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THIRD RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds anil upward Selling 13112 12 110 ROSCAS br g 4 4ItllV By Castine Rose of May F T Shorteli ItllV Iiianz 1 IMOfcfast 5 S1 V Orriiis S Iomnrdatiiiii Vap Ilcelrmvan lIStil Juarez 1 1 W fast 10 1019S07 l1 3rl W Omics 13 Sam Connor Wap Cloud Chiyf 19S07 Juarez 5S 101 fast 4 G3 ra J Rnbbins Ancestors Igloo Noble Grand 19773 Juarez 31 114 fast S 12 101J R Shilling 14 Gano Zenotek 7Au 19742 Juarez 34 l14Hifast 2 7J 53i T Rice 13 Sim Knight Grecnbrae Ferrona 19399 Juarez Ci f 106 fast 20 14 13 C Gross ir Ceopat Bird Man Fck Davis 15624 Butte 5S 101 fast 3 7 A Mott 7 SenJames ILaviniaWiltrudeS 13509 Butte F C 112 good 3 31300S 45 M Mthews li AIIeliize Wasatch D of Shelby 1300S Juarez 5i f l05 last 50 lk J Collins 8 DuskyDavc Idalavinia ArtUIck KID NELSON ch gr 5 By Solitaire II Bohemian Lass H W Hoag 1W1 Juarez S 1 107 fast 6 6lS G4 5 F Stevens 1 Miss Kdith Tempest fluxtaw lS j Juarez 55 f lOSfast 20 2019CS3 11 11 F Stevens 12 Concha Vnba ISogy Johnson 19CS3 Juarez 58 101 good 10 1019G27 S 7iF Stevens S Kiva Cal Cum Kck Davis 19G27 Juarez 34 llSslop 6 2s I1 F Stevens 13 RussSaiid Kmelda Kat Roberts 19590 Juarez 1 l41fast S 9 9iK Lapallie Tony Koch HWalbank Oblivion 19333 Juarez 1 140 fast 10 lh 23 1C Lapaillell CaptDruse HWalbank TattVr 19012 Juarez 5S l01 good 3J 3J194S9 51 53 F Stevens 13 Cal Jack J Crawford Cordova 194S9 Juarez 34112 fast 20 20GREENBRAE 51 54i F Stevens 11 Delaney Connaught Rubicon II GREENBRAE b g 4 By Marta Santa Hull Down H Kerr 19933 Juarez 5 f l073fast 10 1019W1 3 715 J Morys l Fa filer Trulanc FtJobnson 19W1 Juarez Oi f 107 fast 12 1219S65 1i G1UA Green 13 Xenotck Igloo Golf Hull 19S65 Juarez 5S 100 fast 20 21 2 J Morys 13 Lesbia Fort Johnson Ruby Sun 1983 Juarez 54 f 107 fast 10 7lkll O Gentry 13 Rubicon II Comdation Xenotck 19778 Juarez 5S l00fast 8 2ut 713 o Gentry I Antoinette KaliInla Ooma 19773 Juarez 34 114 fast 12 11 1220iR Fceney 14 Gano Xenotek Am 19742 Juarez 34 lllfast 12 1 = 1 21 T Henry 13 SharpKnight Ferrona Goldflnn 19709 Juarez 51 f 107 fast G G19GS1 1 8lJA Mott J Comiauglit Rosemary Marsand 19GS1 Juarez 5S l01good 5 51967C 15 2J L Gentry 11 I Johnson JArgent KPadwick 1967C Juarez 5S l02 slow 3 4 = 1 5103O Gentry 7 LaCnzadora Tower Sunnnerhill 19593 Juarez 5J f lOGfast 6 3nt 2 = i 1C I apaillel2 DocAlhn HaxolC PAntnettc 10377 Juarez 5S 102 slow 20 20REGARDS 3si 2l O Gentry 12 Lit Hirdie J Crawford Paw REGARDS br gr 9 By Peep oDay Best Wishes J R Halstead 1992 Juarez 0 f lOGfast 15 9 tilMS V iairJl t PAntoinctte Tempest Polls 19772 Juarez 34 l13fast 15 9 G52 S MeGraw 13 CLindslcy NobGrand G Oxnard 19709 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 30 4t 6ci R Carter 1 Connaugbt IJosemary Marsand 19373 Juarez 7S 131 slow 1 43 2 ° L Gentry Jl MissLewIston Woof Pros Lad 19422 Juarez 7S 126 fast 15 151SS06 151SS06 71 G ° i Li Gentry 13 Briton Burnt Candle Avnes G 1SS06 Juarez 34 l13fast 