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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Gescge c. I : e 1 1 1 1 1 1 i- now extensively engaged in the- dairy business at Memphis. Selmvler I.. Parson- has leased the good filly Jacotaa from I. ». Keene for the running of the Grab Rag Handicap at Saratoga Aagaal 18. K j». i Curly Brown, race track promoter. builder and owner of the Havana. Cuba, track, was ,i ■matt at Bene as! Saturday on hi- way to Saratoga. It is s.iid thai John W. Schorr may buy s..nie broadasares with the Ides of establishing a thoroughbred stud in Kentucky, with Lake MeLuke at tin bead of it. Charles T. Patteraoa i- hooked to -ail for Bag land AOgosI 20. It i« understood that he i- going over to buy horses for Frederick Johnson and C. K. ; Billings while thoroughbreds are cheap over there. inoiig the- trainer-, it i- now nip and tuck lee tween II «;. Bedwell and James Arthur. Bed well tarring -addled ! total oC sixty winners, while rthiir i- onlj une behind with Bfty-nine to his credit. Trainer Beffnei had quite a time with Azyiade- Wfcea -he ••" working on the- Oklahoma truck Tue-day morning. Tin- mare- ran away and after going three miles male- her way over to the Horse ■■ en track .nd galloped around the ycarliug . for two more. a George W. WlngBelds Celesta won Use £l.oon rWeno Handicap last Saturday at three-quarters e4 ;, unit- ill 1:13 with I2it pound- up. and hi- Btat IThMltr won the *.» M| Tooopah and G.deltielel Hnncli i in at a mile in 1:43% carrying no pounds. T. T. Bums loch- them i- Hi. J. H. Marquette ha- written the G aMeu Oat* Rreecdern Assoeiathia Himi he expects tee arrange i.,r- i uo carloads of horses to come from Me* i..rk. Be states thai he i- sextons to attend the .- and at the nunc time to take in Ihe- •■ x ; • Kitkin and he ha- found other eastern horsemen oi the sainc uiiud.