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TWOYEAROLDS OF 1914 THAT REPAID THEIR PURCHASERS When a yearling brings a high price at public sale it is frequently because it is a brother or sister to an ohler horse which lias distinguished itself Jn racing Size and symetry apjKal in other cases while celebrity of sire and dam operate ImpeMingy in still others But whatever it may be the fact remains that in many cases both here and abroad the highpriced yearlings prove costly disappointments when asked to fulfill their mission in racing On the other hand youngsters that did not tind favor in the sales ring frequently prove racing gems of the most desirable type In the racing of last year six twoyearolds which as yearlings cost 1000 or more won in excess of their selling price but none of these was of the topprice c ass even the Fntnrily winner Trojan costing only 1200 while such an excellent filly s Lady Karbary vas secured for the trifling outlay of 400 It does not necessarily follow that because such as Phosphor King Hamburg and Scrutineer were failures as twoyearolds in comparison with expectations that they u LI remain so as throeyearolds but the logic of things accomplished is against them The following l be presents some interesting features in contrast and is one that has practically its duplicate annually annuallyPurchase Purchase Amount Horse HorseTrojan Col Sex Pedigree Owner OwnerQnincv Price Won WonTrojan Trojan ch c Sir Wilfred Ilohenila Qnincy Stable 1200 Ui 80 Chalmers ch c Peter Quince Lady Hope J S Hawkins 1250 5 Lady Harlmry br f Jalveston Karbary Hello Hellob K F Carman Sharpshooter b g Mcfiee Single Shot S L Parsons lleadmast ch Sir Wilfred Masthead J Fitzslmmoiis Double Kagle b c Watercress Captivity Qtiincy Stable Filigree b f Vltiinns Flycaiciier J W J Kissell Stalwart Helen ch f Stalwart Helen Miller L Weiss Lady Kotha b f C Maxim or Fayette Sandy HarA Miller Crystal b f The Commoner Miss Alice E W Moore Jessie Jr b g The Commoner Hessie McCarthyJ W Hedrick Commoiiada ch c The Commoner Nevada K J Austin Menlo Park ch f Ormondale Husv Lass J MacManus Kazzano blk c Perjuicio Maid of the Mist H L Pratt Sunset br f Peep oDny Peace C F Kichings Chesterton ch c The Scribe Penitence II J MacManus Hilly Joe eh g Knssell Ethel T W C Yanke Mabel Montgomery MontgomeryAl b f Ossary Angleta W Hopkins Al Keeves b c Peep oDay Iovelight W P Jones Kancher b c Calveston Sweet Lavender C M Hendrie Khine Maiden 1 f Watercress Cold E F Whitney Ida Claire b f Colden Maxim Wealth S Koss Stolen Ante br c Dorante Stolen Moments A G Dunlap Chilra b f Cesarlon Linora 1 Kreckenridge Flossie Crocket ch f Koanergcs Coldcn Kush II Cardner Louise May ch f olden Maxim Lacona N K Davis Pierrot b g Calvoston Phantasnia L O Talbott lilue Wing b c Hastings lilue Jacket W F King Ed Howard b g Cesarlon Line of Life J Livingston The Reverse Side Purchase Amount Horse HorsePhosphor Col Sex Pedigree Price Won Phosphor KlHsrIliihilnirScrutineer KlHsrIliihilnir Helle K Da vies Scrutineer Voter Kin Koso G MHendrii Dny Day Peep oDay Wedding Day W Gyriiikt Koyal Martyr Colden Maxim Mary Stuart G A Cochran Starcrcss Star Kutiy Majolica K Davies Uncle Fitz Uncle Frederica 11 G Hedwell Star of the Sta Star Knby Rosnnnn II G Hedwell Snider s Kest Ccsarion Chinela J Livingston lmbel Incle Imbra F Johnson Inity Calveston Princess Noretti NorettiIncle 11 G Hedwell Uriel and Mortar MortarSlumberer Incle Matterhorn E K Kradlev Slumberer Peep oDay Janet Cray J W Day toil Top o th Mornln MornlnFuturist Peei oDay Lady Kalgowan KalgowanGolden C K C Killing Futurist Golden Maxim Futurita C K G Hillings Crev Squirrel Hastings Turtle Dove G W J Hissell HissellF Coldcn Plume Golden Maxim Plumcria F Johnson I Lampoon Golden Maxim Kidieule C K G Hillings Ida Peep oDay Ilanoverine F I Weir Kelinnce Star Kuhy Una Holladay Qiiincy Stable