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STAKES CLOSE JUNE 1 1915 THE COLORADO AGRICULTURAL fAIR AND Eacc Course CourseOVERLAND Office OfficeST OVERLAND PARK PARKDENVER RACING ASSOCIATION ST JAMES HOTEL DENVER COLO SUITE 1024 1915 Summer Meeting 1915 20 DAYS RACING FOR LIBERAL PURSES 5 Stakes with a Guaranteed Value of 6400 The Colorado Derby for ThreeYearOlds 2000 2000Six Six or More Races Daily with No Purse Less Than 250 400 Overnight Handicaps Conditioned to Suit Horses in Attendance AttendanceJOHN JOHN 0 TALBOTT Secretary and Treasurer W W FINN General Manager ManagerADDRESS ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO TOJOHM JOHM 0 TALBOTT Suite 1024 St James Hotel Denver Colo STAKES CLOSE JUNE 1 1915