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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Selling 17COO 107 s 4 103 J B HARRELL ch g 3 319SG2 102 19SG2 NOrlns Gl f 107 fast fast1S029 32 101 3 11 J Smyth 11 tjnreget Ari 1S029 NOrlns 5 f lOSniua lOSniuaI8UU 4 102 3 G I8UU NOrl us 5 f l07fast 710 101 3 3fi Krutor5J J TVcJily Smyth BandMortar uUPka A Krutor 5J J Anavri Barotte 18793 Charlen 5 109 slop fi 100 5 Nimbus 18720 Charlen 5 f 110 slow slow1S6S3 1 106 3 J YorkvillpJ sU Ukins S Squeeler Encore Yorkvillp iv JIinP y Pennyrock Carlone 1S6S3 Charlen oS l01fast l01fast1S619 75 115 1 D avl3 Pierrot Fair Helen 1S619 Charlen 5 f l07fast 910 101 2 01 I MrsCmpbcll Estimnblo ° ° Aa 1839 Charlen 5 f l07fast 2 102 1 S 2 2Aa Akin Valas Pierrot 5 S ° ° 1 ncflecttou Encore A N Aikin 18546 Charlen Aikin1s 58102 fast 31 101J 1 1no 1s E Pool 12 ReBectn MrsCmpbell Bamboo BambooyPeepoDay ESTIMABLE br f 3 no 19347 NOrlns 5 f I06i4fast 4 106 2 yPeepoDay Estimate T F Sheedv Sheedvi Z AanbunA Llnda P yne F Helen B Joe 19141 NOrlns r4 l13fast 710 109 2 Joe1li i 19079 NOrlns 5 f l07fast l07fast1S9S2 1 110 1 1li S Cory 10 JL Fannie Celebrity Cot Top 1S9S2 S Sorey S Irs Campbell PhilT R King NOrlns 5 f 106 fast fast1SS7G 123 104 1 1SS7G NOrlns C f 110 mud mud18C3JV 4 10G 2 2is JoffersonfrJS S Corpy n Flv Home Phil T Jofferson S 18C3JV i1fast1S5S6 Charlon S t i1fast is io a 4 frJS = 3 O Corey Sorey Iiprrot K wiK llel ° Af 4nt 1S5S6 Charlen GJ f lOSfast lOSfast1SH13 10 106 4 TBITarroll MrsClull l 9 9ore J1 rennyrock Stiibln 1SH13 HdeOce 51 f 1OSfast 710 107 5 52J 11 A SchugrU Mis Ileclogph Frances 1841 HaeGce 5J 105 fast 2J 105 X 3 A gcbugrl Volaot Shrewsbury Kmelda Cliff Babe Haven STUBBORN b f 3 By Burgomaster Perverse J 0 Talbott 1ST11 Havana 51 f l10 fast 910 101 4 4ltf23 4 7J F Coleman l K Kiulfurd Gitana Cits House ltf23 Havana 31 Il4fast 15 93 5 5liUSt 7 7 P Hopkins S Lochiel Cliitrn La Mode liUSt Havana 3J UWigood 95 4 jnt 7 K Hopkins S La Mode Loclilcl Yellow Kyos lysij Havana 31 l24slow G 3 1 ° II V Hopkins G Sonny Boy MarMcise F Five 31S6SG 19276 Havana 5S lllhvy 10 5 3 7 72lF Hopulnt 7 Colic Shadraeh Susan B 1S6SG Charlen 34 l15fast S5 97 5 51SC17 3 4 5i 1 Smyth 111 Alotroptah Col Cook Karlymorn 1SC17 Charlcn 34 116 fast 4D 101 1 11S5SC 1 21 Zk AV Obert S ColTGrecn StChcotc Curlnnn 1S5SC Charlen 51 f lOSfast 3 106 5 5MARGARET I CurlnnnI n 2l C Turner 11 Pnyrck Ilctogpb AlrsCpbell AlrsCpbellBy MARGARET G ch f 3 105 By Stalwart Christmas D Hill 17751 Hillcrest Ab5S lidO fast G HO 3 7 7 73L Mirlpolc 7 Blue Wins Monn O LoiiiscMar 17311 DulTenn Ab5S 102 fast 10 107 7 loll W Ilcrdgu