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FIFTH RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 1412 123 I 110 HIGH STREET br g 9 By Highlander Pearl Street T Hatfield llttSl Juarez 1 ill fast 4 45S 107 5 1 1 1 = 3l A Green 1 Melts Black Mate Lady Mint 19S74 Juarez 5S 59fast 10 107S 107 G G 5J 4 A Green Son Janios Azurea It King 19S13 Juarez 7S l27fast a 107 965 S21 3 = 1 A Green 11 Panhncliapi NoQuarter Itooster 19743 Juarez 34 l13fast S 100 S 9 21 7 = jp Louder 10 JIluric Anna Ue l Bob Lynch 19525 Juarez 78 l2GVfast 10 105 S 8 9 11 ll6 A Green 12 ArtKlck SwedcSam KtoUnAnte 19HR Juarez 1 l4G slow 10 107S 107 5 2 2 2J 25 A Green 8 Pro Itealis Art Rick BlnckMute 19118 Juarez 7S l23 ifast S 105 G 3 3 GI 93 A Green 10 Lone Star Pontefract Canapa 19338 Juarez 1 139 fast 4 107 722 7i G8 A Green 11 Art Ilick First Star Kick 19314 Juarez i 1 f ItfGfast 15 105 G 4 4J 32 A Green 12 Canapa Had Prospect Ilinata IlinataBy HARDY b g 6 106 By Canopus Princess Scuitto Wickham 19902 Juarez 1 l39fast 21 112 134 U 42 W Ormes 10 Xansarcc LadyMint Sh Kni Kniiit iit 19SG7 Juarez 1 l39fast 11i 11i7S 112 2 2 3 G2 7J J llurphy S Caro Nome Loneinan Xangarce 1JSlfi Juarez 7S l2Gfast G 106 S G G 7 5S3 R Fceney S Ixine Star Shar Knisht anapa 19763 Juarez 1 13U fast G 106 5 4 G 4 4s J Howard Tony Koch Hard Ball Wavering 19753 Juarez 1 140 fast 21 108 7 3 3 5 2 = A ilott 12 FlorKripp TlieCindcr B Mate 19722 Juarez 1 140 fast 3 37S 110 5 2 3 3J 2U A Mott la Goldy M TilRhman Kck Davis 196S7 Juarez 7S l27fast 4 10S 5 2 4 3i 3jA Mott tl Tony Koch Lenore Rose Ring 19522 Juarez 1 l39fast 4 105 4 1 1 lii j j Metcalf 1 Bon Buck FlorKripp FJobnsoii 19196 Juarez 1 140 fast 5 10G 7 4 4 2J 2i R Carter 14 Cordie F Singletoe Cmcudatu CmcudatuBy I KANSPARENT ch g 7 106 By Smile Little Pearl M Kennedy 1990G Juarez 5J f l05fast 13 110 11 11 11 S52 AV Oniies 11 Kck Davis Marsand B Johnson 19528 Juarez 1 1 39tast 7 101 5 7 7 G2 5 M Garner 0 Wavering Eck Davis Choctaw 19499 Juarez 1 1S l53fast 10 99 8 4 4 C G7J P Louder S Durin Lady Innocence Toynliee 19177 Juarez 1 140 fast 5 G = 43 T Rice U F Star A Heinzc Orbiciilation OrbiciilationI2 19402 Juarez 1 l39fast 3 I2 2 J Kederis 11 Cantein Freda Johnson Aciiuieu 73 Juarez 1 l39Vfast G 3 4SJ T Rice G Penalty Spindle Cordie F 19302 Juarez 1 l40fast Ca Ca7S 411 lot T Rice 7 Ancestors Avocado Cloud Chief 192CS Juarez 7S l25Mfast Si 32 3 T Rice 8 Pontefract Rnroco And ODay 191G3 Juarez 1 l3DV5fast 4 4i 4i J Kederis S Curlicue Pontofract Wavering 19139 Juarez 1 l41fast 2 21 4 i L Gentry S Choctaw Thomas ITarc Flying 19U77 Juarez 78126 fast G 107 4 11 8 4J 21 G Eczansnll Mercurium Rooster F Johnson 19033 Juarez 1 1 40V fast 12 105 7 7 7 G 4 ° 1 G Bezansii S Dryad Fitzgerald Gor Russell 