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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The French war office late yesterday afternoon gave out a report reading To the north of Yprcs we repulsed a night attack made by the Germans from Steenstraete To the south of Vpres the Germans yesterday at a point near wartelen attacked the trenches of Hill No 50 occupied last month hv Pritish troops Their violent onslaught during the course of which they again made use f asphyxiating sases made them masters in the beginning of Ibis position but our allies subse mentlv delivcrcj a counter attack and recaptured a portion of the tranches previously lost In the forest of Ailly the counter attack delivered by us toward the end of the day made slight progress and we recaptured a porllon of the position where the Germans had succeeded In gaining a footing JM the morning During the night the Oernians delivered a counter attack against our position at Mamelon to the east of Sillakerwasen the summit of which they rooecupied ll the re ¬ mainder of our gain in the direction of the River Fecht has been consolidated and maintained maintainedOn On Ai ril 15 the station at St Qnentlii was bombarded and a central depot of munitions one hundred and fifty cars many of them containing Ixnzol were completely destroyed by fire which lasted fourteen hours Explosions were heard throughout the night Twentyfour soldiers were wereOn On April 28 In a bombardment the Freldrlcb Khafen hangars were damaged and a Xeppelln was destroyed Bombs also were dropped at Leo olds Iwlw and Lorrach and on the station at Haltlngen Two locomotives and two express trains were dis ¬ abled and all traffic between Lcopoldshoho and JIaltiiigen was suspended suspendedA A dispatch from Vienna yesterday says A battle of Hit most desperate character continued all Night long and throughout today without a break ° n the West Galiclan front The AnstroGernmn armies continued to gnln ground on the southern wcllnn of the battle front capturing position aft r J sitlon from the Russians The fighting Is taking j la In the difficult country of mountain spurs and foothills of the northern Carpathians The Austro Gennan forces now are approaching the WIsIoka river The city of Tnrnow Is still In Russian hands ilthough under AustroCcrmiu artillery lire The fate of Tarnow and that of the Russian line north ¬ ward to the Vistula river depends on the struggle now waging for the possession of Wai mountain which lowers to the south of Tarnow The Rus ¬ sians have fortified this mountain until it has be ¬ come1 a veritable Gibraltar but the archdukes men are attacking it with desperate valor and they are being well served by their artillery This struggle may go down in history with that for Put Up If hill to the south of Mukden in the RussoJapanese war warA A London dispatch of late yesterday says For the first time since I he British forced the Ger ¬ mans from Hill No CO near Vpres the nddlers of Kmperor William have been partly successful In their counter attacks and no advices to the contrary having been received it is assumed that the Germans are still holding today the positions they obtained upon the hill by the use of asphyxiat ¬ ing gases In the meanwhile the German line to the east of Ypres is within three miles of the town Nearly all the special news dispatches from northern France and the Belgian frontier say the Germans are massing men for a new assault in the direction of the French ports The allies expect gas Iximlis will play an important part hereafter whenever the direction of the wind Is favorable to the Germans GermansA A late London dispatch of yesterday says Oper ¬ ations in the Dardanelles are being pressed forward under highly satisfactory conditions Premier As niiitli told the house of commons this afternoon in a statement upon the combined naval and land attacks on the Gallljioli peninsula An official proclamation announced today prohibits the entry into Great Britain of Belgian bank notes The prohibition of the exportation of British coal any ¬ where except to British possessions or to Great Britains allies also was Officially gazetted today todayContradictory Contradictory of AustroGcrman claims as to the progress of tile conflict in western Gallcia a dispatch from Geneva Switzerland of yesterday says The Tribune de Geneve has received a dis ¬ patch from Vienna saying that the desperate effort of an AustroGerman army of 230000 men to break through the Russian center at Gorllce lias failed The losses have boon heavy and the AustroGernian forces were compelled to retreat to the west to Neil Sandeo German troops continue to arrive at Cracow and the fighting near there is said to be the most cruel of the war warA A London statement of May 0 says that China lias appealed to Great Britain France Russia and the United States to save it from Japanese ag ¬ gression This course was adopted immediately following receipt at Peliin of the news that Japan lias decided to send an ultimatum to the Chinese government giving it fortyeight hours in which to reply The appeal is based on all treaties and agreements guaranteeing Chinese Independence