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WHAT NEW YORK BETTING WILL BE Rigid Enforcement of tho System Declared Law ¬ ful by the Courts Orders New York May G While there lias been much discussion of late as to the probable system of wagering that will prevail on race courses ill the state of New York tills season it is knowii that more rigid regulations than ever lieforc will be enforced to restrict public betting It is not pro ¬ posed that any violations of law shall place racing in jeopardy and whatever latitude is accorded to those who would back their opinions will be that made possible by many court decisions that have been handed down from time to time since the jmssage of the AgnewHart laws and other pro ¬ hibitory measures since that time Under these decisions it has been shown that enough latitude exists well within the law to make wagering on race courses possible and there will be wagering but always governed by just what is allowed under the courts interpretation of statutes statutesOne One important decision lias been reached and that is absolute prohibition this year of placing of a deposit as a credit account against which wagers may be made These practices will not be per ¬ mitted tliis season and already positive orders have gone forth that no deposit accounts will be allowed and that anyone who demands or accepts such au account will be barred from ad ¬ mission to all courses A like expulsion is the lieiialty for any person known to be a layer on other courses who seeks to operate through a clerk or assistant assistantTo To prevent any attempted evasion of this regu ¬ lation it lias been decided that any person known as a layer iu former years who constantly has at his side a Companion who inight create an impression of cooperation or partnership will also come under this rule that is to be an important one in fixing the method of speculation speculationAll All of this is In lino with the general policy to i absolutely abolish the business of bookmakiug or even the appearance of such business Individual or private wagers which are perfectly legal under all tho court decisions will be permitted In fact they have been permitted at all times but they inust only be between individuals The day of de ¬ posits and of layers assistants have gone under the rules that have been agreed upon for the coming season seasonJust Just now an important case is before the courts for decision growing out of the arrests that were made at Hewlett Bay Park Just Saturday It will decide the legality of a third party to a wager or in other words the use of a stakeholder This case grows out of the placing of a wager in the hands of a third party before the running of a race and the paying off of the winning bet after It has been decided decidedShould Should this important point be decided favorably it will afford more leeway than was enjoyed last season It would at once eliminate the credit sys ¬ tem that often proved disastrous and also would naturally eliminate the deposit system that has already been ruled against in the plans for the new season seasonThe The supreme court of New York has in no mis ¬ taken terms ruled that the individual lias every right to wager on any kind of an event The courts have also permitted the passing of memoranda of the wagers and have put the stamp of legality on the paying of losses and collection of winnings after a race The same courts have found guilty and sentenced two former layers who accepted de ¬ posits or credit accounts and have dealt severely with those associated with them as clerks or as ¬ sistants Hence the new rule that so positively prohibits this system