S K Ciprivious U Wln CotKied 17210 DniiVrin Ab5S Id2fast C 115 3 5 r 43 A Walsh S Smti Maria Col Frod IouMay 17136 4I703G Dufferin Ab5S l01 fast 115 4 4 4l 59 I McCtliy 8 ttolns liic Min Onnond I703G Dullcrin Ab5S l02fast 3 115 5 5 53 CSJ 1 McCtliy S IS Wins LOpricioiis LoulseMny 16738 Hillcrest Ab3S 103 slop 2 120 5 51C3G G G = 73 D McCthy 8 LoniseMay liliicWin DMoraii 1C3G Hillcrest Ab5S l03hvy 2 115 1 1 I1 1 D McCtliy S UliieWinj lx nisi May ColFred 16161 KingEd Ab3S 5l1 slov 3 109 S 7 v Adams 11 Col Fred Kacv Daisy Stevens 16110 KingEd 34 123 hvy 111 4 1 31 7 = V Adams S Kacy Col Fred Louise May KSOG 5IGMl KingEd 41 f 57 fast 1 107 5 2 1 1 = V Adams Col Fred Itacy Daisy Stevens IGMl Durrerin Ab5S l01Vifast 4 112 7 7 7 Cla V Adams 7 KMosis ISlncUiiiir DQIII Alornii 16175 DufTerin Ab5S l02 fast J2 115 1 T r fi1 T Howard 7 Ilue Win OrmeaiU Kl ctiician 315GS1 1C024 DunTerin Ab5S l032ifast M 112 3 7 7a G73 V Adams 1 LCaprkious Ormcad IVctrfeian 15GS1 KingEd AbaS 59 fast Jl 102 1 1LADY 1 1 Il V Adams SantaMaria ColFred llhicWIns llhicWInsBy LADY 1001JIOG SPIRITUELLE br f 3 100 By Ildrim Scrvila S Louis 1JIOG NOrlns 1 lli l17good 15 95 1 7 G = 5i II ITiduhrt S Stick 1in lliiio Mary Ann K 1930G NOrlns 1 I1fl7ffast 1 100 1 1Ii22l 2 4 = 4M T McTagrt SticklMn Mallard Jessie Louise Ii22l NOrlns 1 l10fast 7 93 3 1 1s 1 J McTagrt S Fly Home Kivcr Kins Joe I 19136 NOrleans 1 IMOVffast 5 108 2 4 5k 54jn Goose 7 Flyllome lilacktliorn Xoliloman 19127 NOrlns Im20y lUslov 10 90 3 3190CS 4 2 32 R Urquhrtll Jos Louise Mallard M Ann K 21S995 190CS NOrlns 31 114 fast 6 103 2 3 3 = 03 E Pool 1MIflen MMontKomy FIlome FIlomeI 1S995 NOrlns 51 f lOGfast 2 931 4 4BEST I 1 = I1 AV Liiley 10 Tiara liuKjuin Yemassoe YemassoeBy BEST BIB AND TUCKER ch f 3 102 By Cunard Miss Bessie W Cahill 19392 NOilns 51 f lll6hvy f 102 G 3 3 J Smyth JclTcrsuii Kowpio Itcns ItcnsG 103 1C NOrlns 5 f 1 07Tifast ft 103 G G Gi Gil J Smyth 14 Dare Devil Jefferson S MeOec 1S39S Pimlico 4 114 fast fid 101 a J 10a 101 AW Ural 11 Ilerbt Temple Volant Carlone IS303 Pimlico 51 f 108 fast fid 103 G 7 S1 9MW Hinphy 11 Unrrvn Marvelous LlslitWing 1S1G4 Laurel 34 115 fast fid 107 9 95S 9 12 10 = K Ambrose Meclicka Un ISryn Lijht Wlnu 1S009 Laurel 5S 1 04 slop CO 97 G M S ° S1S V Hopkins 10 HrianHoru FHelen JUHnrreK 35723 Windsor 58 101 fast 4 105 3 1 2k 3 = J D Connolly 9 DeiiKro Kaston ano 1SC19 Windsor 58 l00fast GO 1011 G 4 4 = 5J D ConnellvlO VoRue Aunt Josie Katharine G 1 244 Latonia 58 l01 good 21 103 7 7 6 4s U Dislimonll Mad Duchess Inez Lcslnvalldes 15025 Latonia 58 l01fast 11 110 5 D 4J 3il G Byrne 51 One Step Grecian Inez