and Integrity and equal opportunities of all powers within Chinese domains domainsOfficers Officers of the five submarines lying In the Hud ¬ son river yesterday as the vanguard of the great Atlantic fleet to assemble for review from May S to IS were proud of the records made by boats of the E class on the run from Key West to Vew York One of the boats the Kl it was stated completed a voyage of 1210 miles under her own power without a stop The submarine flotilla to assemble there within the next few days is said to be the largest ever gathered under the American nag nagThe The owners of tho American steamer Wilhelmina according to the London Daily Mail have received what thev have nronounced to be a handsome set ¬ tlement at the hands of the British government namely full value of the cargo at Hamburg nt war prices which was more than double the prices at English ports as well as indemnity for delay altogether approximating 430000 The original value of tho cargo was estimated at 180000 180000General General Victoriano Hureta former provisional president of Mexico who has been at a New York hotel since bis arrival in this country a few weeks ago has announced that he Intends to make New York bis home having leased a house at Forest Hills L L where he will live with his family when they arrive from Barcelona Spain within the next ten days Besides his wife Huortas family includes five daughters and four sons sonsThe The Canard Steamship Company today announced that beginning May 29 they would resume their regular summer express service between New York and Liverpool with the Aquitania Mauretania and Lusitania supplemented by the Ordnna Tuscanla and Transylvania The decision reached after tho exchange of many cables during the last three days was regarded ns of the utmost importance and significance in shipping circles circlesA A Petrograd statement of Wednesday says All German movements in the east now are of im ¬ mense forces From Cracow especially southward since Sunday there have been sharp separate en ¬ gagements at Tarnow Gorlice in Gallcia and Bartfeld Hungary The Russian army lias driven the Austrians westward from the right hank of the Nida A battle involving enormous numbers now Is imminent imminentAt At Springfield late Wednesday afternoon the Senate voted on the initiative and referendum reso ¬ lution introduced by Senator Woodward It was defeated by a vote of twentytwo to twelve For passage it should have mustered thirtyfour votes ur twothirds of the Senate Senator Woodward served notice of a motion to reconsider but it is not considered likely he will call up the resolu ¬ tion again againLondon London advices of May 0 say The Turks considerably reinforced attacked the allies camp at Krithia early Tuesday morning but were re ¬ pulsed leaving 1500 dead according to advices from Mitylene received by the Exchange Telegraph company The allies have advanced into the in ¬ terior the dispatch says and now occupy posi ¬ tions of great strategic importance importanceYesterdays Yesterdays Baseball Results Rational League Philadelphia S Brooklyn 1 Pittsburgh St Louis New York 3 Boston 1 American League Chi ¬ cago 10 Cleveland 4 Washington 11 Philadelphia 2 Federal League Baltimore 0 Chicago 8 Brook ¬ lyn 3 St Louis 2 Kansas City 4 Buffalo 2 first game Buffalo 4 Kansas City 1 second game late report from Rome says that an agree ¬ ment between Austria and Italy regarding terri ¬ torial concessions on the part of Austria in return for Italian neutrality is now among the possi ¬ bilities liecause Austria realized Italys determina ¬ tion to intervene in the war if she does not ob ¬ tain the territory which she demands demandsWord Word was received in Chicago yesterday of the death of Cecil Macmillan Dyer who was killed April S lighting with the forces of the allies Mr Dyer was a son of the late Louis Dyer of Chicago and Oxford England and a nephew of Mrs Stella Dyer Loring principal of the KenwoodLorlng School for Girls at 4GOO Ellis avenue avenueFrom From Turin Italy yesterday comes the im ¬ portant if true statement that a military agree ¬ ment has been concluded between Roumauia and Bulgaria which is preliminary to a formal political alliance making it obligatory for those nations to support each other in case of war according to a Saloniki dispatch dispatchFrom From Stockholm on Thursday comes news that the Swedish steamer Vanadis was rammed Wednes ¬ day afternoon while at anchor off this island of Feniern by the German auxiliary cruiser Silvana Jlie crew of the Vanadis was saved savedNegotiations Negotiations of the Argentine government with New York and London bankers for a loan of S50000000 in gold are progressing favorably and Jt is expected a contract will bo signed before the end of the week weekThe The Berlin Tageblatt announces the death of General Hugo von Sevdewitz commander of Brigade No S who was killed in action on the eastern front frontA A silver service bought by the people of North Dakota was presented at Norfolk last Wednesday to the battleship North Dakota DakotaOn On Wednesday Governor Rve of Tennessee ve ¬ toed a bill passed by the legislature abolishing the death penalty