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I The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the r c I II I The small fljrure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse WM 1 1behind behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races I FIRST RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Selling 0442 ll1 2 11 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Vt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy FRANK PATTERSON b B 2 112 By Dick Welles Helen Miller H Butler 1jSOt Juarez 11 4Sfast 22 114 1 11 12 V Oriue l Little Jtlnes Lola Thul Manp 19754 Juarez 11 11VJ6W 4Sfast 3 111 4 1 11 W Ormes 10 Little Ultus A Austin KmllyU VJ6W Juarez 11 49 fast 3 107 2 iu = i 11 Carter 10 Has Blanes Kmily It F Away 19620 Juarez 11 1115S9 51 mud 4 110 f int c 4 j jicCabe Father Kolly L IJlggcr Tiajau 15S9 Juarez ll 47fast G 111 4 1s 1s Ij Jintry 7 achuleiiburj Keclusf Savino 19510 Juarez 31 f 4Ufcgood 3 112 5 53J 21 46i R Small S FKelly UKoburts Scliiileiibiirg 19121 Juarez 3i t t1936S 40fast 73 109 H i 2 11 Small 10 Tol 15ox llluininator J Iluut 1936S Juarez 31 f 41 fast C5 112 10 G1J 3 K Small 11 Ralph S Brooks Schnlcnburg 19310 Juarez 3 31 f f192C3 40fast 6 112 1 22 22 R Small Hi Aunt Sal IIAudy Scluilfiiburg 192C3 Juarez 31 f 41 fast 1 110 7 Ds 41 J McCahe 7 lias lilancs Tobacco Box Divan 19000 Juarez 38 38It934 Sofast 85 112 G G2S 11 2i J McCabe 10 II Aiipareiit Tiajan II Andy It934 Juarez 2S 33fast 1 110 3 221 3J J Moran S Jim Hunt Thats Me F Kelly KellyBy J D SUGG br c Z By Bowline Green Erla dOr Campbell Gray 19923 Juarez 12 1219S23 48fast 45 112 1 2V ji D Uoland Xoyiiim Lit Luck iCnlliertsen 19S23 Juarez 12 49fast 115 1 12 3S J Murimy O Itruoks Maccabee Toastmaster 19791 Juarez 12 4S fast 30 IDS 3 2 = X 3 W Ormes Frisky Savino Schuluiiherg SchuluiihergC 19510 Juarez 31 f 41Vgood fi 109 2 C C J Howard S FKelly CKoberts Sehulenbnrs 194119 Juarez 21 f fIfCGS 41fast 15 1 JS 4 2A 422 J Howard 7 Aunt Sal IJaliy Cal Heflusc IfCGS Juarez 21 f 41 fast C 115 2 4J 7s O Gross 11 Ualpli a UrooVs F 1attersoa 1attersoaBy TOASTMASTER b s 2 By Hastings Toscana H W Hoag 199U9 Juarez 12 4S fast 4 105 4 It I1 F Stevens 7 Knliitax Lailyltlanflie LitLnck 19S23 Juarez 12 49fast 5 10r 3 Siik 421 F Stevens 10 ISrooks Maccabee J 1 Sugy lJ510 Juarez 31 f 41VSKOod 12 IOS 1 u oI AV W Tlor S FKelly CUoburts Suhiileiilitirg 1MGS Juarez 31 f 41 fast 15 108 9 Si 9 = J G MolLstlill Ualpb S IJrooUs F Patterson 19211 Juarez 31 f 43fihVv 12 111 3 33S 6i J Howard 0 Lola Mena Smiling Mucgle 1911G Juarez 3S 31good 20 112 7 cz 7 = 1A Mott 10 Frisky Tiajau Handy Andy AndyBy LITTLE BLUES br e By Blues Reseda J E Miller 19S42 Juarez 12 47fast 2 112 3 42 3111 Shilling 7 Kcpton