40 401S194 401S194 12 12 J Longo 12 Forge Cantem Orlia Smile 1S194 Vcouve 51 f Il5hvy 425 425I81S4 425I81S4 5 5 It Fceney si Sallie ODay Triste Chus Fox I81S4 Vcouve 51 f l15 mud 8 4i 531 A Pickens fi Freda Johnson Cainia 1 Argent 18104 Vcouve 61 f l16mud 75 75ISOS4 I2 I1 G Molesth 4 DMtgomry FtJnsoii NaSou ISOS4 Vcouve 7S 137 mud 31 311S036 2h 4i A Pickens fi MollIeCad Lebigh Faneiiilllall 1S036 Vcouve 51 f l13mud 10 114 2 7 51 3J F Battiste S RonndUp Iloisington Klbiirgll 17979 Vcouve 5i f l10slov 3 3TIGHT 112 5 2 1s 2J A Pickens 0 Stcvesta Mammy Camia CamiaBy TIGHT BOY ch h 5 519SGG 109 By Serpent Azuba W J Dunn 19SGG Juarez 0 f lOCfast 30 110 10 II 12 j3 L liolanit 12 Concha Vnba Ror Johnson 19743 Juarez 34 l13fast S SlJ2tia 111 U 10 Gi 5 R HoffmanlO JHurie Anna Reed Bob Lynch lJ2tia Juarez 7S l207ifast 7 111 3 2 5 4s 461 R Hoffman 0 S Beckbam Belcolore P Realis 19175 Juarez 1 l4Sslop 15 113 1 2 4 430 4 it HolTiiian 5 Rose Oneil Petit Bleu Twilight 19110 Juarez 1142 goods 113 11 1 1 9 12 U HolTmanlS PccCourad CordieF ThosIInre 19002 Juarez 7S l2Cfast 4 110 1 6 6 SJ S3 L Gentry 15 Pontcfrnct Kick Forge 19042 Juarez 34 l13iyfast S 113 13 9 7 43 J Loftus 13 Mercuriinn L London L Star 18968 Juarez S4 114 fast 10 10IS90S 118 9 10 9 1 J Loftus 11 Rooster Green Winifred D IS90S Juarez 51 f lOSgood 21 2118S94 110 1 3 43 41 W Ormes Doll Boy Clioctaw Nifty 18S94 Juarez 51 f l09good 7 IOS 1 2 41 21 W Ormes S Toy Boy Kenneth Anna Reed 18809 Juarez 5 f lllslow G 115 4 3 3 li W Ormes 9 Hazel C FJoIinson Ancestors AncestorsBy C W KENNON b g 8 106 By Dick Welles Nearest C W Jackson 19793 Juarez 1 l41fast 20 107 699 101 91K A Green 1 1 Spindle Black Mate Cantem 19669 Juarez 5S l03h l03hvy 4 110 8 S 621 73i P Louder S Russ Sand Buck Thomas Ooma 19363 Juarez 78 l33h l33VSUvy 6 110 1 5 5 4s1 481 L Gentry S Lenore Minnie F Lebigh 1521 Juarez 7S l27fa l27fast 6 110 3 10 10 71 77J T Rice 14 CalifJack AntoMaid FredDrew 19474 Juarez 1 IMOVifa l40Vifast 20 103 3 6 C 6i 6 J Acton 12 Tb Hare Voladay II L Mint 19432 Juarez 34 116 si slow 7 43 I1 J Acton 10 Vesta Ravenball Airline 19111 Juarez 1 140 fa fast 8 41 6 P Louder S Lehigh Fanenil Hall B Candle 19231 Juarez 34 l15 fa 41 Gi A HollisterM Si i perl Minnie F Fanuuil Hull HullBy OAPT LINDSLEY b p 5 By Otis Theresia W Taylor 5S f l mfast 13 75J Taylor75J 91T E Hayes PliyAntoinette TcmiKst Polls Gi G131A Creen 14 Snid Best Frokcndale Rooster l 773 Juarez 34 lifast 10 33 lDt A Greon 13 N Grand G Oxnard Klcctrowun 19733 Juarez 34 l13fast 20 2019CG7 f3 431 J Dawson 14 Zamlocli Caro N Nimo imo Xenotek 19CG7 Juarez 5S l05hvy 4 41C3S 52 43 A Mott 10 Viva Beaumont Noble Grand 1C3S Juarez 24 l20hvy 12 12I9G27 4at G1SJA Green Felina Mandadero Ruby Sun I9G27 Juarez 34 l189tslop 15 Gl SJ A Green 13 KidNelson UiissSand Kmelda 19373 Juarez 7S l29slov 15 71 SISJA Green S Gasket Mike Donlin Ancestors AncestorsBy MARIE COGHILL ch m 6 By Wadsworth Agno F Wallhauser 19303 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 20 