Notes Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-22


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NOTES OF THE TURF The proposed race for Cuban army ollicers at Ori ¬ ental Park Havana is scheduled for tomorrow tomorrowThe The Jockev Club lias denied a jockeys license to Arthur Wrispn and a trainers license to Thomas Hrdge HrdgeFor For probate purposes the estate of the late prom ¬ inent I7nglisli bookmaker K Topping was valued at 215 M The JocUev Club has appropriated 5000 for the work of its breeding bureau during 1015 which Is to be carried on under the direction of F K Sturgis SturgisI I H Miller has leased the racing qualities of Star McCee from James T Looney and Frank 1C Hrowu has leased the racing qualities of Coreopsis from Charles K Fleischmann FleischmannLewis Lewis Carth has leased the stallion Messenger Hoy from Lugeiie Lntx for three years and that winner of the Kentucky Endurance Stakes is now In the stud at Charlottesville Va VaThe The Howie management has formailv asked the Joekev Club for sanction for a spring meeting April 117 and a fall meeting November lMO Plmlico has Hied an application for May 1 to and Novem ¬ ber 1 t 11 11Jockev Jockev C Hyriie has signed a contract to ride for the stable of H C Hallcnhcck during the coming reason Hyrne can now do ID minds and lie is keeping himself in condition for the opening o the eastern racing season seasonLicenses Licenses have just been issued at New Orleans tr jockeys J W Dodd and L Cangel and trainers Kd Trotter and Clint De Witt Dodd is an appren ¬ i tice under contract to Kugelie Lutz while Caiigel will ride for John Hogan The Jockey Club has refused to adopt the amend ¬ ment proiwsed by Thomas iitchcock prohibiting the racing of a horse wearing shoes or plates on the forefeet equipped with toes or other contrivancts which might endanger other horses It has how ¬ ever amended the rules so tnat the starter now as authority to place unruly or vicious horses on the outside of tlie line at the barrier barrierIt It will come as no surprise to followers of racing to learn that the Victorian Kacing Club only made a profit of 40000 on its recent Melbourne Cup meeting as compared with 100000 last vear An anproximate falling off of r 2000 in the four days attendance prepared most people for this As a large proportion of the profit on the meeting goes to the patriotic funds it seems safe to prophesv a oOO0 Melbourne Cup will not be one of tne Victorian Kaclng Club attractions next seasoii In ordinary circumstances there would probably have been a return to that sum next year The last 50000 Melbourne Cup was when Tarcola won in ISnI Sydney Keferee

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Local Identifier: drf1915012201_1_11
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