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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ MEX FRIDAY JANUARY 15 1915 Fortysecond day Jockey Club Juarez Winter Meeting of 100 or more days 10 books on Weather clear Presiding Steward C ing Secretary E Jasper Itacing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 38 Mile 1300G 14 2 110 Purse tOO 2yearobls Maidens 18988 Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 225 second 50 third AWtPPSt 4 r Str Fin Jockeys Ownei TKifKacHABAN 18J8 112 S 5 2J 1 J Metcalf A B Spreckels Gj Si Sj 3i i OLA 112 3 2 li 2s G MolesthJ C Ferris 4 4 4 75710 75710WHISPERING WHISPERING HOPE 112 G fi o 3 = J Kederis 1 Polk 15 13 1G 4 2 2IXH1 IXH1 LITTLE BIGGER v 112 1 3 fi1 4 = A Mott W P Johnson 3 3 3 1 12 12ROSE ROSE JULIETTE 112 2 1 S 5 1 J McCabe P T Chinn 3 4 4 75 710 7101HH1K 1HH1K niVAN 112 7 8 4 GJ R Carter A B Spreckels tG S5 Sj 3j lo 1889 CALLIE VANN 112 4 4 7 = 7 A HollisterC Morris 20 20 15 5 2 2FAN FAN 112 G 7 oJS j Groth W McLemore 20 SO 30 10 f fCoupled Coupled in belting no sej irate place or show lietting liettingTime Time 24 37 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Solitaire II Alma Dale trained by C W Carrol H HWent Went to post jit 215 At st 9 minutes Start good and slow Won driving secono and third the same SHABAN began slowly but came on with a rush and finishing gamely hed LOLA safe it th end 101 v set M fast pace and only gave way right at the end WI1ISPERINC HOPE came last through the Mrelch There was considerable crowding at tlie quarter post hi which several were kniiUed out of con teuliou ROSE JULIETTE aud LITTLE BldCER being the worst sufferers 18989 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1GS7 1 0 upward Selling Nit value to winner Index Horses U Str Fin Jockeys Owne 189S7PANHAC11AP1 Wit 1 100 S I 3 I1 1J P 11 Stearns B OCoiinell 2221 22211J 18908SNIFTY wn 5 110 7 1 1w 1J 2 = 2 2 1 MeCube E T Miller S S S 3 18950 NOBLE GRAND w 0 110 1 3 3WB 4 = 3 = 1 33 SJ J CallahanP S Hackett 5 5 5 S SC10 189G2 SILVER TONE WB 4 106 9 C CVI C10 53 45 4 R Carter Canda YeomanS 10 10 3 I8920EFFIE MAY VI 3 88 S 7 7v 777 5U M Garner P Badovenatz 20 30 30 S S2i 18959 OH AS GOET55 v C 110 2 2 2VI 2i 4J 5s C1 R Booker W II Tulley 20 20 C 18405 GREENBRAE VI 4 112 fi 5 u fi1 C 7 F Jackson II Kerr 20 31 30 8 18905 MARTNE CHAVISw 12 110 4 Left at the post 15 Marco C Tlmlierlake 20 20 20 fi 3 189502EDMOND ADAMS W 7 103 5 Left at the post 1 Acton 1 N Dimvlddle fi5 75 75 1 2 1 3 3Time fastWinner Time 23 49 102 108 Track fast Winner Cli f by Abe Frank Panquita trained bv K J OConnell OConnellWenf Wenf to post sil 251 At post minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second and tlilnl driving IANlIACHAll moved up gradually and racing into the lead on Hie last turn drew away fast In tin home stKtch NIFTY SHt a fast early pace and ran u good race NOBLE CRAND ran well and linished fast SILVER TOXn ran fairly well CHAS GOETX showed q eed MARTENE C1IAVIS wheeled Into EDMOND ADAMS bidScratched at tlie start and lx th were left at the i ost Tlie winner was entered for 200 no bid Scratched 18902 Visible 110 1S05 Senator James 110 18881 Kitty Stanfleld 105 18004 Brcezer 95 1SS94 Fred Drew 110 1S 40 Moscowa 9 ° Overweights Sliver Tone 1 ix uiid Greenbrae 5 IKD RACE 1 Mile 1S724 15G 3 102 Purse 00 4yearolds nml upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 tlilnl 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S 38939 BRANDO 1 89CO BLUEBEARD 18947 0POLLS 18947 LADY MINT VI fi 108 7 7 S C1 3 4 4 C Dawson M M Plrker 20 20 20 S 4 1 I8947THE CINDER wn 5 107 2 f 5J Sin G 5 54 L llartwellJ Lowe 5 G G 2 1 I89i9KAIRLY vi 4 98 1 S 7i 4 S3 C1 C3 II Stearns C Hawk 10 10 S 3 1 18 I8937EYE 87EYE WHITE v S 103 4 4 fJ 8J 71 71 7 1 Louder S Polk 10 12 12 4 2 1890 VOLADAY II w 5 10S 3 t 9 i y S S A HullcoatJ Green 15 15 13 5 2 18947 C W KENNON vn S 108 C fi 2i SJ 5h i i A HollisterA C McCafferty 20 20 20 S 4 fastWinner Time 24 47 j l15i3 142 Track fast Winner LesterWent B g by Orlando Alice Brand drained by U Lester Went to post at 19 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Wo i driving second and third the ranie BRANDO was outpaced in the early running but moved up fast 01 the outside in the homestretch niul got up to win drawing clear BUTEBEARD saved ground on the tur i and finished fast and gamev POLLS showed speed and set a good pace to the last eighth but tired in tie tinal drive LADY MINT ran a fairly good race and so did TUB C1NDKU C W KKNNON