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BETTER OUTLOOK FOR SEAGRAM STABLE Francis Nelson who when not engaged in dis ¬ charging the exacting and responsible duties of presiding jtidge oh the tracks of the Canadian Racing Associations contributes to the sporting page of the Toronto Globe of which he is the capable and versatile sporting editor many valuable and lnformingacticl5s not only on racing but on other sporting subjects has just written in an cutertalning vein of what he saw and learned during a recent visit to the Waterloo breeding establishment of Joseph E Seagram esteemed pres ¬ ident of the Ontario Jockey Club and foremost turfman of Canada Daily Racing Form takes the liberty of reproducing the article for the benefit of its readers it being as follows followsWhatever Whatever may be the effect of war in regard to the horse breeding industry and its inseparable concomitant racing it is the consensus of opinion among these who have seen the productions of the different thoroughbred stud farms in Ontario that never was there such a Hue showing as this spring and never was the aspirations and expectations of breeders more nearly realized than at present That there has been a decided improvement in the quality of the animals now to be seen is beyond question and interruption of that progress would have been disastrous in the extreme The wisdom and sound common seuse of the man who keeps his head were never more directly applied to the countrys needs than by the carefully considered decision of the British authorities that the foundation of the su ¬ periority in breeding which lias made Britain the stud farm of the world must be steadfastly main ¬ tained Without racing there would soon be no horses of value and the racing country will always be In the lead as a breeding country The letter from a French army buyer which The Globe has just published is testimony beyond controversy on this point and a timely contribution to the history of the industry in relation to national needs needsNowhere Nowhere more than at the Waterloo farm of Mr Joseph E Seagram our most extensive breeder of bloodstock is the result of the constant effort at improvement apparent The president of the Ontario Jockey Club has not had of late years the success that once was the regular portion of the bearers of the black and yellow jacket aud his own health has uot been all that could be desired but hu is a stout hearted Britisher and these things bave not deterred nor discouraged him The colors were kept flying in spite of adversity and the op ¬ timism that is one of the real blessings which a love of the turf confers on its loyal followers has been the dominant note just as iu the days of better fortune To those who admire perseverance under discouragement and difficulty it will be particularly welcome to see a return of the old days of triumph The competition i is keener and the path to victory more arduous now but that will make the triumph sweeter What is iu the future no uiau may tell with certaiiitv though most people are willing to take a chance on their ability to foresee the out ¬ come of almost any eventuality Making prophe ¬ cies is risky work but it can be positively said that not In a score of years has the Waterloo farm been so well equipped at this stage of the season with material calculated to do credit to the breeding lines adopted there thereIt It is i real treat to look over such a lot of wellbred wellreared and wellprepared horses as Mr Seagram will send to the races this year only a single one of which was not produced on his own farm The substance and quality of the young Galatines seem to furnish ample evidence that the establishment has in that English stallion a sire fit to head it What they may do on the course in competition remains to be seen but it H hardly possible that they will be found lack ¬ ing there The twoyearold filly Galicia is well wortli the attention of those who think horses of tho right type cannot be raised in the Canadian climate She is a good Illustration of the impres ¬ sion the visitor gets that the twoyearold fillies of today are better animals than the threeyear old colts used to be Willie Bringloe long with Mr Charles Boyle of Woodstock is in charge of tho mares and foals and the magnificent develop ¬ ment of the young stock must mean great care on his part It is this link in the career of Canadian thoroughbreds that has so long been the weakest in the chain Horses were sent to a trainer when his first task was to feed and build them up taking up the work that should have been com ¬ pleted before they came into his hands No such handicap will be put ou the trainer of such young stocl as Waterloo now shows and which are big and substantial enough to undergo the preparation for which they are sent Into a training stable stableExactly Exactly twenty horses is the iinmlier that trainer Littlelleld has in his string at present and all of them are diie to race tills year though some may wait until after the first meetings of the season They have wintered well and thrived in the highest degree The list is as follows followsRoekville Roekville ch h 7 by Rockton Auriesville AuriesvilleRustling Rustling b m G by Marta Santa Frou Frou FrouDark Dark Rosaleen br f 4 by Havoc Irish Lass II IIFroisarr Froisarr b g 4 by Havoc Frou Frou FrouSea Sea Lord br g 4 by Ypsilanti II Sea Wall WallSir Sir Launcelot b e 4 by Ypsilantl II Dolores DoloresfVastatlo fVastatlo 1 g 4 by Havoc DeviH Charon eh r by Inferno Irish Witch Chlcopee br f 3 by Ypsilantl II Chiiika tGolden Jug ch c 3 by Havoc Cruchc dOr tSraUUfivId l r c 8 by Havoc Martyrdom ITorn Silk b c 3 by Ilhvoc Frou Frou Alecto b f 2 by Inferno