InezBy DIXIE ch f 3 100 1005S By Osden Linda Lee H G Bedwell 1972C Havana 5S l16hvy 2 IOC 3 35S G G GlK = lK Taplin 5 M Irimitv Mortsyle C Trance IM9G Havana 5S l08sloV 2 107 4 45S S 9 = E Taplin 1 lMIanvood JStart Cllolloway 1WJ21 Havana 5S 108 ill vy 5 102 3 I1 I1 E Taplin 7 Sackclotli Gerrard StCliarlcotu 1S741 Charlen 34 115 good 15 93 3 II StCliarlcotuII 11 ll llaiAV = aiAV Wholmll Pierrot Minstrel ISimboo 1S720 Charlen 51 f 110 slow 15 OS 4 7 G1 7J1 W Wholm S Ionnvrock JBlIarrell Carlonc 1SC76 Charlen 34 l162ifast 3 1101 1 15J 1 11 11 R Trosler 0 River Kins LidaKarl BlackEarl 1S608 Charlen 5J f 103 fast 10 10S 1 2 2 3 = 1 U Troxler 11 M Cnmpbell F Helen LHeacl 175C5 Bowie 5J f 103 fast 2i 2i1G900 25 98 5 5 G3 513 D Hoffman 7 Lncore AinmicK Nellie C 1G900 BIueBon 51 f l09livy S SIG5S9 99 7 75i G 71 G3 H ShilliiiK 8 Finaloe Borax Don Cortez IG5S9 Saratoga 5J f 1 07fast li li15S92 15 96 12 II CortezII 102 7 ° 1 II Sumtcr 12 It First Clinnteuse Corsican 15S92 Empire 51 f 109 mud 2 215S30 5 93 2 5 5 3 Forehand u AIAIontsy DSliore BMortar 15S30 Empire 51 f l06fast II 12 105 5 5 of 62 J Butwell G BMtar BEditli AIMKouiery HECTOGRAPH b f 3 By Martinet Lady Esther E J McGraw 51 f lOSV4fast 50 106 3 3 41 451 C Turner i Ida Claire Videt Linda Payne 31 l17good S 9G 3 S 8 SI3J Smyth S Cooster Cli Brown Elsewhere 18710 Cliarle n 5J f 110 hvy 12 107 9 4 4 59i W Hinphy 10 Kopje Sunno Joldcrest Girl 1SC7B Cliarle n 34 l16fast 4 107 5 7 4 GJ R Shillins 9 Dixie River Kins Lida Earl JS60S Cliarle n 51 f 109 fast 7 10G 11 9 9l 9 F Robinsnil Mrs Campbell Fnirllclen Dixie 1ST8G Charle n 51 f lOSfast 30 108 3 4 31 331 F Robinsnil Pennyiock Stublxirn M Cpbeil 1SG46 Charle n 5S 102 fast 25 97 7 3 91 9la F Hopkins 12 TBHarU Uetlectn MrsCpbell 1751G Empire 5S l01fast 31 112 5 5 42 43J J McTagrt 0 Carlaverock M Girl Alarvelous 17487 Empire GS l01fast 5 112 G 4 45 4s A Mthews i Carlaverock Rosemarine Cycle 17456 Empire CS l01fast 1520 112 2 2 22 22 J McTasrt 0 JIaryland Girl Marvelous Leda LedaBy NORUS b c 3 109 By Dr Leggo The Peeress J Kenney 1S092 Laurel 5 f l07 fast fid mill 10 10 = 910 T Davies Dervish Carlone Loonnine 179S9 Laurel 51 f l07fast fid 112 9 10 51 5 II Wolfe 13 Tudor Kins KeyMar UneleBryn 178SO Bowie 51 f lOSfast 5 112 4 3 S1 C 11 Troxler 10 Harleipiin Lady Bryn Carlone 17775 Bowie 51 f l03fast 15 112 5 4 35 3 = V Hhtmirell I5etweenUs Ishjrabibble LBryn 17G5S Bowie 51 f lOSfast S 110 9 5 81 S12iH Ambrose Alston Iscbsabibble Emelda 17531 HdeGce 5S lOUfast 7 107 4 3 3s 39 J AIcTasrt 9 Protector KeyMar MissFrances 17479 HdeGce 5S l01fast 12 107 9 9 72 54i AI Buxton 10 Sunno Protector Babe