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Monthly Racing Form FormIssued Issued on the first day of each month with complete charts of the previous months racing In North America now carries an Index showing each and every start ot all horses In training with firsts seconds thirds and track conditions designated Dy means of this arrangement It Is possible for the user of the Monthly Form Book to Instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which Information is desired as shown In the following examples CAMEL b e 0 by Cameron Gold Wing J H McCarren 1133h 11488 1179 HS4h 1220s 1220s1425s 1317U 132Ch 1354 = h h1591h 1425s 1440 h 1487 1509 1543 15431755m 1591h 1G21M1 1034s 1034s19G2 1755m 1774s 1817 1877 190S 19G2 2001sy 2014 2014193h 2042 2076 2155 2177h 2249 22492704s 193h 2449 2519 2519SS15 2704s 2725 27CS 34G2 3530 SS15 3S72 4100 4100C510 4177 44S7m 4G09 4014 C17G C510 595S 6994 6994F G329h 0545 0545HELENE HELENE b f 4 by Hermis Bollane F D Weir liUh 11G1 117S 1221 1233 130G5h 3330U 1352U 1352U174G 1531 15G4ss 35923h 1621h IGGOm 174G 17748 1802m 1802m22G73m 1912 1973s 1986 2035U 2052h 22G73m 2305 2431 243131123h 2570 2G723h 2G96 2731 2859s 2859s4G49 31123h 315011 3221 3221R091 4G49 4702h 472S 4SC4 4913 49135379h R091 B154 B2J3 B2J3GOSGm 5379h 54018 G578 S79G 5885 GOSGm G17G = h G282 h for heavy m for muddy sy for sloppy s for slowraces not otherwise designated were over fast or goodtrac s April Number Numberof of ofMonthly Monthly Racing Form FormIs Is Now On Sale THE PRICE REMAINS UNCHANGED 1 1Single Single copies by mall must be sent as registered mall with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration Not responsible for books Pent by mall without registration Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois 74 Exchange Street Buffalo N Y