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PROSPECTIVE TWOYEAROLD STARS Hie Halves ot some likely to ligiuv irominently in the juvenile racing of the eiUTont vear are rev aled bv the entries to recently closed stakes f the Vstchester Kacing Associiiton Here are some of them selected at random randomAugust August Kclmont St Kock ell c bv Koek Sand St Pricilla High Horse lir c by Koek Sand llautcsse Trend b c bv Fair Play Queen of Trent Malachite ch f by Kock Sand Miss Han ¬ over Iolancty b c by Kock Sand Delusion Tea Caddy ell c by Kock Sand Teas Over Fern Kock h c bv Kock Sand Ferment Danirosrh l c by Kock Sand Dissembler Friar Kock eh c l y Kock Sand Falrv Cold Lord Kock Vale br c bv Kok Saml Lwdv Violet Libyan Sands b c by Kock Sand Linda Stonr Stonrlleverwyck lleverwyck Stable Henry Junior b c by King James Painty Lena Misha ch c bv King James Gatlen llellc Old Koenig b by Golden Maxim MaximMnslhciid A Mnslhciid MnslhciidA L Aste Jackonet b c liy Jack Point PointC C K Killings The Joker b c by King James JamesKldlcule KldlculeJames Kldlcule James Kutler Panacea li by Peter Pan ¬ cake Paddy Whack b c by Celt Network Double Entendre b f by Disguise Kuhy Xelherscde Schoolboy ch g In Dartworlh Schoolmarm SchoolmarmE E KCassatt Plaintiff li c by Sir John John ¬ son Litigant Kish Walk b c by Sir John John soii Ilettie Kouncer Dime Novel ch c l y Sir liilui Johnson Trash Sim Cod ch c by Aeronaut Sunrise Cuddle Ip b f by Sir John Johnson Miss Ierlgord IerlgordK K F Carman Dune Site b f by Singleton Sand Dune Tvpograpliy b f bv Singleton Typi iil Oleander h f bv Kock Sand Octoroon 15 A Cochran Prince of Como li c by Disguise Clanilln Hands Off li c by Plaudit Meddling MeddlingMsrv Msrv Short Itallot ch c by Voter Carlo ta C CFeminist Feminist ch f bv Voter Kelle of Ashland Kroom KroomCorn Corn b f br Hen Prush Tenawha Plelone br f v Sain Spindrift Prohibition ch c by Voter VoterGoody Goody Good Airman br c by Waterhoy Colon JI C Hallenbecl Mucldic b f by Kaythorn Mitezio MitezioFoxhall Foxhall I Keene Tipperary b c by Pen Krush Acns1li nraiinen b c by Voter Debacle Puss Pussjn jn KnntK b f by Peter Pan Star Cat CatJ J E Madden Iron ch f by King James Santa SantaOak Oak Kldge Stable KacontctiRe br f by Ellis dnlo Anecdote Ormes Head t c by Monsieur de LOrme Fairy Pird King Fortune ch c by Soa King Worst WorstOneck Oneck Slalde Iligl Chair ch c by Cyelades Lida K KSchnler Schnler L Parsons Wter Kelle b f iiy Water hoy Hamburg Kelle SeoMish Knight br c by Knight of the Thistle AtTtrt Quince Klossom b f liy Peter Quince Micaela Shooting Star h c liv Star Shoot Innne Ilue Ilh Cossoon ch c by Celt Kllerslle KllerslleQuiucv Quiucv Stable Sky Pilot ch bv Star Shoot Frances Hindoo Tattletalf b c by Ogden Iove Note TingaLing ch c bv Star Slit Lady Vin ¬ cent Coldcn Hours ch g bv PlaudVQueeii Ke gcnr Konnu Tcss ch f bv Star Shooi Last Clur ry Good Counsel 1 by Star Shnot rankness success 1 c by Waterhoy Enterprise Oust Mas ¬ ter lilk c l y Watcrlioy Vvonette Glemhile b a bv Star Shoot Iklle of Clendale Wayfarer ch c liV Ogikii Miss Angle Navigator b e by Star Shoot Kthel Lee Costumer b c by Ogdon Mas ¬ querade queradeWicklilTe WicklilTe Stable Ceneral Pickett 1 e liy The Picket Elegance La Hello Hrocade br f by Pen ¬ tecost Costume Quiz b f by The Picket Query Shadow br f by Charles Edward Imltra ImltraFrederick Frederick Johnson Helping Hand b f by Peter Quince Sister Juliet Virginia M ch f by Peter Quince Amy 1 1Edward Edward K Whitney Dancing Star hr f by Hcno Albertola The Conlin ch f by Celt Aurine 15 T Wilson Cherry 1 f by Stalwart LAlou ette etteC C T OKeilly Sasin b c by The Picket Quean QueanJ J C Oxnani Qui Vive ch c by King James Proud Duchess DuchessH H L Pratt Doctor Xab b c by Ormondale A J Joyner St James ch c by St Victrix Klue and Plack Periigino ch c by St Victrix Perusia PerusiaMrs Mrs L A Livingston Man Slayer ch c bv Ar mcalh II Margaret Angela