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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 91361— 1:37%— 3— 119. M0NTRES0R, ch. g. 5 110 By Monfort— Madchen R. T. Wilson. Saratoga 1 l:43%slow 3 107 2 2 2 2 2. 2* .1 Bntwell 7 Star Jasmine, Hanson, Pom B 11 22066 Saratoga 7 s lr29%hvy 7-10 1 in 222 2 2r 2.1. M Garner :: Vankee Notions. Sea Shell 21609 Aqueduct 11:38 fast 13-5 10:! 111 l l? AV Lillcv 5 Roly. Harry Shaw. Lady Rotlia 21576 Aqueduct 1 l:40%good 6 165 3 2 3 2 11 15 J McTagrt 0 Gainer, Pebbles Buckborn Ji:,31 A.iueduct 3 4 1:14 fast 45 107 3 3 2 ::J HP I.owder J Y. Notions. L. Botha II Barbea 20695 BelmonI 11:41 fast 7-20 110 111 1 ]= ]• v lral 2 ;. M. Miller 20409 Belmont 3-4 l:13%mod 1-4 111 1 11 1= 1 W Oral :; Virile. Tinkle Bell 20321 Pimlico 3-4 1:15%mud 4-5 108 4 2 1 I4 VI A Sehugr 6 W. Surprising. B.Cnnard*r 20267 Pimlico 3-4 l:l4/,slop 3-2 105 2 111* ll A Schutgr 0 Andrew, RhbieMaiden, S Board 20107 H.deGce 61 f l:*S%good 9-6 108 5 4 4 4- 2*1 W Ural 5 Andrew, Surprising Horron 380*0 H.deGea 5-8 l:00/5fast 11-20 106 3 1 1 1 1 W Ural 6 Gino. Belamour. Al.l.-baran BLUE THISTLE, b. g, 6 113 By Blues— Wild Thistle fH. C. Hallenbeok. 21910 Aquedcl I 1-16 l:44%fasi 8-5 108 2 2 3 3 2 V G Byrne 3 Helen Barl Ham Shaw 21766 Belmont I l:41%fast 2-7 D» 1 I 1 1 1- 11 .1 Bntwell 3 Reybonrn Nephthys 21669 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 3G 113 13 2 2 la I3 C Turner GC mauretta, Bac, Nortbllght Aqueduct 1 1:40 good 4?. 113 112 2 2J I| G Byrne 4 Harry Shaw Star GIfl lode* 20995 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47%alow 8-2 110 G 5 4 I 3 8»1 G Byrne R Yan: Notions. Virile Watertown 20830 Belmont 11-16 1:45 fast 4-G 117 1 2 1 1 H B Q Byrne 3 Virile Spearbead 20727 Belmont 1 1-16 l:46%fast 4 5 115 12 2 2 1- 1*1 t Byrne 2 Republican 20470 Belmont 11-16 l:47%alow 8-5 113 1111 1- 1= G Byrne 4 Clitr li.ld ninlfi Sncirhcnl 20369 Belmont ll:40%fast 16-5 116 13 2 1 1« 1 G Byrne 5 Amalri. Wooden Shoes. Asrrolorv 1S493 H.deGce Im70y1 :44%fast 6 111 1 2 3 3 42 3- R Troxler S G.M Miller Amalti Lit Nearer 18424 H.deGce 3-4 l:14-oslow 13-5 115 7 4 6 4 13 C Turner 12 Kewe.-sa. Honey Bee, Bolala AMALFI. ch. g. 7 103 By The Scribe — Tarantella R. T. Wilson. 22097 Saratoga i 1 8 l:59%bvy 2 107 2 4 2 3 :: " i2 .1 McCahey a Polly n.. Marshon, Easter Star 21979Saratoga 11:41 fast 9-5 111 6 8 8 8 6* 2* .1 MeCabey 8 Undenthal, Grosvenor. Forecast 21598 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 25 11., 2 1110 S 6* 1»* J McCaheyi:; PBllIvan, Snehenge G M Miller 2J662 Aqueducl 1 1-8 l:59%alop 13-5 109 5 3 3 5 35 34 J McCahey 5 Marshon, Lazuli. Penaltv :1 9 : .lamaica 1 1-16 1:47 fast 6-5 111 4 6 5 5 41 In J McCahey ."" Doublet. Alhena. Drlin Kripn Jamaica 1 1-8 1 :54%fast 4 5 10ft 222 2 2 2n J McCahey 5 Lazuli. OSullivan. Guy Flaher Jamaica 1 1-S 1 :55%fast 9-3 115 2 4 4 4 21 lG Byrne 5 Spearhead, W Shoes Doublet lamaica 1116 1:18 fast 4-5 115 6 6 6 6 3 3" J McCahey 6 Spearhead. 