Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-08


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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ MEX WEDNESDAY APRIL 7 1915 One hundred and nineteenth day Jockey Club Juarez Winter Meeting of 12 days 8 books on Weather clear Racing slarls at 230 p m Chicago time 3o p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers 1Mg Ires in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number trick record age of huts Jiiid weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 1993 FIRST RACE 12 Mile 04452 li 2 115 Purse 200 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 strFln Jockeys Owners O II C P 19900 NOYN1M w 103 2 4 o = J 34 1i W Orines JFHSXewman 8841 nut 19900 LITTLE LUCK wii 115 3 2 I3 li 1 J McCabe I B Clark 4 4 1 out 19823 3J D SUGG wit 11U 1 1 119i9 23 2 3n D Bolaml Campbell Gray 32 32 15 25 out 19i9 BILLY CULBTSON w 112 4 3 319900ItUIJIFAX 4 41 4 R Carter S M Henderson 3441 out 19900ItUIJIFAX w 112 G o ti 5 5 R Shilling J Polk i 3 3 43 out Time 24 48 Track fast inner Ch g by Aln Frank Minyon trained by E Foiicuii Went to jiost at 220 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MiVMM saved ground by u close stretch turn and eimiing fast througli the inal eighth won going away MULE LUCK began quickly and set a fast pace to the last eighth and while giving way to the winner held on gamely for second place J I SUGG ran a game race and finished fast and resolutely ItiLLY CTLBhRTSON was sharply shut off when nil eighth out and was close up at the end RUBIPAX vyas always outpacedScratched outpaced Scratched 105SO Meal Ticket 105 105Overweights Overweights Xoynim 3 pounds J D Sugg 2 1 Q Q Q I SECOND RACK E 5 12 Furlon JL J t O t upward Selling S Net val winner S150 second 35 third i Iidex Horses Sir Fin Jockeys O II C P 1 = 1s I5 1 F Jackson W Elliott 3 3 3 1 J2 19844 KATHLEEN S w S 10S 9 c C 21 M Garner W P Johnson 21 2i 23 1 12 19901 ALICE TERESA w 5 10S 31 js 5U 4 3 H Clark W Ritnmey 10 10 10 I 2 198C5 1219901AITSTRI ULTHY SUX v5115 4 S 42J 3l 33 4 C OiMahyG T Hutton 3331 12 19901AITSTRI wit 4 105 S 7 7s1 7i nt B Hayes E W IJorman a G 5 2 19861 EVRAX ws 11 113 1 fi y 4U 55 ci C Thomas P Maguire 13 13 13 G 3 19806 CRUXOLA WBJt 113 73 2U 21 2 7i J McCabe Mrs A Ridgway 10 10 10 4 2 IITOO TAHYYIP w 4 110 10 4 3X 8 = S = S1 W Ormes J F Ferguson 15 13 33 C 3 JAXIEIL wit 4 110 1 10 Snt i D Stirling J L Reclthain S 8 S 3 j2 j2mi mi SWEETBAIT w 4 112 5 10 10 10 10 L Morse H Tullett 1G 13 15 G 1 fastA Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast A inner 15 g by Oddfellow Coiuiiieiin trained by W Klllott Klllottent ent to post iit 252 At post minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing OltLE GKAXI took the lead quickly and drawing far away won in a canter KATHLKKN S closed a big gap and finished well ALICE TERESA finished fast after milking up ground RUHY SlN ran well but was badly ridden through the last eighth being taken up for no apparent reason CRUJ50LA raced in closest pursuit to the stretch and quit The winner was entered for 200 no hid THIRD r RA 19935 upward Net value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 Index Horses AWtPPSt 11 Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S 19901 FAFNEIl w 4 110 C C C1975G 22 2 1 I1 G MolesthG J Miller 85 331 331CJ 1975G TRULANE ws 3 10 5 2 CJ ci 0 21 B Marco R Kipiey 3 31 31 19880 FT JOHNSON wit 10 110 J 7 74 6 34 II Clark A E Morgan S S S 3 1 9901 3 GOLF BALL ws 11 113 