9 9t2 R Shilling in Miss Kdith Tempest Choctaw ISSS1 Juarez 1 140 fast 20 103 10 11 11 11 = 92 R Shilling 13 Melts Black Mate High Street 19S17 Juarez 1 l39fast 20 104 4 4 4 S2ill D Stirling 11 Cantem Mary Kmilv Singlctoc 19703 Juarez 1 140 fast 20 101 G 12 12 12 llUV IBrazel 12 Flor Kripp Hardy The Cinder 19671 Juarez 78 l32hvy 5 108 1 G G G G D Stirling li Tht reader Rose Oneil JNolan 19640 Juarez 34 l20hvy 5 103 5 4 31 22 D Stirling 7 Calif Jack M Kdith Rooster 1UG22 Juarez 7S l33 mud 8 3l 2 = 1 D Stirling 10 Singletoe Hsiiigton Conineniin 19374 Juarez 1 l42slow 15 31 5 1C Lapaille 7 Freda Johnson Moscow Melts 19474 Juarez 1 IMOsfast 15 9i 813iIC Lapaillell Tb Hare Voladay II h Mint 19074 Juarez 7S l26fast 15 10G 3 9 9 8 Gl T Rice 14 Flying Prince Conrad Amlirl tWMG Juarez 1 l40fast 25 108 9 8 S SIfiG jjU 8iu T itice 0 pairiv Kick Choctaw Choctaw7i 18857 Juarez 58 l03hvy 12 IfiG 5 8 7i o M Mthews Visible Doll Boy Lady Mint 18772 Juarez 68 l09mud 2 110 2 3 3 1 T Rice 0 Calif Jack Renwar Lady Mint MintBy 101 By Filigrane Short Cake J N Mounce 19322 Juarez rl f lOGfast 10 ior 3 G G2i iVJM Garner PAntnlnette Tempest Polls IWXiS Juarez 78 l34hvy G 110 144 5s o1 Acton 0 SwedeSam RAJoues Klecpland 19G39 Juarez 34 l205hvy 8 107 5 1 I2 lot M Garner S Anytime II Walbank M Donlin 19143 Juarez 34 llSslow 20 112 4 11 10 103S J Robbins 11 KaliInla DMgomerv HazelC 19201 Juarez 51 f l15hvy 2 113 6 6 G23 G34J Loftus S Parcel Post Oblivion Cruzola 1S921 Juarez 1 l425i good 20 102 11 11 11 11 113S M Garner 11 Origintr LInnocce FJolmsn ISSG9 Juarez 51 f lllslow 10 112 G 6 6 531 L Gentry Tight Boy Hazel C FJolinsou 1SS4C Juarez 58 l07hvy 3 35S 112 1 3 3s 23 W W Tlor 0 Russ Sand Airline Xnngaree 18840 Juarez 5S l08hvy 3 112 4 5 S XnngareeS 33 AV W Tlor i No Quarter Nobby Petit Bleu Bleu3v CALIFORNIA JACK b c 4 108 3v Ben Howard Satinet fJ E Dwyer 19903 Jua fii f 107 fast 5 115 1 4 0 = 7 J CmpbelJlO Miss Kdith Tempest Clioctaw 1M13 Jua 78 l27vifast G 10 101S W Brazel 11 Pauliacbapi NoQuarter II Street 19782 Jua 5 107 fast 10 5h 49 R Shilling S Ann Tilly Quid Nunc But Brill 1974 Jua 34 l13fast 15 155S 10 10 = = F Jackson 10 TIInrie ama Reed Bob Lynch 19672 Jua 5S l03hvy 4 7 7I51T Rice 7 Mrs Me Cordova Jen Crawford 1C040 Jua 34 l20hvy 5 55S I2 CrawfordI2 It2 C Gross 7 Marie Coghill M Kdith Rooster 19624 Jua 5S 103 mud 6 8s 714 P Louder 10 Judge Sheens Niftv Amohalku 19392 Jua 78 12S fast 3 35S 105 Gil 1s 31J P Louder 10 Lady Young Aswan Marty Lou 1953G Jua 5S 105 hvy 4 47S 110 3 2 3 3 1 Louder Nifty Jennie Crawford Ida 19021 Jua 7S l27fast S S5S 121 U P Louder 14 Auto Maid Fred Drew Ida 19512 Jua 5S l01good 7 2 = 1 1 r Louder 13 Jen Crawford Cordova Sen Dana 19472 Jua 1 140 fast 15 71 11SOP Louder 11 Flor Kripp Bon Buck Avocaii 19132 Jua 1 l42slow 10 9 H32 M Garner 11 Moscowa Flor Kripp Mol Cid 19399 Jua 5 f 106 fast 10 12 II18 M Garner 11 Cleopaf Bird Man Kck Davis 19331 Jua 34 l15fast 20 13 1425 J Howard 14 Super Minnie F Faneuil Ilnl tDisuualificd for foul