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1 i . ! ; 1 1 1 , ! i I i • » : I t ■ I • ; I * 1 E * I ii e • RENO FORM CHART. ii 2! RENO. NEV.. August 6, 1915. Kighteenth day. Reno Fair and Racing .ssociatiou*s Summer Meeting of 88 days. Weather clear. _ 2 Iresiding Steward. J. J. Holtman. Presiding Z Judge. A. T. Puhuaa. Starter, C. D. Stevens. Rac- 2 ing Secretary, W. W. Finn. J 22180 First Rax — 5-8 Mile. Purse 888ft, .".-year- I olds and upward. Selling. Nut value lo win- j ner 40; secoml. 0; third. 0. : Bquiv. Odd Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22102 Spright. MissUKi 1 R Carter Si0-100 21852 Helen Jamea 103 Z» T T Burns 4»»-10fl _ 221483Dell 10! 3- AV Laada 3U0-1O0 22146 Bil. MeQuaidm." 42 W Ormea lftR- N 2: 22146 Queen Maeve Ml H F Fuller 8Nft-Mt 22154 Criterion 101 •• 1 Guy MM hH 2 1894 I-a Estrella 106 71 K Smith J«.". 100 22021 The Majors Daughter loi 8 w Anderson hoio-ioo Time. 24%, 49, 1:02%. Track fast. - aratneia paid. Sprightly Miss. $:t.40 straight, : .00 place. $;.«k» ahow; Helen James. .60 place, s $::.40 show: Dell. .80 show. I Winner — ;. Rambcrgers b. in. 5. by Ildrim — » Locbaher trained by .1. Haggertyi. Start good. Woa easily: second and third ilriving. Overweights — Helen James, 2 pounds; Dell. J; = Rilly McQuaid. 2. 22181 Second Race— 5 s Mile. Pane 00. 3 year- g olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds " Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22099 Viva 103 1A T T Burns BM-Mft , •44l46;:Tordillo 104 2 C Gross 696-100 22149 L. Heywood 110 3- * B Martin 310-100 - 22151-Irish Ann Ml 4 W Leeds 80-100 22102 Cal Curn Ml o "- R Guy 675-101 22099 Sajetta OS 6* H Phillips 2400-100 " 22 133 "Vesta Ml 7- G Molesworth 1780-100 a 22021 Bob Love M6 8 V Ormts 1695-100 . Time. 24. 48%, 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid. Viva, .!.mi straight. . SO * place. $::..NO show: Tordillo. place, $:;.S0 show; * Lofty Heywood, .40 show. Winner — Henry k Novaks b. f, u. by Oiseau — Cutter trained by 0. Henryi. Start good. Won driving: second and third same. .-, Overweights — Irish Ann. :! pounds; Vesta. 2; Tor- « dillo. 1: Lofty Heywood, 2; Viva. 2: Rob Love. 2. Z 22182 Third Race— 3 1 2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4- year-olds and upward. Sellling. Net value to , ! winner 40: second. 0: third, 0. • Equiv. Odds • Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. i 2202 7 Mary Emily 109 li R Guy i::o-loo " 22076 Jake Argent 111 2- T T liurns 32 »-100 • 22027 Choctaw 111 3i G Molesworth 265-100 • 221513Lillian Ray Mft •» H Thurber 2K5-M0 " 21993 Lotta Creed 109 u2 J Frach MI0-MI 22152 Lady M. M. 109 6 Roberts 2740-100 Time. 24. 48%, 1:07%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Mary Fmily. . lib straight. .60 • place. .20 show: Jake Argent. .00 place, S2.20 [ show; Choctaw. .40 show. a Winner — J. Ielters eh. in, 0. by Nasturtium — [ Highland Princess trained by W. DeRolt. , Start poor. Won easily; second and third driving. 22183 Fourth Race -1 Mile. Pane 00. o year . olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22 101 •Lady Young 112 1J R Carter SO-WO 22155 Eastman 114 2- C Gross 243-100 . 22152jFairlv 114 3"k W Leeds 730-100 " 22101 Wise Mason 114 4* H Clark O8V-M0 , 22126 Electrowan 112 0" B Guy 156 1K ." 22150 IT. Conrad 114 6 W Ormea 1M5-M0 " Time. 24%. 48%, 1:15, 1:41%. Track fast. 82 miitiielv paid. Lady Voting. $::.S*» straight. .20 place. .20 show ; Fastmau. .00 place, .40 show; : Fairly. .f.o show. Winner— J. F. Fergusons cb. in. 6. by Henry ! Young -Maaher I trained by It. Miller. Start good. Won driving; second and third same. 22184 fifth Race— 5 s Mile. Pane i»o. S-year- aaie and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40: second. 0; lliird. 0. Equiv. Odda Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22025 Thist. Belie 1M 1*1 VV Urines 160-100 22149 Frances G. 107 2" J Frach 500-100 . 2 1997 Ida I-avinia 106 »»1 1 T r.urns MS loo , 22126-In Dutch HI 4i R Carter i;i4f. -loo . 22147-iRus. McGill M3 •"■ O Gentrv 47 N»-im 21148 Marie 0*BrinMl 6- it Gu ESft-MI 22022 -Ida Ml 7 11 Clark UBMM Time. 24, 47%, 1:01. Track fast. , aiataela paid. Thistle BeUe, straight, ■ .40 place. ££80 show; Frances ;., .00 place, ] . SO show; Ida I.avinia. 82:80 show. Winner — W. J. Dunns br. m, ft, by Knight of the Thisth — Kelturliet trained by C. C. Lewis. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. Overweights — Frances L. 1 pound; Ida 5. — - 22185 Sixth Ract — 5 -S Mile. Pane 00. Nevada bred. .; year olds and upward. Allowance--. Net raiae to winner 40; second, 0; third. 0. tGeaaeed in betting. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22 157 -Joe Hooker 111 1* V Ormea 40-l " 22157 R.Shnnonll. Ill 2"; C OMahoney 843-100 22075 Pajaroita 11.111 3* T T Hums 473-100 22003 Recretionll. 100 4° H Copeland 4490-100 21852 Perrler Ml 84 it Guy 496.vioo i 21995 Huzzy Ree loo J-i C] tllW-loo I 22021 Qn St. Clair V.i 7* V Drazel + 21899 Seven Un Ml 8 C Gross 2383-100 Time. 24%. 48%. 1:01%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Joe Hooker. . NO straight. .40 place, .10 show: Bey Shannon 11., $..00 place. .20 su.iw: Pajaroita II., .20 show. Winner Nevada Stables eh. c. 4. by Rey del Sierras — Sainperia trained by A. Martini. Start geod. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights — Recreation II. . 1 pound: Ruzzy I!ee. 1. 22186 Seventh Race -7-8 Mile. Pane 8800. ::-year- olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8140; second. 0: third. 880. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22101 Miss Edith 111 l1 W Leeda 200-100 22149-1ro Realis Un S T T Burns 100-100 22 132 Rhode* Ml 31 G Moleaworthl0240-10e 22152 Loan Shark Ufi 45 R Gu 440-108 22140 Camia Ml v O Gentry 7380-100 22l28"Kid Neleon 1M 6i C Gross 8*70-100 22132-H Walbank 115 7- H Tullett 2383 100 22070 Mike K. tla I F F Murphv 44080 IO0 Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%, 1:28. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Miss F.dith. , KI straight. 82.40 place, 82.00 ahow: Iro Bealia. 82.40 place. . so show; Bhodea, 80220 -how. Winner White WiNon- b. m. 5, by Rowling r,i k Servilia trained by A. While. Start good. Won driving: tecoad and third sain