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CROWDS NOW GREATER THAN EVER Tlie oldtime figures of attendance at Melbourne Cup racing do not appeal to a writer in a leading Australian paper as having good grounds for cred ¬ ence in face of the positive knowledge available today The attendance this year on Cup day at the Flemington course was 80010 and last year 8000 Now that an admission fee to the Hat is charged and the railway figures are accessible there is no longer any guesswork and he doubts if the estimates that as far back as twentylive years ago put the attendance at anywhere from 100000 to 140000 were more than mere estimates He allows for the possibility that the collection of an admission fee however small may keep away some persons today but he also recognizes Ihe fact that the presentday increase in the population of the city and the state is a matter to be considered as against the oldtime estimates Undoubtedly this observer is correct and the condition which he deals with occurs elsewhere also The Kentucky Derby is an instance More people go to Churchill Downs at the present time than ever saw a race in Kentucky in the old days and the tales of fifty thousand who used to see the eMiine giants of the last century dp battle are old wives exaggerations From the otlicial figures there was a decided falling off registered at the Melbourne spring meeting last month as compared witli a year ago The following statement is offered liy way of comparison 1113 1014 1014Derby Derby Day 77000 2COOH 2COOHCup Cup Day S000 80000 80000Third Third Day 22000 KiOOO KiOOOFourth Fourth Day 28000 21000 21000Totals Totals 185000 000 Francis Nelson in Toronto Globe