showed spe d but iiit liniliv The winner vas entered for 200 no bid bidScratched Scratched 18857 Marie Cflghill 100 18959 Faiieuil Hall 108 1S 5 Woof 90 Overweights 90Overweights Polls 1 pound Lady Mint 2 1 OQQ1 FOURTH RACR 34 Mile 1209G 1 09 0 115 Purse 400 15yearolds and np JLOCF f JL ward Handicap Net value to winner 00 second 75 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Flu Jockeys Owners O H C P S 18924 = FLOR ROBERTS WK 6 103 2 1 I11 I3 I3 J Kederis J Lowe S5 S5 C5 12 out 18924 OTHELLO 4 115 3 2 2 2 2b A Mott J W Goldbiatt 2 2 21 15 out 18949 COL MARCHMNT v 7 108 1 3 5 G 3 R Small J W Fuller 2 2A 2A 45 out I89i5BE w C 102 3 31829U 3 3l 3J 41 W Ward A L Aste Aste4J 7 7 7 2 out 1829U CHRISTOPHINE vii 4 108 4 4J 4s 41 5 L HartwellS Veiller 20 20 20 C out Time 22 47 114 Track fast fastWinner LoweWent Winner Ch nt by General Roberts Janice Marian trained by J Lowe Went to post at 4S At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing FLOKENCE ROBERTS took the lead ipiickly and showing great speed throughout won all the way and finished easing up OTHELLO began slowly but rushed up fast in the first quarter into closest pursuit but tired and just lasted long enough to hold second place COLONEL MAItCHMONT closed a gap and finished with a rush BE was running fast and close up at the end CHKISTOPHINE ran well und will improve 1 QQiChO FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 5190 5S 9 10S Purse 00 3yearolds anil upward JL O J J Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys O II U P S J 1 1 Kederis TigueCungham 3 1 0009 IMPERATOR vn 4 109 9 7 3i 2s 2 = 23 T Rice Cloher Taylor 2 3 3 C5 33 18552 BERMUDIAN v 4 IOC 12 5 21 S1 3s 23 L HartwellS Veiller 444 S5 4 a 18930 WILD BEAR vn 100 5 2 4 41 4J 4 = M Garner J N Mounce C C 2 1 18924 HA PENNY vis 4 107 4 11 7J 7s 7 5 J CailahaiiF S Hackett 20 20 20 S 4 18907 ANN TILTA vis 5 105 10 9 5J G1 Ci D Stirling W C Weant 12 12 12 4 2 11494 TYREE w 5 10S 31 C3 G 6S 7 1 McCabe Field Bros 20 20 20 S 4 1892G BALDER v fi 109 2 4 i 10 9 S J Metcalf A B Spreckels CO fil CO 20 10 18950 PR OF LISMOUEwi 8lOil fi fi SJ S S1 U1 C Riddle Louis Butler 3 St 31 75710 I8GIOFLOSSIE v3 84 11 10 11 11 10 103 P Louder J F Ferguson 30 30 30 12 17002 ANYTIME vn 4 104 IS 10 ft 11 II5 O Gentry L D Gentry 40 40 40 15 S DENVER BOY w 7 100 7 12 12 12 12 12 F Judy M Quinn 100 100 KM 30 10 fastWinner Time 10Time 23 5 48 100 Track fast Winner TigueWent Br g by Disguise Swiftfoot trained by J Tigue Went to post at 414 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving SENECA quickly Jnoved into the lead and making the pace fast won all the way and finished In a canter IMPEUATOU was always a forward contender and linished fast BEUMITDIAN showed a good order of sped but tired as if short PKIDE OF LISMORE had no chnuce from the start WILD BEAU ran well 1IA PENNY finished with a rush The winner was entered for 500 no bid Scratched bidScratched 1892PPay Streak 111 1891SRoslrIs nsnrt7in nsnrt7innii nii IIM IIMOverweights Overweights Tyree 1 pound Pride of Lismore T QQOQ SIXTH HACK 1 Mile ln72i 15 102 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward JL O J MO Selling Net value to winner SliOO second 75 third 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys O H C P S 18951WEYANPKE vn 5 108 824 4J 41 11 1s M MthewsSmith Farrar 2 2 2 1 12 18925 WAVERING w 5 103 4 5 31 31 31 3 2 J Acton H B Gorin 3 4 4 8543 18919DRYAD 854318919DRYAD v 4 102 1 6 2h 2J 11 2J 31 L HartwellC W Gasser 5 C G 2 I 18909 TRANSACT W 4 105 5 4 C10 C1 C10 51 4J A Mott W P Johnson 444 8345 18950 FITZGERALD v 5 10 3 3 Ill3 2l 4 5 G Moles thG V Barnes 20 20 20 S 4 18927GOLDY vn 5 105 7 S 7i 7 7s 7s C 5 W Ward A L Aste 34421 18951 VOLADAY JR vn C 107 C 1 5 = G1 5i G2 7 A HullcoatJ Green JG 13 13 G 3 18919FORT SUMTER vr S 100 2 7 S S S S S M Garner J N Mounce 8883 S3 fastWinner Time S3Time 24 47 J 114 141 Track fast Winner Ch h by Sir Ilnon Ameoras trained by F Farrar FarrarWont Wont to jxist at 444 At t minutes Start post bad andslof Won easily second ai il rhird ilriving AVEYANOKE after racing close up from the start saved ground on the last turn and finishing fast won going away WAVEU1NO raced well up throughout and held on gamely in the stretch drive DUYAD ran i g Mid race but tired in the stretch drive JOLDY had no chance at the start TUANSACT was running fast at the end FITZCEUALI set tlie pace to the backstrctch and quit The winner entered for J500 was bid up to 805 and lionght in inOverweights Overweights Dryad