Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, April 8., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-08


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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Thursday April 8 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries bolow show the best time of each horse at the distance sinco January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbrc I viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 X Runs well in mud Suporior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Selling Track record 14452 10 2 1151 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan19S941 19S941 Frank Patterson 114 4S 112 725 10933 = J 1 Sugg M103 MSHf OS 720 10900 Toastinaster 105 4S f 110 720 72019S421 19S421 Little Blues 112 48Vi 107X720 107X72019S23 19S23 Brooks i OS 4S 117X715 117X71510804s 10804s Lola 114 4Sf 114X715 10000 = Lady Blanche M112 40 100X710 100X710Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3vearolds 3vearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 13724 l3tilf 3 102 102iyi2i iyi2i = Wiip 107 139A 10 112X700 112X7001992i 1992i Falcudu 105 138 10 112XIK 112XIK5 5 10021 = Wise Mason 112 140 l4lHs 0 107XIHI5 10021 = Electrowun 112 141 If S 105X005 1902 Harnurd 108 140 5 1 12 X 10021 Miss Tempo 1102 102 141K 4 102X000 1 41 John Louis Louis10STO 111 13S 10 112XO0 10STO Bunny M 112 142 I 3 OOGS5 10021 Mollio Cad CadinSCl 110 l40f i 110X085 inSCl Flossie Flossie10SSO OS 142 3 05 CS5 iS5 iS5losso 10SSO Vos u 7 iio t looxitsr looxitsrThird Third Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 13412 121 5 110 I902f Roseas 4 10700 10700jWg jWg Ki NvlSOfl t 1 1 m I r75 5 m X W5 I lid Horse Horse100r Wt Rec 100r Greenbvae 04 1 1002 Regards IOC 1 10M Tight Bor 1070 C W Kcniion Kcniion1K2 1K2 dipt Lindsley loo Marie Cughlll I 1 HX S5 102 Lesear 7 101 085 10003 CaUfornlii Jack 105 127 4 10UXGS5 10UXGS5Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3ycarolds HandicapTrack 3ycarolds and upward Handicap Track record 13CS7 l03 j 150 10882 112X725IJSK3 Seneca 110 105 S 112X725 IJSK3 Mex 04 1OV 15X720 107S11 Impcrator 107 105 1 1I21 10 S2 = Kootenay 112 l05Ji 7 115X1 10S711 Maznik 105 icx 10SS2 Roadiuastei lot 100 r 105 7 10771 Manganese 107 105 4 95X1 King Worth 113 liOos 4 lOS lOSFifth Fifth Race 7S Mile 4yparolds and upward SiIliug Track record 1341 1 5 110 110JUT 10881 = High Street JUT 1 2 2i 0 10U7 10U710S 10002 Hardy 10S 1 25 li I ll7 lOOOi Transparent Transparent108CO 07 25 7 100X7 108CO Sam Counor 113 27 0 101X7 10873 Hying 102 20 S KN5X7 10SS1 The Cinder 105 20 5 100X7 I0n02 Liidy Mint 107 28 0 00X7 10003 Miss Edith OS 2S 5 104X7 10902 Oblivion 100 27s 7 100X7 10S17 Tliomns llaro 02 2f 4 OS 7 VKK7 N Quarter 100 I 20 11 100X7 Sixth Race 58 Mile Iryearolds and upward Selling SellingTruck Truck record 10318 57 5 120 = Mjuco JUuuiie 119 rQQ U 0 tlMMH Rosemary 1UN27 Judge C Illens IllensPKlll2 PKlll2 Wild Bear 1W21 Dm Allen lir SV li24 Senator James Jamesir3 114 ir3 Ribicoii II 118 100 1 1J J Miirta Mac lli 100 1 J24 Nifty lot IHXXr Ann Tilly ISitlM Rosiris ln77 Vclii Forty Iiutl2 Croat Surprise Scvcntli Race 78 Mile 4ycarolds and upward Selling Trark record 13 1 12 125 5 1 10 1 IliiM Wt Kee AVt 1 SSO ZIM i 1 li KMi XT IKKCi Cecil 100 l4f fi 1IH5X7 liiTiTi coiniaiigiit coiniaiigiitll 107 14 A fi KKix ll Kfi Lone Star StarliS7i iot TJHA i 110 liS7i Cantem ss iJ4 s 101 x ll 24 La Oizadorii its i2ii f mx 1 iOii Kcl Davis Davisli 7 i ix li 05 Knvoc io irjr r Kiiix 11ISS4 Cam Nome 4 101 1 7Mi Lady Youiit IOS l27 l27i i UiiSXi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915040801/drf1915040801_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1915040801_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800