0 Kripn. B Ouinee 20660 Belmont 1 1-S l:G-j%fast 11-20 109 3 3 3 3 1* In J McCahey 3 Al Be, h Jawbone 20470 Belmont 1 1-16 1 :47i;slow 3-2 110 4 4 4 4 81 3* J McCahey 4 B. Thistle. CliffFleld. Spearhead 20369 Belmont 1-l:40%fast 11-W H4 2 4 3 3 33 2 A Schugr S BloeThistle. W.Sboea, Astrology limlico lm7"y l:4f,%fast 7-10 115 4 5 5 G 4 15 J McCahey 7 Spearhead. Carlton G., Isidora DONALD MACDONALD. ch. g, 9 107 By Sombrero — Berriedale F. E. Brown. 22045 Saratoga 11:46 mud 4 lit 1 1 1 1 1 !• m Buxton 5 Shyness, Marshon Grosvenor 21625 Windsor 1 ID; 1 :4S fast 7-5 110 G 5 7 7 7 7TJ J Metcalf 7 Surpassing Flltaway BbySister 21313 Hamton 1 1-16 1:47— .fast 5 ino 111 1 1 l" J Metcalf 5 Progressive. B. Head S Heien 21262 Ham* ton 1 1-16 l:46%fast 3 107 4 3 5 4 54 4*1 J Smyth 7 B. Broom, B.Conarder P Eutrene 20964 BlueBon. 11-8 1:58 mud 27-20 110 111 1 1= IU J Smyth S Joe Stein Shepherdess Supreme 20867 BlueDon. 1 1-8 1 :G6%fast 2 lit 2 2 3 1 1 25 J Smyth 0 Patty Began Shepherdess Cobs 20394 Wdhlne 11-16 1:48 good 11 loG 6 7 7 7 7 720JJ Metcalf 7 Tactics. Luther Progressive •0211 Pimlico 7-S l:26%fast 80 115 3 5 6 8 8 8 a A NicklauB 8 Kleburne, Kewessa, B Cnnarder 17477 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 12 105 7 6 7 7 74 7" M Buxton 8 Buskin, Amalti. Harry Shaw 15704 Empire 11-8 1:53 fast 4-5 118 2 3 3 3 32 XH W W Tlor 4 Star Gaze. Guy Fisher. Any Port WANDA PITZER, b. m. 5 101 By Peep oDay— My Gem J. S. Ownbey. 219 9 Vqueduct 1 l:38%fast 3 108 13 3 2 3 4 M M*tnewa 7 Lazuli. Lahore, Lady Paaenita -!• r Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 7 117 1 6 4 45 S:] M Mtbewa 3 Btruscan, Cy Merrick Ienmouse 21236 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 41 110 3 44 2- in M M" thews 7 Btruscan He Will Helen Barbee 21103 Jamaica 3 1 1:13 fast 11-6 108 1 1 1 l1 1 M Buxton .", Harry Shaw Snrinc Board 20753 Belmont 1 l:39%fast 1S-6 108 111 J 2»k 5-J T Nolan 0 Bac. G.M Miller Astrokary 20233 Pimlico 3-4 lSifast U-G 109 1 4 3 l*4 2s* T Nolan 8 WaterLady, Corsican TowFi.d.l 20033 H.deGce 55 f 1:08 slow 2 106 2 2 2 21 ll C Miller 7 Sarsenet, Cliff Field Belamour 19647 Havana and , f l:06%fast 2 103 5 3 3S 1° C Miller 8 Briar Path Zali A N kin 18756 Charlen 6-8 1:01 fast 4 114 8 7 9 » 645 J Connors 0 Dhdauntd, BlkChief *A-N kin 18678 Cbarlen 55 f 1:08 fast 9-5 104 9 9 8 8= 4C3 H LatTerty 6 Ancon. Colle Jttd"e Wriclit" 18637 tharlen 3-4 l:15Amud 15 107 1 4 4 6 fii H I.afferty 7 Harry Shaw. Ancon. Cliff Field LITTLE NEARER, 1. g, 6 110 By Golden Maxim — Leoralla C H. Robbin 0 21787 Belmont 11:44 fast 13-20 1 is 2 4 2 2 1 1" !