Second Race [2nd Saratoga, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-13

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SECOND RACE — 3-4 Miie. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. 16010—1:11—3—113. PULLUX. b. g, 3 106 By Astronomer— Helen OC. J. Whalen. Iqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 11-3 100 5 2 1 P I J McTagrt 0 Othello, Grampy, Trnc as Steel Belt ii 3 I sl 1:11 fast 12 Wl 2 2 4 51 6*1 C F"bther J Pome tte Bleu, Hanoria, dual 20191 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%hvy 23 Ml 1 I 3 | «s| C Pbther 8 P., 111. Bleu. Br. Cnnarder, Ilorron 1 ::-- Pimlico 3 4 I:i2%tast IS 3 MG 2 2 1 I4 1«* R Shilling 7 Stal. Helen, T. by Jury, Banquet 1S321 Pimlico 7-8 1:27 fast 32 3 10:, r,3 4 2 T in R Shilling 7 Embroidery, Raaaano. Boii.-,, 18276 Laurel 61 f l:05%faat 9R-10 1 »1 3 2 3 I* 3*1 D Steward 4 KilkcnnvBov. Hanson, Leotmlne 18167 Laurel 1 l:38%Cast :w H7 1; 4 4 4 43 4"i D steward r, Republican, P*tbrush, Montresor 18136 Laurel 61 f 17%fast 33-5 101 2 1 1 1*1 2» C Fbther 0 Protector, Eagle, Distant Shore Laurel 51 t l:07%good 14 BO 2 2 2 21 21 It Shiliiii!: B Sir Bdgar, Hanson, Bot. Martyr 1S013 Laurel 61 t l:10%alop 10 112 5 7 r. ;■ 5*1 C ""btber 0 Protector. Doublet ]; „ ■- H.d - 51 f 1*1 fast 3 Ml 1 1 ll l2 r BtewardlO M.Montgomery. Proctor, "Alliens 17j97 Belmont 3-4 st 1:TJ fast 11-3 !* 2 1 2 2s 1» I Steward :i Muntrosa. Astrology MARS CASSIDY, blk. g, 3 104 By Ogden— Ivory BellB J. W. Schorr! ,ga - 1 l:l3%slow 7 1.,., 3 " " V t* .1 Kederia !i Hanson. Pixy. Sea Shell ■•• Latonia 3-4 1:16 slap 1 M3 I 2 2 1»1 1 F 5 Boyal Tea. Hoenir, Tory Maid 21183 Latonia 3 1 l:12%fast 13-3 IOC I 2 l P ::5 M Gamer •; Dnele Bryn. Converse. Grampy 2100: Latonia 3 I l:12%fast 91 no 1 1 1 *» 21 A Noylou 10 1n. Bryn. Converse. Pleetabelle 20947 Latonia lm70j l:45%slow 18-5 107 2 2 2 3 j" 24 .T Hanover 4 FleetabeUe, Martinos, Badinage ..tenia 3-4 1:13 last 6-6 loo » 1 1 1! 1* W Me, ban 6 Mex, Amazon. Dr i armen 20818 Iatonla 8-4 l:12%fast 23 10 102 f. G 4 4" 6»J D Stirling 8 Hawthorn. Banquet. Dr. Larrick 2C776 Douglas 3 11:12 fast H M 7 5 2 21 2i F Robinsull B.andSaddle. D.Crmen, Lerator Douglas 3 1 l:12%fast W-5 lol 3 2 2 2- 2U A Mott !» Lil„ rater. Converse. B.nanet BORGO. ch. c, 3 98 By Ogden— May Florence R. T. Wilson. Saratoga 1 1 : 13" ,11111,1 I1 1":: 1 .". 2 3 2 2*1 J McCahey .1 Lindentbal, Lahore 1 1 1:44 hvy !■ i"7 2 :: :: :: : . 1 ■ .1 McCahey :: Iahore, si 1841$ 11 .!■ ; ■• " t 1:15 hvy l-3 V * r, 2 3 1»* 1" J McCahey : Boxer, Norse King. Brian Boru 18411 H.doace I 8 l:«",lit 7 1M 7 7 6 3* 34 J Kederis S Sarsenet. Between 1s. Gaelic ■i::] Pimlico 7-8 1:27 last 11 108 4 2 2 1 2sk 4 J Bntwell 7 Pollux, Embroidery, Kazzan., ;• 0 1 iurel 51 t l:06%faat 16 105 4 3 3 V V .1 McCahey 6 Stal. Helen, B. Flower, Fenrock 180 l.-iur. ! 1 1 :47%mud 43-26 106 112 2 2" 23 .1 MeCabey 6 Embroidery. Surgeon. W. Metal 17993 Laurel 3-4 l:14%fas1 91. VH 6 1 3 3- 2= M Buxton 8 S. Helen. Embroidery. Gbnrongti 17860 I..1U1-I 1 l:39%fasl l.i 10 H!» 1 4 3 3 34 3"J W 1 al « I-Voidery. M.MgOHK 1 v. W. Metal 17652 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 3 SS 3 1114 l1 W 1ral r, apt. Parr. Tie Pin. Change IT .■■ BelmonI 3-4 st l:14%fast 7-20 104 H R 3 Ink I2 .t McCahey 7 slumberer. M. Ctrl. Rosemarine 16786 Syracuse 6 f 1:0H fact 6 *S 3 3 3 35 34 W lral 4 Fen rock. Cbantense. Iriity 16554 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 good 2 103 5 8 9 9 3«i W lral 0 Pollux, Peg. Harold 16033 SarHt,.ga H 1M fast f, KHl I 7 6 lot 3=1 A evlon S Dist. Shore, BillDudlcy. MamieK. 