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STATEMENT of the ownership management circulation etc re ¬ quired by the Act of August 24 1012 of Daily Rac ¬ ing Form published dally at Chicago Illinois for April 1 1015 1015auditor auditor Frank II Brunell Evanston 111 111Managing Managing Editor J R Joffery Chicago 111 111Business Business Manager Mrs H Brunell Evans ton 111 111Publisher Publisher Dally Racing Form Publishing Co Chicago 111 111Owners Owners If a corporation give its name and tho names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 pcrcent or more of total amount of stock If not a corporation give names and addresses of individual owners ownersFrank Frank H Brunell Evanston 111 111Jennie Jennie B Brunell Evanston 111 111Marion Marion II Wilson Kenilworth 111 111Known Known bondholders mortgagees and other se ¬ curity holders holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds mortgages and other securities There are none noneAverage Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed through the maili or otherwise to paid suhscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above This ill formation is required from daily newspapers only 11910 ManagerSwoiu Mrs F II Brunell Business Manager Swoiu to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April 1015 James Jr Fay FayNotary Notary Public My commission expires July 1017