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Pimlico Entries and Past Performances for Friday May 7 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST I Tho figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbro abbroI I viations show track conditions Racing starts nt 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M matdciis Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 1 Mile oycarolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record 02G02 130 3 112 1ml Horse Wt Kef AWtHan AWtHan2010I2 2010I2 Nmns r 7 144 10S700 10S700201SG 201SG Vitir 1 Or 142 10rGOr 20042 Lady Butterlly 00140 Mi Cir 20017 Half Uock 108 COO 1 Ifioo Ken Dale 305GOO 305GOO201SC 201SC Singsong 100 117 10SCSD 10SCSD172G1 172G1 Gammon ICG 075 075Second Second Race 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase 1yearolds an l upward Selling Track record SI 14 1540 S 140 1402liOiS 2liOiS Carter ii 132X72Ti 132X72Ti1S022 1S022 Old Salt i 142X720 142X72001S22 01S22 Kscocia M 4 131X720 20010 Buckthorn 1470715 201 id Bryndown r 140X70 140X701S4C7 1S4C7 Brother Folk Al i7U 0 0201S2 201S2 Miss CavanaghM 4 132XGOO 132XGOOThird Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record Ou5S7 120 5 100 20111 Kcwessa 5 115 710 20100 Brave Cunarder 100127 4105X7 20100 Isidora 103 103127 127 J 0 X7 X7r 5i 20118 Klcliurne 101127 5112X755 ri 112X7 201 Ninety Simplex I 5 04X7 3 3iso2 iso2 Spring lioard 103 120 i 113X7 3 3201i7 201i7 Klines J10IX70 17477 Donald Macdouald115 120 J llu75 Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yiarbIds Selling Wt Rcc AWtHan 201J2V GLOMER 10S 10iX723 20181 = Blue Uotk M 10S 101X715 20141 Ataka M 107 107201S13 105X715 201S13 Filly Delphia M 105X715iox7in iox7in 20102 Eddie T M 103 103201S1 100 710 i 201S1 Corfu M 105 703 20102 Tar Brush M 110 100 GOO Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap Track record 03722 112 0 124 72 Jim Basey 10 111 7 10S 7 Brandywiui 00 1115 5 100X 100X51s 51s Coy 107 112 fi 1IOX 3 Faker H5 20100 10 Marjorie A 100112 7 107X1 107X1s53 201 s53 Crosslmn 100 112 4 105X1 20152 52 Monty Fox Fox201S4 OU113A 7 10SX1 201S4 Kayderoseros Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 02408 145 5 120 20105 CHIT Field 101 147 4 103X725 103X725201G13 201G13 Wooden Shoes 05 143 4 100 720 20105 ISoxer I 03X715 03X715201S3 201S3 Lazuli 100 147 3 10S713 10S713Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 05722 112 0 121 20132 Silver Moon 100 1 5 105 725 J01843 Ortyx 100 113 4 107X720 20081 Lohengrin 113 113 5 112X720 112X7201000S 1000S Dakota 102 114 4 112X715 20188 = Beaumont Belle 104 113 4110X715 4110X715201S4 201S4 Gold Cap 103 113 7 112X715 20120 Pay Streak Ill 111 7 112X715 MOOS Anavri 115112 8 117X715 7545 Gates 100114 0112X710 20150 = Sir William Johnson JohnsonM M 112 114 4 107 710 20070 Otto Fioto 107 114 4 112X705 20055 Sonny Boy 100114 4115X000 20150 Alice 1C M 103 110 4 103 075