madge Hatten I E Clark 1S934 Juarez 3S rfas t 13 110 7 71SS9 rn r3J C Oross S IlinIiriiit Thats Me FPafson 1SS9 Juarez 3S 3I3good 30 110 3 3PIT S SiC Gross S Julia I Mona Little Higher HigherBy PIT ch g 2 109 By Leonid Belle Rankin W McLemore 1958 Juarez 3S 34fast 30 110 C CFirst 7 r8 J Grolh 7 Itaby Cal Test Shaban ShabanBy First start for the following followingBAS BAS BLANC tr g 2 109 109HEIR By Chantilly St Zephyrine C W Clark HEIR APPARENT ch c 2 112 112REPTON By Blues Royal Lady A L Rogers REPTON b c 3 112 112TIAJAN By Dr Leggo Coma A B Spreckels TIAJAN b c 2 112 112RALPH By Solitaire II Oratossa A B Spreckels RALPH S b c 2 112 112BILLIE By Frontenac Idle Fancy J Griffin BILLIE THE KID b c 2 112 112HANDY By The Sharper Gerona M Moody HANDY ANDY b c 2 112 By Von Tromp Andrewetta A Joseph