Irish Witch Dchavcn b f 2 by Havoc Devis Gala Day b c 2 by Galatlnc Court Maid II Gala Water br c 2 by Galatinc Sea Wall Galicia b f 2 by Galatine Fairlle Head Late Hours b f 2 by Havoc Frou Frou Mandarin ch c 2 by Havoc Royal China Sweet Colleen b f 2 by Havoc Iris Lass II IIfin fin the Kings Plate PlateTo To these is to be added the recently purchased twoyearold Philistine a chestnut colt by Samson Flower which will be brought up by trainer Al AVeston MarylandThe when he arrives at Woodbine from Maryland The five Kings Plate eligible have all groWu and improved since last year and the stable has a strong hand from which Vastatio Smithticld and Golden Jug will probably be drawn to do duty for the Guineas The first named is a fouryearold of high speed and likely to carry It through this year Sniithfield is the most taking of the Platers This brother to Slaughter is really a smashing looking fellow and undoubtedly a runner Golden Jug will not be worthy of his parentage Havoc and Cruche dOr if he does not perform well With two others that would be good enough to win in the average year it is not strange that there exists a strong feeling of confidence that the Plate is coming back to Waterloo this year Nolwly says so but the feeling is there plainly enough and must have its foundation in the known ability of the lot from which the choice will be made ou the twentysecond of May The MayThe young Galatines will attract most attention among the stables twoyearolds when they come to Woodbine not only because they are the first crop of this high bred stallion but because they are of unusual substance and development Gala Water is a sixteen band youngster today and Gala Day a son of the Cyllene mare Court Maid is another impressive youngster Havoc has the credit of the best looking of the others and Mandarin his two yearold from Royal China a Worcester mare promises to be a real crack If one Had to go no farther than these a beautiful race for the Corona ¬ tion Stakes is in sight That event which is re ¬ served for Canadian bred youngsters will be an object lesson of the improvement denoted iu the opening part of the article articleTwelve Twelve yearlings and seven foals of this year afford tho prospects for coming seasons so far as home bred material is concerned The list follows followsFoals Foals of 1914 1914Belle Belle Mahone b f by Ypsilanti II Irish Lass II Dolor ch f by Ypsilantl II Dolores Galley Head br c by Galatiue Falrlie Head Gold Galore b f by Galatinc Cruche dOr Greek Patriot ch c by Ypsilanti II Bride Lane Ladys Aid br f by Havoc Church Bell Maid of Somerset b f by Galatine Fronie Silk Rustle b f by Galatiiie or Havoc Frou Frou FrouStatim Statim b f by Havoc At Once Sturdee b c by Havoc Kate Kittlebury Tea Cup b f by Ypsilantl II Chinka Chestnut filly by Galatine Court Maid II IIFoals Foals of 1915 1915B B c by Inferno Kate Kittleburv B c by Inferno Irish Witch B f by Inferno Bride Lane B f by Inferno Satanic Ch f by Galatiue Irish Lass II Ch f by Inferno Cruchc dOr Ch f by Inferno Sea Wall WallBouquet Bouquet which has been an unfortunate mother lost her foal this season Devis is due to Inferno and Church Bell to Havoc The proportion of fillies both last year and this is large but a few such fillies as Cruchc dOrs yearling would make up for a whole lot of ordinary colts coltsA A progressive breeder aud student of the thor ¬ oughbred as Mr Seagram lias always been his natural preference has been for English blood in his stud and the list of broodmares shows lie has put his preference into practice Of the few that are not imported Bouquet and Church Bell are the only two not by imported sires The mares are At Once by Simontault Tout Suite SuiteBouquet Bouquet by Kinley Mack Briar Sweet SweetBrIde BrIde Lane by St Amnnt Rose Madrigal Chlna by Florizel II Chlnkara ChlnkaraChurch Church Bell by Burgomaster Vespers VespersCourt Court Maid II by Cyllene Court Rose RoseCruche Cruche dOr by Chevele dOr Cruiskeen II IIDevis Devis by Darcbin Allanette AllanetteIolorcs Iolorcs III by Saraband La Cloche ClocheFairlle Fairlle Head by Ayrshire Ardvourlie Fromc by Kendal Isoue r rFrou Frou Frou by Meddler Hypocrite HypocriteGloxinia Gloxinia by Blue Green Xenia Irish Lass II bv Donovan Exiling Lass LassIrish Irish Witch by Blairlinde Hag HagKate Kate Kittlebury by Cerasus Sweet Silence SilencePuritania Puritania by Meddler Rose StaiiYlish Royal China by Worcester Chinka Satanic by Despair Clootie ClootieSea Sea Wall by St Serf Fairlie Head Only in the case of Havoc which has done well for him has Mr Seagram departed from the rule of adherence to English sires Inferno being a homebred and a son of Havoc The stallions now at the farm all cared for and available for service are Bezant by Orme Jennifer Galatine by Gallinule Burgonet Havoc by Himyar Elletta Inferno by Havoc Ron Ino Pershore by Persimmon Virginia Shore Ypsilanti by Galore Stcfanette ImportedThe Imported The blood lines of the latest addition to the Waterloo sires are an interesting combination of the most valuable and successful strains in the English Stud Book and the pedigree of Galatine reads as follows f Sterling j Oxford 1 Whisper I Isola Bella j Stockwell Isollue r Her J Ncwinihstcr I Seclusion lDau of j Skirmisher SkirmisherI I V ertuuina Barcaldine Beadsman Madamo Eglentine 31 Galopin H Vedette Flying Duchess DuchessMusket Suusie Queen Musket MusketHighland Highland Lassie by Caterer or Stockwell Galatinc was a winner in England and here Ho is a horse of great power and substance and if his progeny can run like they look then his owner has secured the stallion lie has liecii seeking The Waterloo horses will come to Woodbine shortly to complete their training