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SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Selling 17000 107 1 103 FAIR HELEN ch f 3 105 By Broomstick Bello of Troy C Phillips 19317 NOrlns 53 f l06 fast G GB 108 3 2 11 21 P Keogh 7 Linda Payne KilJoe Estimable B NOrlns 34 liftist y5 y5191OG 103 1 2 21 2 = R Gooso 12 Nobleman Blackthorn SMcGe 191OG NOrlns 0 f l07 good 12 121906S 108 2 2 53 C A Pickens 7 KoscGoose LinPaym BillyJou 1906S NOrlns 34 114 fast G 103 3 21 13 W Lillcy i ALiltgoraery Flyllomo Mallard 15027 NOrlns 34 117 mud 10 101S9S3 91 i 5 7 i R Urquhrt 7 Gold Girl Kichwd Undiimti d 1S9S3 NOrlns 53 f 1 07ifast 6 61SS7G 1121 o 5 fi1 5 iJ Pengast M Mtgomery Mcolicka B Joe 1SS7G NOrlns 53 f 110 inud 75 101 3 2 3 = 2t K Pool 8 15 Wing Bus Agent Estimable EstimableBy ENERGETIC b f 3 105 By Sir Wilfred Listless S Ross 16220 FortErie 5S l01mud 1 105 4 3 33 I3 F Murphy 5 IVoctor Gold Girl Gerthelma 15918 Hamtou 31 l14fast 4 101 2 2 2 23 F Johnson 7 Dengro Haberdash Jeff Roberts 15189 Hamton 51 f l09Vfefast 18H 104 7 4 4 21 P Johnson 7 Zin Del Gerthelma Tie Pin 14960 Conght 58 l04mud 6 614S77 102 4 1 1 1s F Johnson S Kazan Raincoat Haberdasli 14S77 Conght 5S l02fast 13 108 8 G g 42 Johnson 12 Carbide King Hamburg Kazan 14588 BlueBon 5S l02fast 15 107 9 10 9 S F Johnsonll Ken Jefferson Mrs Campbell 14233 Pimlico 41 5Gfast 28 107 4 5 33 3J F Johnson 7 Cello Plantagenet Halierdash 14074 HdeGce 41 f 51fast 10 102 2 6 51 S Booker 11 Gen Villa SHelcn LCapricions 13915 Jamesn 12 4Dysfast 8 105 4 2J 3ZJ J Mclntyre 9 L Capricious L May MissFissy MEELICKA ch f 3 319S3G 110 By MissFissyBy Meelick Glassweed W P F 19S3G Rowie 5 f lOSV fast S 107 5 3 51 58JD Haynes 0 Ida Claire Vi 19363 NOrlns 34 l13fast 7 99 3 2 Oakland ni javnc Sir rf Hmytl Dyke Altamaha 18323 NOrlns 34 l13fast 115 108 8 4 5 o03 J T Smyth 12 7 Nobleman F Helen Blackthorn 11293 XOrlns 51 f lOGfast 8 98 1 2 2i 2 J Smyth 9 Gabrio New Haven Salon 19218 NOrlns 5 f l07fast 4 109 4 4 21 23 J Smyth S AKrutcr MFamiie HapshsIT 19193 NOrlns 3 4 l17hvy 5 99 3 3 71 7 1 J Smyth 11 StickPin BlueJay TNightmare 19032 NOrlns 53 f lOSgood 2 2189S3 97 2 1 11 1 = J Smyth 8 Ther Bethel Prlwer JesLouise 189S3 NOrlns CJ t l07fast 41 108 2 8 2J 23 J Smyth 9 MMontgomery BJoc MFannit 18923 NOrlns 53 l08mud 12 104 1 2 23 2 J Smyth C BamlMortar AKruter BWing FLY HOME ch g 3 107 By Arraeath II La France W Martin 19333 NOrlns 1 1M1 fast 95 109 1 4 4 T G ° se aS w0Vcst PageWbito Mallard 19221 NOrlns 1 l40fast 4 107 2 4 4 ey lvSpirituelle S J RKiug Joe I 19156 NOrlns li40fast 43 109 5 4 4 r