19005 Juarez 1 140 fast 10 100 5 1 1 55 5JM Garner 7 Linbrook Cisko Spindle SpindleBy SAM CONNOR ch E 6 619SC9 101 101lti By Sam Phillips Katherine Connor J Hennessy 19SC9 Juarez 1 l3Ul4fast 3 lti 432 lut I2 M Garner 1J Wap Uoscas Cloud Chief 19793 Juarez 1 l41fast S 97 11 11 11 11 11 = K Hayes 11 Spindle Black Mate Cantcm 19756 Juarez 34 l13 fast a 107 7 5 2 353 J Longo 13 Marstiml Avocado Cloud Chief 19739 Juarez 7S l2Gfast S Si 104 10 S 9 92 G5 J Longo 1 LaCazadora Sen Dana MinnieK i C97 Juarez 1 l41fast 3 107 G 2 2 21 3s J Longo 13 Otilo Ablivion Mike Donlin 19055 Juarez 1 141 fast 8 81S9G4 105 12 13 13 12 II3 L Gentry 13 Thomas Hare Otilo Hester 1S9G4 Juarez 34 Il4fast K KIS94S 10S 2 13 13 1315 J Robbins 14 EckDavis JoeBusher QuickTrip IS94S Juarez 7S l2Ssfast la la1SGG4 108 C 10 9 10 llJJJ Robbins 11 Origtor BertnaV Winifred D 1SGG4 Juarez 5J f lOGfast li li1S59U 108 12 11 61 5 i R Carter 11 Rose Ring Kid Nelson D Davt 1S59U Juarez 34 l14fast 5 51S518 112 2 5 33 4 i A Jlott 9 Vireo Adena Marie Coghill 1S518 Juarez 5i f 1OS good 2 105 4 7 7 6i D Stirling S Kenneth Marta Mac FJohnson 18317 Dallas 7S 127 fast 104 1 1 2 2h 2h H Garner s TCliapinan AutoMaid GDust 18272 Dallas 7S 1203 fast 99 4 3 2 32 32 H Garner 5 CWKenn Trauspnt AAlice AAliceBy FLYING ch e 8 819S73 103 By Altamaz Falomacita S H Berg 19S73 Juarez 1 139 fast S S19S2H 101 G 7 7 C 4 il Garner S Canapa SpindK Art Kick 19S2H Juarez 1 1S l5Gmud 5 mud li li19S1G 13 1319S1G i7 G G G 6 Cl T Dealy Dalston Spindle Orbiciilation 19S1G Juarez 7S l2Gfast S 0 100 377 8 7 T Dealy S IxineStar SharKnight Canapa 19777 Juarez 1 l39fast 3 20 110 10 11 11 11 10ISJR Carter 12 Sen Dana FrTolniMon Singletoe 19747 Juarez 1 139 fast 1 10 100 5 G G G2J C JT Henry 8 Cordie F Canapa Goldy 19739 Juarez 7S l2fifast 2 20 100 11 11 11 11 H12 O Gentry 12 LaCazudora SenDana MinnieF 19800 Juarez 1 l40fast 4 4195GO 4195GO 103 11 11 10 93 G 2 T Henry 13 Orbiculatn DMtgry Choctaw 195GO Juarez 1 l47hvy 7 100 5 5 5 40 421411 Garner 5 Mercurium An ODay ATercsa 19325 Juarez 7S l2GAfast 5 105 12 11 11 10 78 T Henry 12 ArtKlck SwedcSam StolfiiAnte 19199 Juarez 1 1S l53fast 20 102 4 3 3 4i 43 L Mink S Durin Lady Innocence Toynhee 19177 Juarez 1140 fast 10 107 3 S S 7 ° k c52 M Garner F Star A Ilcinze Orbiculatlou 19315 Juarez 1 l39fast 4 110 1 1 1 lz I5 M Garner 5 Thomas Hare Visible Melts THE CINDER blk g 5 519SS1 108 By Ostler Joe Tallac J Lowe 19SS1 Juarez 1 i40 fast G G19S17 111 2 9 9 10 102 G Molesthl3 Melts Itlaclc Mate High Street 19S17 Juarez 1 138 fast 10 1019S17 105 8 7 8 S 7i G Moles th JI Goldv M Duhvober Hard Ball 19S17 Juarez 1 l39fast S 110 7 8 9 9 102 J JIurphy 11 Cantfiii Mary Kmily Singlotoe 19777 Juarez 1 l39fast G 103 12 9 10 102 7 j U Shilling 12 Sen Dana