15830 Empire 51 f l.-06%fast 5 SS 6 C 6 6 441 B Neander 6 B.4UI*tar, B.Bdttn, M.Mgomery HAWTHORN, b. g. 5 110 By Hastings— White Thorn C. F. Buschemeven. I 1 :!.".-; !. .v, 21 125 :: 4 4 S1 l ■ -l lioftns i Coo. Tower, Fenmonse, li ■ 1 itoi 1 . 1 1:13 fast 16-5 119 3 6 4 4- 4- m Garner 11 Con. Tower, Corsica n, Palanquin 21462 Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 41-20 110 7 1 2 41 7J F Keogh 7 Lit. Father, K. ;,„, «•, G.Hughes 21231 Latonia 3 I l:ll%fast 93-10 118 3 113- 4t W W Tier 7 Ibulge. Leoenares. Star Jasmine 20983 Latonia 3 11:13 good 14-5 117 3 2 2 31 : W W Tlor , B.andStars, B.Hnsley L. Father 20827 8-4 1:11 %faat 12 in 4 2 f, G 5"jw w Tlor ?• frrrrffatk -Tfthlnrninii B.sCboice 20818 Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 12-5 lit" 4 1113 1- C Gana D Banquet, Dr. Larrick. So-ius 39404 Douglas 3-4 l:15%mud 8-5 lis 3 12 3- C?1 .1 Bntwell 7 It. Goose, II. Barbee, M.Cassidr 20331 Churchill ir." faal 7 3 112 4 11 1 C1 C"3 .1 Bntwell 7 L. String. D. Eagie, W. Wit.-U MM Churchill M103%fMt 7-1 120 1 11 1J Is J Eutwdl 10 Muzuik, The Norutau, Chattier EAGLE, h. g, 3 95 By Yankee — Miss Kearnev A. G. Westonl. ■ ■-i 7 10 Win, 1 sot ■■■". raal 7 1 l".i : t 1 :: 6* I. McAtee 10 Venetia, Peggj 1 Ueelicka ■ HdeGV-e .: I 1:14 last 1 107 1 I ! :! -; M Buxton S Elwah. i.l.t . Carlton G. m :"i" 14%fas1 1 :;o 3 ;, 1 1 r He A tee 7 Star Gift. Briar Path, Sqneeler** Ko«i 7-8 1 :28*igood 8 Mill 1 4- i4:; v Ulley 11 JoeDelbold, I.ochicl, Han v; I Pimlico ." 1 1:08 faal 31 G 116 I 6 :, : k J. M Buxton s Gloaming, Sarsenet. Protector 18299 Pimlico 51 f 1:08 fast 16 104 11 5 I ink _h R Neanderll Stlwart Helen, Gaelic, Alhena 18136 Laurel 61 f l:07%fast 87 M6 1 I :, n !«§ m Buxton :» Protector. Pu3nx. Distant Shore 17971 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast n-5 :04 3 ill- i"M Boxtoa 14 LydiaA., EllaJennlnga, MamieK. 17689 Laurel 3* f 1 :o7"f,fast 5!M0 104 10 9 7 61. 6*1 R Meander 13 M.Mgomery, Mallard, Caveroek 17552 Laurel 61 f l:07%faat 81 184 6 34 k 3*1 B Neander 6 Gnat, Stalwart Helen. Change 17420 W.Il.ine 3-S l:01%slovv .1 112 2 KG 4- 21 It Neander !t Venetia, Commcnsia. A mans IC043 Fort Erie 5. f l:064bfast 9 103 3 3 6 4 44 443 .1 Metcalf 7 Reliance. Sir Edgar, MarsCassidy 16797 Ham ton f,?. f 1 :07 fast 11-5 103 6 5 6 #■* 5*] D ConnellylO Ormolu, Sir Edgar. Dr. Larrick 15731 Windsor 5 f 1:06 fa,st 4 103 4 1114 IU 1 ConneUy 8 S. McMeekltt. Kancber. L. Payne LIBERATOR, ch. g. 3 106 By Planudes— Countess Irma T. C. McDowell. Latonia 3-4 1:12% fast 8-S UO 4 3 4 V . E Martin id LncleBryn. M.Cassidi c 3083"; ,i,ia lm70y 1:42 fast 7 1" 111 1 42 41UE Martin i; Leo Uav. Bob Ilenslej F. Degree 20776 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 17-14 180 6 4 3 3 44 E Martin 11 B.andSaddle. M.Cassidj D.Cr a 20653 Douglas 3-t l:12%fast 11-3 Kl I 111 ll K Martin .» Mars Cassldv, Converse Bei . et 20558 Douglas 3 11:15 mud 7 . 161 G 4 4 6 6"jE Martin B Sea Shell, G. Hugh. . 2O052 Lexgton 1 1:42 hvy 26-5 97 3 2 1 1 31 42 E Martin 4 Gold. Boy, Chalmers, Ruglilif 17603 Douglas 3-4 1:12%fast 11-5 113 2 1 1 21 2" 1". Martin 7 M. Fielder. Tory Maid. Martinos 1747i Douglas 51 f 1:07 fast 7-5 100 2 ll lilJE Martin 11 Vogue. Aunt Josle. Miss Fielder 17061 Lexgton 3-4 1 :l3*f,good 95 165 1 1 1 l» 1 E Martin 4 M. Fielder, Geo.Boesch, HoosHon 16989 Lei.-gton 51 f l:07%fast 21-5 105 1 1 3 4» 431 E Martin 5 AuntJosie. SeaShell. BrigsSister

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