Savino Audrey Austin 19iXl Jua ez 12 48fast 32 103 3 21 23 R Shilling F Patterson I la Tbel Marie 1754 Jua ez 12 4Sifast 0 112 3 J 2i It Shilling 1O KPatterson AAustin Emily U 19635 Jua ez 12 52hvy 5 10r 3 1s 1 R Shilling 7 Prooks Savino Little Luck 1 89 Jua ez 12 47tast 3 107 a 4uL ris j Hobbins 7 FPatterson Schulunbg Heclnse 194GG Jua ez 31 f 39fast 6 112 4 41 531 J Robbins S ISrizz Keclnse Carl Roberts 19334 Jua ez 31 f 41 fast 30 93 10 22 3j P Louder 10 FarAway LitIJigger M Sleeth BROOKS br B Z By Leonid Insolence W McLemore 19S23 Juarez 12 49fast 4 112 2 21 1 R Carter 10 Maccabco JIJSngg Tstmaster 19754 Juarez 12 4Sfast is 107 7 V G72 G MolcsthlO FPatterson LitIJlues AAustin 19G73 Juarez 12 50slnV 4 112 5 31 2i J McCabe 7 Quiz Letfetti Veldt 19655 Juarez 12 52hvy HO 1 2iit v IA Gentry 7 Little Blues Savino LittleLuck 19344 Juarez 12 49mud 7 99 1 7 C A Mott 10 Sliaban ScliulenbnrK Megaphone 19483 Juarez 13 47Vffast 4 93 7 1 Csi O HezansnlO iSangallo Mogapbouo L Uigger 194G6 Juarez 31 f 29fast 5 112 2 23i u 43i J Groth S Hrizz Uecllise Carl Roberts 1KSGS Juarez 3i f 41 fast C 112 G GSi buk UH j Grotli 11 Ralphs FPatsoti Schulenbnrg 19324 Juarez Si f 41 fast 4 10 4 4B1 5 G li HartwcllIO FarAway LitBigger LitUlncs 192G3 Juarez B1 41 fast 4 110 4 C = l 53i J Groth 7 15as Italics Tobacco ISox Divan 19229 Juarez 3 f 40fast C5 10 1 13S 4 22 K Martin 7 Sangallo WhisIIupu SuMaggie 1914G Juarez 3S 31fast 3 107 3 33S 5 2 J Groth 1 Frisky Ralph S Ladv liraucb 1911C Juarez 3S 34good SG 109 10 103S 71 4 J Groth 10 Frisky Tin fan Handy Andy 19054 Juarez 3S 34fast 12 110 2 4s 3CJ J Groth G Uaby Cal Muna Thats Me MeBy LOLA br f 2 114 By Sir Huon Binda J C Ferris 19S04 Juarez 12 4Sfast C 114 2 3i 3S G Molesth I Flatterson LIilnes ThMarh IW144 Juarez 12 4975mud 3i 1 5 S8 S11 MolesthlO Shabun Schnlenbtirg Megaphone 1S354 Juarez 3i f 39fast S 113 4 4 4J G Molusth 4 Julia L Aunt Sal LalSlSrocadt 19211 Juarez 31 f 43hvy H 6 55i l t G Molesth 5 Mena Smil Maggie Lir IMgger 19170 Juarez 38 3Cslop 5 112 1 13S li 1i J Howard S Divan LIilanche La ISRrocade 1S95 8 Juarez 3S 37 fast 4 H 2 H 2 G Molesth 8 Sbabiin Vhis Hope Lit BiKSW BiKSWBy LADY BLANCHE b f Z By Migraine Cleophus S M Henderson 19900 Juarez 12 4S fast C Cl 2 i3 R Carter V Toastmastir Knbifax L Liuk l S23 Juarez 12 49fast 5 fi SG MolesthlO ISrooks Marcabee J 1 Sugg 19443 Juarez 21 f 4 ssIoV S 0s 4r J McCube 10 Anita Rose Marian Quiz 19310 Juarez f 40fast 10 G G3J 5iJ G 3 V AV TlorlO AuntSal FrPatterson II Andy 192 Juarez 3J f 40fast 4 100 4 43S G5 C9 G ISezansn 7 Saugallo ISrooks Whispjj Hope 19170 fuarez 3S 3 yssloi 4 112 2 23S 2 33 U SinaJi S Lola Divan La Hello ISrocade 19140 Juarez 3S 34fast 10 107 0 2 4i J McCabe I Frisky ISrooks Ralph S