FrJolinson Singletoe 19753 Juarez 1 140 fast 10 10lJ722 10S 11 a 7 GJ SingletoeGJ 3s G Molesthl2 FlOr Kripp Hardv Black Mate lJ722 Juarez 1 140 fast 8 819GS4 110 9 3 5 G2 7 ° i J McCabe 13 Goldy Hanly Marsh Tilghman 19GS4 Juarez 1 l43 l43ood ood Si Si39GOO 110 1 3 3 22 3J J McCabe Cordie F Swede Sam Hcster 39GOO Juarez 1 l40fast 10 101U03S 110 9 G 7 Gnt 9 A Mott 13 Orbiculatn DMtgry Choctaw 1U03S Juarez 1 l39fast S 107 2 5 5 7 = J 7 JW AV Tlor 0 AVavering Eck Davis Choctaw 19257 Juarez 1 lllfast 5 113 4 10 5 5s 1J J Loftus 10 Hester Kick Thomas Hare HareBy LADY MINT b m 6 63S902 99 By Ornament Lady Hortense M M Pirker 3S902 Juarez 1 l39fast 10 1019S81 102 3 ujku 11 22 R Shilling 10 Xangarce ShsirpKaight Hardy 19S81 Juarez 1 140 fast 15 15IJSGS 103 8 G7 G7ioiioJsU 23 43 J Dawson 13 Melts Black Mate High Street IJSGS Juarez 1 l39fast G G19S13 ioiioJsU106l5t ioiioJsU 1i 4 = 3 AV Brazel 11 Otilo Petit Bleu Barnard 19S13 Juarez 7S l27fast 15 106l5t 9 910S Gl 7Ji R Feeney 11 Pauhachapi KoQuartcr II Street 19793 Juarez 1 l41fast 15 1519G59 10S 2 2 2 7nk s K Feeney 11 Spindle Black Mate Cantein 19G59 Juarez 6J f l14hvy 10 1019G21 105 2 G 4 G J J Dawson 7 Mrs Me Russ Sand A Interest 19G21 Juarez 7S 133 mud S 103 6 5 G 3 S1S1A Mott 11 DMgomery Sleopland Oblivion 19574 Juarez 1 l42slow G 106 tJ 5 7 G 78 A Mott 7 Freda Johnson Moscowa Melts 19549 Juarez 107 3 3 3 3 = i 3 ° J Robbins 7 AIIdou CMcDougall Orbieula 19474 Juarez 103 7 4 4 3 32 A Mott 12 Tli Hare Aroladay II LYoung LYoungBy MISS EDITH b m 5 104 10410S By Bowling Brook Servilia White Wilson 1DU03 Juarez 5 f 1 7 fast 4 419S13 10S 3 1 1US 1 33 R Carter 10 Tempest Choctaw Make Good 19S13 Juarez 7S l27fast 10 US 778 5 = i GSJE Hayes II Panhachapi XoQnarter HStrcet 19792 Juarez r l07fast G G1977r 103 11 12 129S i S S K Hayes 13 VaiiHorn BigLumax KStantield 1977r Juarez 5i l07fast 15 9S 3 G GIOC 7 43 JO Havers 12 Briton Helen Uaybonld Azurea 19757 Juarez 5S 5 ifast s s17S IOC G C C10G 5U 5 A Mott 12 Ynba Sen James Kit Stantield 17S Juarez 31 llGslow 10 101UKIO 10G C G 7 C R Carter S Ben Levy Spindle Bob Lynch 1UKIO Juarez 31 l20hvy G G19G2G 108 1 2 I 2s 3 = i R Carter 7 Cal Jack Marie Coghill Rooster 19G2G Juarez 5S 103 slop 7 10G G 5 4 3 iT Henry 11 JCrawford MrpMe KPadwick 19512 Juarez 5S l01Kood 7 113 G 13 i 7i S11 M Garner 13 Cal Jack J Crawford Cordova 19379 Juarez 5 f l08fast G 101 G 4 i 9 10 Hartwelll4 Marta Mack Anioliaiko CXomc 192SO Juarez 5A f l06fast 8 10S G 7 I 2J 7 L Hartwellll Little Birdie Kiva Ooraa OBLIVION b g 1 108 1081U7 By Yorkshire Lad Victorious C Jauregni 19902 Juarez 1 l39fast G G19S25 1U7 10 10 11 81H Clark 1 Xangarcu LadyMint SIi Knight 19S25 Juarez 1 l41fast S5 10S 2 5 3 I1 I1 II Clark S Electrowun Itenwar Belcolore 19783 Juarez 