cktliorn 1 Nobleman T Mallard 19132 NOrlns 99 13 11 13 12 5 E Murphy 11 Trovato Shepherdess Lida Earl 19068 NOrlns 31 114 fast 6 61S9S2 106 4 4 4 33 F Murphy FHelen MMontgomery Mallard 1S9S2 NOrlns 5i f 1 OG fast 5 51SS90 10 G 6 S1 F MurPy y Estimable Phil T Jefferson 1SS90 NOrlns 5 f l07Pood 5 111 10 10 9 10 A Schugi12 TBethel L Roach MMontgry 18194 HdeGce GJ f lOSfast 7 102 4 9 C 4 = R Shilling 14 Villas Surgeon Encore 18434 HdeGce 51 f lOSgood G GIS10S 107 2 3 4s 33i E AmbrosclO Change Marvelous St of Lovo IS10S HdeGce 51 f l08Ufast 12 121S379 107 5 5 4 43J E Ambrosel4 Videt Pennyrock Mcelicka 1S379 Pimlico 51 f lOSfast 16 103 2 3 21 3 = 1 E Ambrose 7 Mamie K Change Fenrock REBECCA MOSES ch f 3 110 Bv MrsE Mexican or Johnny Harris Rose Thorpe Mrs E Maloney 17G43 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 17 108 S1 MaloneyS1 S F Keogh 10 Amazon Gco Roosch LitString 17360 Douglas 3 i1 l13fast 41 103 103f rl Mll011 ° y 1 0 Cortex One Step Amazon 17450 Douglas S f l07good fid 107 53 r G J T Mnloney 12 Martmos Type Talebearer 16753 Conght 3 14 l18hvy 30 109 109f s KitharlneO 5i Z H I1006 Sof Love DCortez 16653 Conght 5J f lOSfast 100 107 107f 41 32 J Maloney 9 Cawiba Kin Del Alston 16399 Windsor 51 f l07fast GO 110 9 9 K Neander 9 Aunt Josie KatharincG 16324 Windsor 5 S 103 liyy 15 114 M H Iloffmnn 8 Gold Girl P Crocket AnnnSort ZinDol 16241 Dufferin Ab5 iS 1 01fast 1 112 I3 I3 A Wnspcn 7 BlWimr DomMoran I Sterens 16079 Duffcrin Aba iS 104 slow 32 115 23 11 A Wrispen 8 Bine Wing LitPete DomMoran KEWPIE ch f 3 105 By DomMoranBy Transvaal Lady Eon Mrs A E Ernst 13392 NOrlns 51 f 111 hvy S 107 li J chaPPell 9 BIJandTuckor Jefferson 19123 NOrlns 5 S l03slow 8 103 Utclus y Du DV i i iurner Jefferson Bol Belle 19013 NOrlns Gl f l07good 30 97 97f S 8 H r Bresch 8 Siinno Rcriulraui Jezaii 17211 Lexgton 51 f 108 fast 128 110 12 12 = 8 K McKwenia One Step Chitra Amazon 16077 Lexgton 5 8 1013 fast 3110 109 2 = W Mcehan Boll Boy Lucille B 1 023 Lexgrton 5 S 1OU fast 1310 109 Gr01 0lolino Hoos i Hoo 14032 lyexgtoii 41 f 58hvy 41 105 S c ri GJH SumterlO Aunt Toslp Chitra Ravciihall 1SSSO Charlcn 1 2 50 good 12 100 2J fl M Buxton S Jim Savage Jesse Jr Idiolo 13794 Charlen 1 2 51good G 117 2 NJcol 7 Gerthelmn Finalee I AUedo 13663 Charlen 1 2 50rnud fi5 108 May U0 13317 Charlen 1 2 52 slop 65 109 1 il ii IJ n rnann Connelly Mer 7 JackHanover Splitit YelFIower Yel Flower Santo DIFFIDENT br f 3 99 99i By SantoBy Ardoon Modest Miss W F Prcsgravc 19SG Bowie 51 51BONI lOS fast SO 103 i G l F McAtco 0 Ida Claire Vidct Linda payn BONI MORA I irst start