S 3 3198803INQUIETA 41 4 2 k 41 M Garner J X Mounce S S 7 3 198803INQUIETA wu 5 10S 7 71 1 1 = 1 = 4 G = i H Shilling T Polk 6 G 5 2 2S 1 S519901GKEQNBRAE 19922 SKINNY B w 3 105 1 8 819901GKEBNBRAE S S S 62 o W Ormes J Lowe S 8 S 3 33S S5 19901GKEBNBRAE 4 107 3 4 3S 3l 3U 3J 73 J ilorys H Kerr 10 10 10 4 L 19681 AMAZEMENT WLl 113 4 7 5 5U 72 S = F JacksonH V Haymaker 1G 13 13 fi fiJ 3 19901 LADY PENDER w 5 113 2 5 J 9 0 9 J McCabe MrsHArmstrong 5 G 5 2 1 fastWinner Time 23 48 101 107 Track fast Winner MillerWent Ch f by Solitaire II KIminetta trained bv G J Miller Went to post at 324 At post 0 minutes Start good and slow Von driving second and third the same IAKNER followed the pacemaker well up from the beginning and when IXQUIETA came extrvinelr wide into thu stretch took the lead but tired and just lasted long enough to win bv a fair margin TRP LAXE closed a gap and made a fast and gaining tinish FORT JOHNSON came through the homestretch with a rush GOLF BALL ran a good race IXQflETA tired badlv after setting a fast pact to the home ¬ stretch GREENURAE iuit after being a contender to the last eighth The winner was entered for 200 wi bid bidOverweights Overweights Amazement 1 pound FOURTH HACK 1 Mile 13724 13G 3 102 Purse 3CO 3yearolds a ward Hniidicnp Net value to winner 225 second Srit third 825 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 IA viStrFin Jockeys Owners 19883CEULAH S w 5 102 4 L 3 = 3i 311 1 li B Marco F L Weir 2 710out 710outG 19883 MUD SILL wu 7 90 1 4 4 = 41 4U 3 = 2 k 1 Morys W A McKinncy G 2 out 19885 TRANSACT ws 4 S 5 5 1 IX 2i L 3nk jf Garner W P Johnson 2 710out 710out2A 19847 GOLDY wsi 5 112 2 5 5 5 5 4 4 = It Shilling J M Shilling 2A 1 out 19886 CORDIE F wn 5 32 3 IJ lii 1 5 C E Hayes P J Miles 4 75 out Time 24 48 114 139 Track fast Winner B m by Filigrane Maid of the Order trained It F I Weir Went WeirWent to post at 352 At post 1 minute Start good unl fast Won driving second and third the same BLULAH S was saved behind the leaders until midwa of the stretch then came on fast and oit stiiyed MUD SILL in a well contested finish MUD SILL was outpaced for the iirst tlireeipiaihrs but made a fast and game finish TRANSACT set the curly puce mil held on well in the final drive GOLDV hushed close up CORDIE F meed into the ledon the backstretch but mit in the last eighth IQQOrr FIFTH RACK 34 Mile 12000 109 0 115 Purse 200 4yearolds ami up JL r 7 O fl ward Selling Net value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 Index Horses A Wt IP St U Vs Sir Fin Jockey O II C P S 19881 FREDA JOHXSONW 4 Kjy G 2 219810PRITON 5 uik 5 = 1 B Marco S Haaelton HaaeltonInk 19810PRITON wis 7 U9 1 4 419904HAZEL Ink 2l 1s 2 M Garner D J McDcnnid 19904HAZEL C w G 108 4 3 2 Ih 2l 3 H Clark J Hoskins 19881 PRINCE GONRAD SB 6 103 37 7 7 G3 4J R Shilling H Foss Foss4i 4 4 4 7 19813 BLACKSHEEP 10 103 2 G G199033CHOCTAW 4i 4 45i 51 G MolesthI X Woniach 10 10 10 I 199033CHOCTAW w 5 103 71 3 3 31 G J McCabe M Doyle 2 21 21 1 19881 XO QUARTER w 11 105 53 G 61 7 7 AV Ormes L Abel 6 6 G 2 fastWinner Time 231 4Sy5 113 Track fast Winner ShortWent Br f by Radford Miss Matthews trained by E H Short Went to post at 421 At post 3 minutes Start good and fast Won driving second and third tin same FREDA JOHXSOX was outpaced to the stretch but came from far hack gamely mid wearing the loaders down was drawing out at the end BRITON alternated in pacemaking and tired after racing IIAXUL C into defeat but held on gamely Thu latter rated well throughout