1 l40fast G IDS 2 S 7 4 Li H Clark Dalston Wap Klectrowan 19749 Juarez 1 lIOfast 8 819UD7 112 3 S C 4JA 3J R Carter 13 Mary Emily Bon Buck Dalston 19UD7 Juarez 1 l415fast 10 1010G39 112 733 11 21 R Carter 13 Otilo Sam Connor M Donlin 10G39 Juarez 34 l20Vfchvy G G19G21 107 8 8 i Gi 5 = 1 II Clark S Lescar Anytime II Walbank 19G21 Juarez 7S 133 mud G G1S590 107 5 G 4 I C 1 3 H Clark 11 DMoiitgomerv Sleeiiland LPit 1S590 Juarez 1 l41fast 10 10193G2 108 8 7 5 1 4 33 H Clark 0 Tony Koch II AValbank Otilo 193G2 Juarez 1 145 hvy S 107 932 2 2s H Clark 10 DMontgomery BBuek 7garee 19311 Juarez 5S l02good G 109 11 10 72 5J H Clark 12 Ben Levy Igloo Dr S P Tate TateBy THOMAS HARE ch g 4 419S17 98 By Hinsdale I Know I Striker 19S17 Juarez 1 l39fast 10 102 11 11 11 1 5J 5i J Mulhare 11 Cantein Mary Emily Singletoe 19777 Juarez 1 l39fast G 108 11 8 9 i 5 = J GSJ T Rice 12 Sen Dana FrJohnson Singletoe 19741 Juarez 1 1S l54Vifast 5 91 5 0 3 3ICG i 3l 7 M Garner 7 Art Rick FJohnson AoladayJr 19722 Juarez 1 140 fast 10 1019f ICG 13 13 13 11 12 G W Car1113 Goldy Hardy Marshal Tilghman 19f 9T Juarez 7S l27fast 5 102 2 8 8 5 8 59J 1 Mnlhare 8 Lenore Cantem Minnie F 19174 Juarez 1 IMO fast 3 93 11 12 11 t 72i M J Mulhare 12 Voladay II L Mint L Young 19370 Juarez 1 l40fast 4 41933S 109 G 7 4 i 4 3 T Kederis 1 Kick L II Adair Rey 1933S Juarez 1 139 fast 8 97 11 10 10 i 42i 4 i T Henry II Art Rick First Star Kick 19315 Juarez 1 l39fast 2 112 4 3 3 2J 2s L Gentry Flying Visible Melts 19257 Juarez 1 l41fast 4 107 G 74 int 4 = 2 j McCaba 10 The Cinder Hester Kick 19119 Juarez 1 l41fast C 105 2 4 3 35 2 J McCabe 8 Choctaw Flying Transparent 19115 Juarez 1 142 jfood 3 31903G 107 597 I 52 33 J McCabo 12 Pce Conrad Cordie F PRealls 1903G Juarez 1 141 fast 3 IOJ 762 1J 1s J Kederis 13 Otilo Hester Nctmaker NctmakerBy NO QUARTER b e 11 105 By Viking Sweet Danger L Abel 19937 Juarez 3il13fast G G19SS1 I 7 7 ° AV Ormes 7 FrcdiiJohnsoii Briton HiizilC 19SS1 Juarez 1110 fast 13 1 9 H IK Stevens 13 Melts Black Mate High Street 19513 Juarez 78 l27fast S 103 10 10 10 41 22 A Mott 11 Panhachapi HighStrect Rooster 19737 Juarez GS C9fast 15 115 7 10 10 lOlJ Howard 10 Rosemary Aznroa Aiva 19G9S Juarez 31 l15fast 10 110 6 5 5 A3 I1 A Mott Tower Petit Bleu Blacksheep 19C75 Juarez 5S l03slow 10 102 2 3 I 22 323 O Gentry 8 Beaumont Xia Belcolore I9C5G Juarez 5S f 14ihvy 5 103 C 5 G3 C O Gentry Make Good ATeresa Zangaree 195G3 Juarez 7S l33hvy G 110 G G G i 6s GUJG Bezansn S Ignore Aljnnie F Lehigh 19321 Juarez 7S l27fast S 110 10 5 G 9i 1131L Gentry 14 CalJack AutoMaid Fred Drew 19432 Juarez 34 116 slow 3J 117 1 3 J S S iL Gentry 10 C W Kennon Vesta Ravcnball 19122 Juarez 7S 126 fast S 109 1 1 1 L 2U 5 = 3 J Murphy 13 Briton BiirntCandlc AgnesG