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New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Friday January 22 AVEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST I The figures under the heading Rec in the i entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter I where it finished In cites where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre I viations show track conditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 XKiins well in mini Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance First Race 38 Mile yearolds Allowa noes Track record IJHIS 2 112 I nd Horse Wt Kec AW AWHMI24 WtHan HMI24 Blackic Daw Ill m WtHan117X725 11 11yMi21 117X725 yMi21 Mary 11 11 IMCiS Cincinnati 11 1 SVIS Tom Caro 112 IXttM George Morgan M1113 7h ll lllsVJ lsVJ Gloamer M 114 Sr 11 111SSIS 1SSIS Tom Bingham Mil 12 Ys 11 Sal Vanity b f bv Salvation La LaHeine Heine Lmprcss Il Second Furlongsiy Race 5 12 Furlongs iy earolds SiMling Track record 00090 112 112110X72 1 052 = Theresa Bethel 100 lOSi 11 11ISIJS3 110X72 ISIJS3 Mrs Campbell 10 11 110 720 1 IS2 Kstimahle J 04 1 11 110 720 1 52 Knight of Pvthias101 l0Vi 11 111SMI25 112X715 1SMI25 Lady Bryn 110110 10 101S21HI 107X710 1S21HI Prosperous Itaby 10 101SS02 10X705 1SS02 Jack Marlow 102 110 10 10PI04S 100 700 PI04S Ihil T M 1051107 10 10issrl 101 700 issrl Kgcria M 30 30iio7 104IKI5 iio7 Page White HIS 111 iO iO1SMI2 10li5 1SMI2 River King 10S 1OS 10 10lS 107XIJSKT lS 2 Bolhigbroko Belle BelleMl Ml 107110 Graf ton 10 10Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 482 112 107 1SI052 Jessie Louise Louise1VIU2 sir li 4 104 725 725in 1VIU2 The liusybudy liusybudy1SI050 in ii 7 110x720 110x720I 1SI050 Viley I l 112 A C HjsiXTir IMisr Luria 114 112 f 110 715 1SSS7 Birka 110 111 4 107X715 1SJ052 Dicks Pet 101 iii 4 102x710 Horse HorseLight AVt lice Light Knight 111 11 Sieat Friar 115 112H Salcn lion 1SSISC Sal i il0r23 10S 11 l0r23 1rh or orIWlll IIKI iicni IWlll An vri 115 112 111027 Can loc loc1SM lock li 114 1SM O Tis True 10411 Bula Welsli 10f 111 Fourth Race 34 Mile yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 4cS2 1 12 5 107 1SS20 Lady Moonel 10 112 1 105XT5 1 7 Gipsy Love 101 11 lv 4 107X725 ISiiSr Baybcrry Candle Candle1SOS4 7 112 4 105 725 1SOS4 Usceit 110 111 5 10S720 1SJ71 Dr Larrick 101 11 ioox7i Fifth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yardsoyearolds oyearolds and upward Selling Track record 1SSU 1 40 5 110 110Ualph Ualph Lloyd 102145 5111X710 Iied 1iper M y 100 705 Kiltio M 10S 14 4 101X700 101X700Lady Lady Uillie M 5 10Ci5 Flammarion 5 114CI5 Hiil T M 15 COO Dancing Master M104 l42i 5 10 Shepherdess M 4 104X Woj 8 Kvreii M 4 00 CS5 CS5Console Console 100144 Ji lllXOt lllXOtLenavaal Lenavaal I 4104iSO 4104iSOCotton Cotton TOII M 100 cso Okolona 7 104XCSO 104XCSOThe The Hermit M 07 147 4 100 USO Sixth Race Race4yearolds 1 11G MUes MUesupward 4yearolds and andTrack upward Selling Track record 7 71S075 201 145 0 104 1S075 Joe Deibold 102 140 0 118X725 1S057 Hish Class 0 152 h 4 100X720 1S057 Love Day 11 140 110X720 1002S Joe Stein 108 117 7 iix7ir iix7irUcr100 10020 Chas R Oral i Ucr100 147 S 105X715 1SOOO SurpassiiiR 140 4 ioo7ir ISMS1 Stick Iln 100 47 7 10X710 1000 ISciiedlctiiiii 10S 40 C 110X710 1S075 Mycenue 5 47 0 110X705 10041 Uake 105 4S 7 10705 1S05C Itodondo 107 40ifs 4 101X700 18900 Frank Flesher ia5 4SS 11 107XC90