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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY General von Hindonbnrgs troops are precipitately retreating toward the Fnst Prussian frontier and closely pursued bv the Russians west of the Xiemen according to an otliclal statement from Petrograil To strenprtlien their imperiled lines in the oast the Germans are hurriedly dispatching vast trans ¬ ports of troops from the western battle front The demands of General ron Ilindenburg for more ami more men to stem the Russian tide hare forced the German staff to weaken the Flanders front greatly greatlyUpon Upon Gen Vemistiano Carranza depends the suc ¬ cess of negotiations on the part of the American gorermeiit with the various warring factions in Mexico for taking Mexico City out of the theater of future military operations and for the neutraliza ¬ tion of the railway Itetween that city and Vera Cruz These steps arc designed to obtain perma ¬ nent security for the 1 000 foreigners in the Mexi ¬ can capital The Seven Soas a vessel of Vi tons was tor ¬ pedoed by a German submarine Thursday afternoon The attack was without warning and eleven of the steamers crew of eighteen including all the officers except the second engineer were drowned The steamer was bound from London for hirer Itool and was torpedoed off Beachy Head HeadA A German protest and threat of reprisals because of the treatment by Great Britain of the prisoners taken on hoard German submarines was made public at London This rotest was transmitted by Ger ¬ many to Great Britain through the United States The reply of Great Britain alsu was made public publicThe The French chamber of deputies adoittcd a bill providing for the recruiting of the military class of 1017 The bill was voted after a speech of Minister of War Mlllerand who declared that France was giving each day all its force energy and resources with a view to victory Allied cruisers during the last week seiod more than LrtOO parcel post packages sent from Germany aboard various ships Five steamers hart been taken to ports on the French coast to discharge merchandise GermanyPremier consigned to or from Germany Premier Asquith temporarily has taken charge of the British foreign ollice Sir Edward Grev hav ¬ ing been compelled to take a short holiday It is expected that Sir Edward will be away from tin ministry about three weeks weeksGeneral General Vcnnstiana Carranza has ordered VI P Flias Calles his commander in Sonora to refrain from any activities which might endanger HIV or property on the American side of the border borderKleren Kleren men the crew of the Norwegian harlc Nor toriHilcxd in the North sea by the German submarine 120 were landed yesterday br the steamer Inltii at the Hook of Holland HollandIXMiilier IXMiilier dispatches state that Cracow has U cn prepared for a siege of two years and that the gar ¬ rison has been warned by its commander that it must light until the last lastThe The British steamer Southpoint the crew of which was landed at Lisbon was sunk by the German submarine IiiS sixty miles off Cane Finisterre FinisterreAeroplane Aeroplane attacks on German submarines at Ho holan and Xechrngge Belgium have been ac ¬ complished successfully the British admiraliry an ¬ nounced nouncedThe The Dutch steamer Schicland was blown up In the North Sea yesterday Eight of her cver were rescued and seven are unaccounted for One was killed killedRumors Rumors are current in Petrograd that Austria has opened negotiations for a separate peace for which she is said to be willing to barter territory territoryThree Three Tyne trawlers hare been sunk by the German submarine I10 Sercral members of the crows missingBusiness are missing Business in reririnjr in the sheet and tin plate mills throughout the country