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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races FIRST RACE 38 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling 1SS9S r5 2 112 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St i V = Str Flu Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy SOUVENIR ch f 2 10R 10R1S932 By Dick Welles Miss Alert J B Respess 1S932 NOrlns 3S 3Ggood 21 111 4 4SANDS 1 2 K McEwen 7 Deliver Sands Diamomi 7olz SANDS DIAMOND br f 2 107 107lSjr2 By Mizzen Sabot Morgan Newman lSjr2 NOrlns S 38good 4J 111 r rISSJS 31 33J W W Tlor 7 Deliver Souvenir Xolzo ISSJS NOrlns 3S 33fast 3 105 3 31S8G2 I5 4s F Keogh 9 Tom Caro Paymaster Deliver 1S8G2 NOrlns 3S C6fast 3J 107 1 11SS21 2J 3 R Goose 8 SforScaudal BDaw Cinclnnti 1SS21 NOrlns 38 3Gfast G 10 5 5PAYMASTER 2J 2b FJ McKwen 0 Cincinnati VMabel Paytnster PaytnsterBy PAYMASTER br c 2 108 1081S932 By Galveston Nun A B Gordon 1S932 XOrlns 38 36good 7 114 2 23S G1 C8 S Johnson 7 Deliver Souvenir S Diamond 1SS9S NOrLns 3S 35fast 10 107 2 23S 2 2 ° S Johnson 9 Tom Caro Deliver S Diamond 1ESG2 NOrlns 3S 3Gfast S IOS G G3S 31 51 W Lilley S SfprSeaiulal BDaw SDIamond 1SS21 NOrlns 3S 3Gfast 2J 112 fi 3J 41 W Warton 5 Cincinnati SDiajnoud VMabel VMabelBy MARGARET 0 b f 2 By Marathon Golden Fancies J C Milam 1S92S NOrlns 3S 3 3Gmud 12 IOS fi fi3S 5 5 2 R Conse N luvestmt SforSciulal Clnnati 18893 NOrlns 3S 3 30fast 10 1011 G Gf 74 7 F Murphy 9 Tom Caro Paymaster Deliver DeliverBy CHIVATOR ch f f 2 105 1053s By Salvation Escarola H 0 Comstock 1SSSS NOrlns 3S 3 srfast 15 iot n fis fisjC Vaiinun 9 Tom Caro Paymaster Diliver 1SSG2 NOrlns 3S Si 71 7 j c VunDun S SforScaidal BDaw SDiamoiul ZOLZO b f 2 105 By Tim Payne Dirccta E B Elkins KDK NOiTns 38 364igood 20 111 6 6TITO 4l 4T1 A Pickqns 7 Deliver Souvenir S Diiiiiiond DiiiiiiondBy TITO br c 2 liO liOISDNS By Dr Leggo Georgia Girl R J Austin ISDNS NOHns 3S 36mud 12 110 S SCZARS 7 7i i 7 J Conway S Investmt SforScndal Ciniiiiti CiniiiitiBy CZARS BOY b c 2 108 1081SJS By Czar Enhance J Huffman HuffmanS 1SJS NOrlns 3S 3Gmud 20 103 7 71SS62 S Stv K Johnson S Investmt SforScndal Ciuuati 1SS62 NOrlns 3S 36fast 15 112 S SLILLIAN 63 C8V Jolmson S SfbrScandal 15 Daw SDiamoud SDiamoudBy LILLIAN MAY b f 2 US USPREPAID By Marathon Faunette JJ Hogan HoganBy PREPAID b f 2 105 105TAY By Out of Reach Picture Hat J AV Hay HayBy TAY DANSANTE br f 2 109 By Waterboy Maltha J S Tyree