■ Alpera 3 Perth Rock, Ham Pass Doublet 21746 Belmont 1 1:39 fast 30 111 7 7 7 I C 6" C Ibtiar 7 Harry Shaw Lazuli Ben Ouinee 20069 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 16 112 1 S 8 S 71 7*1 C Fbther s CliffFleld Progressive Locbiel 18493 H.deGce lm70yl :44%f aat 6 105 6 3 4 4 5 4-i G Byrne s G.M.Miller Vnalti Id Thistle 18156 H.deGce lm70y 1 :44%f ast 7 110 5 7 7 6 3l 3C Fbther 8 Pardner. ThornhirL Poilv II 18433 H.deGce lm7oyl:46 good 7 109 4 5 4 2 35 25 C Fbther 0 Amalti. Tbornhfl] Harry Shaw 18382 limlico 1 1-10 1 :47fast 16 108 4 4 4 4 6 3-5 C Fbther .7 Thornhill. Holiday Brynlimal 18278 Laurel 1 l:37%fast 14 109 4 5 5 5 G 4J C Fbther 5 Republican. Thornhill Ptbrush 18071 Laurel 11-8 1:5* fast 41-5 107 2 4 4 3 3 6*4 C Fbther 6 Elwalt. Pollv II. malfl 17900 laurel 1 l:39%fast 1 310 6 5 5 4 4- 3J C Fbther C Flitaway. UncleMun EllaBrvson 17S06 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :45=5fast 46 108 6 6 3 4 2: 11 C Fbther 11 Monrres.r. Executor Pollv II 17 ;56 laurel 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 91 100 3 4 4 4 4 4" D Steward 4 Pandean. Thornhill. Ba:, •■ 16:S7 Saratoga 1 1 :40y5fast 16-5 95 5 6 5 3 HI1 H Sumter G Lahore. Bac. Executor SPFARHEAD. br. c. 4 111 By Aeronaut— Dartee E. B. Cassatt. 22047 Saratoga 1 l:44%mud 7 UO 3 2 4 5 5 4" T Davtes ". Bac. Lindentbal, Virile 20933 Jamaica 1 1-8 15%fast 12 IIS 1 3 2 1 1 21 T Davies .", Amalti. Wixxlen Shoes Doablel 20879 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12 114 4 3 2 2 2l 1" T Davies 8 Orlin Kripp. Amalti. B Quince 80830 Belmont 11-16 1:43 fast 10 98 2 13 3 3 381 J P Ryan 3 Virile, Blue Thistle 20592 Belmont 11:43 fast 12 149 4 3 4 4 i- 3]!E Tucker 7 Doublet. Virile. Ambrose 20470 Belmont 1 1-16 l:47%slow 13 164 3 2 3 3 4 4" J P Ryan 4 Bine Thistle, Cliff Field m..lil 20439 Belmont 61 f 1:21 mud 3 103 3 G 4 4 4° J P Ryan •"• Thornhill, Preaptlon, Ast THE GRADER, b. g. 5 103 By Orlando— My Fair Kentucky J. T. Hushes. 21268 Latonia ::-4 1 :U--fast 41 105 S S 7 P 5"1, A Mott 0 Charnteoae, H.ODay, Ros.Gooae 20815 Latonia lm70v l:42%fast 10 107 111 1 and P A Mott "i Boyal II., Wat.i Witch. Gold Boy 20633 Douglas 1 1 :43%mud 4 l 8 111 1 1G 1« E P,« 1 S Grosvenor, .1 Hear,!, ,11 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46%f ast 11 109 5 3 2 2 Is 1 A Mott 7 B. Candle. Blackthorn. :. Peat 20256 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46%faat 41 110 7 6 6 0 62 6*4. J Butv.,11 g Boaanaa, Rohiaetta, Bxpection 20177 Lexgton ll:4l%hvy 16 102 5 4 4 4 G5 i°5A Mott 6 Phosphor, Hold. Boy. Baabdery 20126 Eegton 1 1:40 fast 22 MS 3 3 4 3 2" 2 A Mott 4 Bra, I. Choice. SanVega, Chattier 17283 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 29 110 2 3 3 8" 10la It loose 11 Surest. Bank Bill. Scrapper SUPREME, ch. g, 4 99 By Star Shoot— High Degree W. E. Tamsenl. !ii iton 1 1 M l:38%slow 3-2 112 2 5 5 6 ■■-" "-: I. MeAie* t Martian. Dicks Pe», riltawa; 21700 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47%slow 43-M 101 6 5 6 5 I! 1 R McDott 11 Boxwood, llv Home, Dundreary Windsor 11:45 mud 16-3 101 2 5 5 5 5 5»45J Acton fi B.Hensley, tactics. The W. Moon 21559 Fort Erie lmTOy 1 :57%h vy 33 20 mi 4 2 1 1 V 1 L McAtee 5 Progressive, Burwood. I. Claire 21440 FortErie 1 1-16 1.56%hvy 4 104 5 1 1 1 l8 l8 J Acton li Ida Claire. Cnttyhonk, Joe Stein Conght lm70v l:46i/ifast 2 104 4 2 2 1 ll 1*| J Acton S I.. George, B. Welsh Ford Mai 21028 Conght 3-4 l:15%good 4 1H7 1 2 2 2 I4 J Groth 8 Mercuriiiin. Celebrity, Schnapps 2e964 KlueBon. 