but tired in the streteli drive PRINCE CONRAD was squeezed out right after the start but closed a big gap and was running last at the end BLACKSHEKP and C1IOCTAW showed speed but tired The winner was entered for 3JO no bid bidScratched Scratched 10002Lady Mint 07 10870 Cordova 102 1D70 C W Keniion 101 Overweights 101Overweights Hazel C 1 pound Prince Conrad 4 Rlackslicen 1 Clioetaw 4 Xi Ouirter 1 1 QQQQ SIXTH RACK 58 Mile 10318 10318JL JL V 7OO Helling Xet value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 Index Horses AWtlPStVi Vi Sfr Fin Jockeys Owners O II P S jy901ZENOTEK w 5 113 S 4 H 1 1 1 J McCabe MrsFSFairbairn 222 71013 19868 CHAB GOBTZ W G 105 1 3 21 3l 21 S1 W Ormes W II TuIIuy 12 12 12 4 2 19872 J VIVA wi 3 90 4 2 G1 3i C1 3l M Garner J C Ferris C G C 2 1 1UOOG BOGY JOHXSOX w3 VI 3 S 51 4 4 = 42 B Marco A C McCafferty 21 21 21 4 r 2 G 19868 THE SHRIMP w S 110 5 7 8 7 = 1 5k 31 H Clark E E Getchell G G G 1 19868OOMA wsu 4 103 2 1 3 k n 3 Gl R Shilling J M Shilling S S S 3 S5 19906 MARSAND w 7 10S 6 G 7i S S 73 J Morys J H Adams 444 75710 19865 XOBBY WE G 103 75 4 CU 7 s F Stevens MengesPhUlins 15 13 13 G 3 3Time fastWinner Time 23J 46 100 Track fast Winner PhillipsWent 15 m by Peep oDay Medica trained by M E Phillips Went to mist at 448 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and ihiril the same 55EXOTEK rushed to the front quickly and in doing so at the halfmile ground shut otT CM IAS COETJ2 sharply but raced into a good lead and outstayed the latter at the end CIIAS GOKTX recovered from the accident quickly and made a fast and same finish VIVA elosed a gait and came through the stretch with a rush IOGY JOHNSON ran well THE SHRIMP made a fast linish OOMA quit after racing well to the stretch The winner was entered for 200 no bid bidScratched 102Overweights Scratched 10874 Hlnuta 105 10923 Capt Lindsley 111 10022 Fred T 102 Overweights Ooma 3 pounds 1 QQQQ SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile 1200 109 0 115 Purse 200 4yeaiohls and A 7 I O upward Selling Net value to winner 150 second 35 third Sir Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II I S ws 5 101 C 1 5 4i 21 Il M Garner H T Batchler G G G 2 7 10 w 3 10S 7 7 7 6 Gl 2 D Stirling E T Miller 10 10 10 4 2 19921 THEODOUITA w 4 99 4 G 3 3 42 31 B Marco R Macias 2 2 2 13 23 23I9784S 7519885DELANEY I9784S GBMMELL w 11 103 1 4 1 1U 1J 4 R Shilling Rice Chapman S S S 3 75 19885DELANEY w 7 114 2 3 42 2l 32 h D Boland R O Egan 2 IT 25 19870MARTA 2519870MARTA 7319873CANAPA MAC ws 4 114 3 5 2i 51 G fi II Clark R Ripiey S 8 S 3 73 19873CANAPA w 7 107 52 G 7 7 7 W Onnos A E Patterson C G C 2 1 1Time fastWinner Time 23 48 113 Track fast Winner MasonWent Plk g by Right Royal Ktta Gilroy trained by L L Mason Went to post at firls At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing JOHN HIRIE closed a gap fast and gamely from the head of the stretch and won going away SAFRAXOR began slowly but closed a big gap and finished with a rush TIIKODORITA raced fonvardlv throughout GBMMELL sot ir fast puce to tin last eighth but tired in the tinal drive DKLANEY also tired after being a forward contender to the last eighth The winner was entered for 300 no bid Scratched bidScratched 10024 Quid Nute 101 101Overwfights Overwfights Safranor 1 pound Oemnicll 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915040801/drf1915040801_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1915040801_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800