1 1-S 1:5S mud 10J 103 2 3 2 2 32 4"! I, Hartwell 8 D .Mdonal.I. .1. Stein. Seplierdess 20924 BlueBon. 1 l:40%fast 99 92 5 7 6 8 61 6«| A Collins 11 Cnttyhunk, Bnahy Head Jabot 20863 BlueBon. 3 4 1 :14%fast 19 104 9 13 10 10l in" J Connors 13 Broomsedge, TbeSpiril K.Worth 20483 Electric 1 1-16 1 :f,7=-,slop 4 106 3*1 Harrison 9 Petehw. H.Hhison, I. oK.aldv i Pimlico 3-4 l:13%good 25 105 7 7 7 75 4° E Ambrose 9 P.riarPath. MrtinCas.a. Pharaoh NAPIER, b. g. 6 99 By Sempronius — Lillian Fonso J. W. Hedrick. Jr.. Saratoga 1 1:43 hvy 15 102 5 6 7 6 0" I ■■ .1 Gartner 7 Syrian. W. Wonder, Marshon 21961 Aqueduct 1 I:40%fast 12 112 r, 4 4 3 21 4:1 D Hoffmanll Dr.Denner. S.ofValley G Fisher 21912 Aqueduct l l:39%fast 12 1" 1 5 5 5 6 11 4"i W Littey 1; Alhena. V.daut. Son g of Valley 21844 Aquedct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 7 107 1 2 2 2 21 4* : Byrne 0 Roblnetta, Sebenge. G.M.Miller 21736 Belmont 1 1-8 1 :•"•::--. fast 15 107 9 7 4 6 21 P WJ oCnll Polly H.. OSolIivan. Camellia 217JO Belmont 1 l:41%fast r. 115 12 18 9 C 5 J* "W -T CBnl7 Dryad, Tinkle Bell. Dr. Dnenner 1 72 H.deGce lra70y 1 :44%f ast 25 M 12 12 12 11 12 10*» J Gartner 12 Bona Around, M Block. Cogs 20038 H.deGc. ::-4 i:l2-;-,fast 6. KHi 7 8 8 8 77 J Gartner 8 Brandy wine, Al BVocb. Joe Finn 19911 Havana 8-4 1:20 slow 4 113 8 8 8 B* J Pits 8 Nhradoo. L. Shark. h.M, iVrrau 19832 Havana 61 f 1:10 good 1 M8 7 6 5 r,-4 J Gartner 7 Yel. Eyes. Tiger Jun. Sherwood EASTER STAR, ch. g, 4 101 By Star Shoot— Nisbat J. E. Madden. • : Saratoga 1 1-8 1 :39%hvv 15 106 3 3 4 4 4 4- M Buxton I Polly IL, Amalti. Marshon 21726 Belmont 1 1-8 l:G3%fast 23 104 m ll 11 9 H 9-iM Bin ton 1 1 Polly !L. OSolIivan, Napier 21669 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 40 103 5 5 5 5 510 510 L Allen i Bine Thistle. Com mauretta, V.:c 21807 Aqueduct 2-4 1:12 fast 100 104 6 6 6 65 e1 C Brady 7 Thornhill. Bac. Cy Merrick Jamaica 1 1-S l:53%fast 13-5 91 5 4 4 5 6* G.F Hopkins 6 Bl Biod, Coin. Hermis Jr. 20848 Belmont 1 l:40%fast S 10,1 0 6 6 3 41 53 P I.owder «l Guy Fisher, Camellia, Rohinetta 20499 Belmont 1 lMO.good 10 100 3 5 5 6 o" 6*1 I Allen l Al Bloch. Jawbone, Stonehenge 17879 Laurel 1 1-4 2:03-v5fast 31-5 9,8 7 5 6 8 6 8M R Shilling 8 Baton. Gol.l.v. Mud Sill 177:2 Laurel 1 1 s 1 :r, 27-5 ion 7 s s 8 8* r,»i I StewardlO Centauri, Holt.m. Gerrard 17298 Belmont 1 1-10 1 :46 8 100 3 6 6 5 55 4* H Sumter 8 Bine Thistle. J.Fisher. Flitaway 17260 Belmont 1 1-S l:52%fast 3-2 93 1 2 3 3 3 3:- II Sumter :; Virile, Spearhead